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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Bat's Day bottles: Alicia did an outstanding job!! They're so *gasp* cute
  2. midnight_aeval

    The Volstead Act

    May be my screwed up skin chem, but this was Flintstone Vitamins all the way. I put it on before I rushed out the door and had to pause because I smelled like a vitamin bottle I didn't get booze, just a fruity vitamin smell. I suppose this is one I can put away for about half a year...
  3. midnight_aeval

    Lair of Nefarious Misdeeds Atmosphere Spray

    Yessss mas sexy - gimmie the leather! This one is dark and masculine, but not pungent like a villain's lair should smell like heh which is a good thing! This is how a sexy villains lair smells, I assume I mostly pick up the oakmoss and leather. The only gripe I have about this one is that after 4 squirts (which is usually almost scent DEATH), it seems to have disappeared! That or my air purifier ate it Will try again tomorrow in the living room, but I had already sprayed the other C2E2 exclusive there and we can't be mixin scents
  4. midnight_aeval

    Citadel of Awesome Atmosphere Spray

    This is such a cool atmosphere spray! I opened a much anticipated package and this one was the first one I pulled out. After I sprayed it in my living room I got the perfect picture of what it smells like to me: clean laundry being tumbled in a cotton candy machine! It's got a good, clean quality, but also satisfies those that crave sweets (me!). I'm really pleased to own a bottle of this spray
  5. midnight_aeval


    I do see the comparison to Stinky - from the notes it looks like they share milk and honey, but strange that Stinky and Werepuppy do not smell like milk or honey to me... there's something strangely sweet and sour going on. Milk generally goes awry on me, and honey is not a friend. I should learn something from this, but I always hope that they become more milk and honey to me!
  6. midnight_aeval

    Candles Moon

    All too often I see "___ wax" as a note and I immediately WANT it, but then when I wear it it's way too dry and sort of bland (mostly happens with beeswax). I was hoping the other notes would help balance the candle wax and I was pleasantly surprised by this blend. It's waxy without being dry; on my chemistry I really smell lighted candles next to snow dusted dark, red, berries. It's sweet, warm, and inviting, yet there's also that hint of cold from the snow. Very, very lovely.
  7. midnight_aeval


    This is what I'd imagine a spice cake would be like if it someone put pepper in the mix instead of cinnamon. I can't really compare this one to any other blend either... ETA: Ok, the dry down has similarities to Lamia and Faunalia, so maybe there's some balsam in it.
  8. midnight_aeval


    I'm usually really scared when people mention CHERRY because it is not a note that plays nice with me. With this one, I don't get cherry.. it's red, but not cherry. A berry maybe. There's also a sour note that I usually equate to a certain type of amber the lab uses. Not so much smokey or foody really. Definitely a different sort of blend!
  9. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    K promised a better pic of the last trunk show's prototype bottles (FYI - any of the bottles that were from the previous trunk show's had that trunk show's labels, they weren't converted the the blue-print-esque label): And the mysterious Black Lace that appeared there which I hear is a different label from the batch they are selling now (still the green/black lacey label):
  10. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Here's a pic of the bottles I picked up for a friend; the blue labeled ones are the latest protos. When I get home I'll take a better picture. I really love the bright blue. They sorta resemble blue prints. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/midn...al/IMG_1704.jpg
  11. midnight_aeval

    Pink Snowballs

    This blend screams CUTE!! Like in the Hello Kitty way. I'm not a fan of rose scents, in general, nor does Snow White work on me (uhm, smelled like a public restroom to me... not sure why), but this is very lovely. It's the yule scent that shouldn't work at all for me, but it does I see this being my first Yule 09 bottle purchase.
  12. midnight_aeval

    The Season of Ghosts

    Whew - so citrusy, but also sort of soapy. Bit too potent on both sides for me! I do see (smell?) how it would remind one of ghosts in the simplest form of the word; airy and fresh.
  13. midnight_aeval

    But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

    This one was all pickle scented wood at first. Now it reminds me of how my great grandmother's house used to smell. She'd have jars filled of old fashioned candies all around; her old wooden sewing machine always covered with quilts; the ancient fireplace in the house that must have been over 100 years old. It's a great memory to invoke, but there was a lot of pain surrounding the time she died and this is probably not a scent I could wear with any regularity.
  14. midnight_aeval


    In the vial it's a fizzy, sweet forest. It reminds me somewhat of Bezoar, but not as dry. That must the be opobalsamum. I can't figure out what's causing the fizzy note - maybe the "burst of wild musk"? After about 10 minutes into the drydown it reminds me very much of a fizzy Lamia! I always thought the Lamia/Bezoar likeness was because of cardamom, but perhaps the common link is some type of balsam?
  15. midnight_aeval

    The Little Wooden Doll

    In the vial and on my skin at first it was WOOD WOOD WOOD. As the scent dried down the rose started to come through and was actually very pleasant. I was sitting in the lobby on my computer and kept wondering what that beautiful scent I kept smelling was - oh yeah, me I was shocked that I didn't get the powder from the amber, but maybe the soapiness I usually get from rose cancelled out the powder I sometimes get from amber? There is a sense of dryness from this blend, but not as dry as Vasillisa. I'll need to use up the imp of it before I decide on a bottle, but I'm definitely leaning towards a bottle purchase.
  16. midnight_aeval


    When I opened the vial, Vasilissa screams "PALE". It reminds my of another new scent in the BPAL catalogue - Liz. It's got this sweet, syrupy quality to it that makes me weary of wearing Liz. It is good in small doses, but I wasn't able to wear Liz all day because it's just soooo overpowering. Vasilissa is a total girly scent, no doubts about that! Not detecting Jasmine... it is a bit dry (sandalwood and myrrh?). Kinda on the fence about it.
  17. midnight_aeval

    The Witch's Repast

    In the vial, this smells like crackers in a snow covered forrest with red berries scattered around. Once it hits my skin the BOOZE note starts to take hold. Not so much the wine, it's more of a fermented note, probably the kvass? There's something in it that reminds my of Gluhwein. I don't get any 'pot roast', but my skin amps any and all booze notes, so it's probably just masked by that.
  18. midnight_aeval

    Baba Yaga

    *This is the officially released version in the GC on 10/4/09* The first thing that stood out to me is how pungent I found the scent to be. At first it was soapy, then it became 'dirty'; all moss and pachouli in the drydown. Blends with patchouli that work on me are usually paired with a sweet note, so sadly this one didn't fit the bill. The imagery it brings to mind is very much "Baba Yaga", so while it isn't a scent I could wear, there is no scent-FAIL here!
  19. midnight_aeval

    Occurrence at the Diner

    I must not have read the description carefully because I got this fully expecting it to smell like ranch or Italian dressing. Heh, which would be weird because I do recall sniffing it at Cobwebs/Convergence. On my skin this is a crispy greens scent with a definite floral vibe.
  20. midnight_aeval

    Cupcake Spatter Pattern Analysis

    My favorite, favorite, favorite of the Who Killed Amanda Palmer series! I'd even go so far as to say it's one of my top scents and I wear it, A LOT. This is chocolate sex cake batter. what's sex cake?? I have no idea, but I bet it'd be awesome! I think Beth nailed the batter part of this scent, it is NOT baked goods in any way. I love that it is a lusciously deep cocoa scent, no fake chocolate here. Funny thing is I do get a slight plastic note, but I equate this to the 'filth' part of the scent, like it's cupcake batter all over the linoleum floor. However, the plastic note just makes it better in my opinion. I notice I wear this on days that I need to feel loved, it's sort of a comfort scent for me. Maybe I had a lot of chocolate batter memories when I was little I have multiple bottles of this one and will likely hoard a few more since I seem to use it so much!
  21. midnight_aeval

    Daylilies at the Bottom of the Stairs

    My skin turns this into super potent dryer sheets! Unfortunately, I can't pick out lilies from this (unless lily=dryer sheet..). Also, not detecting varnished oak. Guess we weren't meant to be!
  22. midnight_aeval


    Oh Liz... When I sniffed you at the Cobwebs III event and Convergence I couldn't wait to get my hands on you. I'm thinking I didn't skin test you because as I'm wearing you today I feel like you're trying to choke the life out of me with your floral notes. Ack! I get little to no leather in this one which shocks me because my skin LOVES leather - loves as in amps it, not eats it away. All I smell is a cloying floral perfume that is very, VERY strong. This little girl is not subtle. May not swap away quite yet, but she is facing the chopping block soon if she doesn't straighten up.
  23. midnight_aeval

    Parker Lily

    I don't even think I can do a proper review on this scent... it's like it's unreviewable When it first arrived I opened up the bottle and got the scent of baby powder, soft, white florals, and possibly a touch of amber. The baby powder is like the generic, every-day use stuff - a la Johnson & Johnson - not the same baby powder note that's been used in other BPAL blends (Stinky, Gladdener of All Hearts). I put it on and it is the best 'clean/floral' scent I think I have come across. Being a fan of neither yet finding this blend to be absolutely wearable to me is definitely saying something. The floral is NOT soapy or cloying, and neither is the clean aspect. It's innocent, but with an edge of sophistication/class. It taunts you to come closer, but then shys away and leaves you wondering what that smirk is all about. I really love this scent and will use it sparingly for years to come!
  24. midnight_aeval

    Hideous Heart

    In the bottle, Hideous Heart is straight up Luden's Cherry Cough Drops - which are not medicinal in any way, I would eat them year long if I could find them heh After I tested some on my hand it kept the strong cherry scent for about 5 seconds before turning to almost-angry cinnamon. I think the licorice root keeps it from going Cinnamon-Red-Hots. In the drydown the cherry comes back, the licorice plays along, and the cinnamon is still front and center. Luckily the cinnamon dulls down as the time passes. After about 20 min it hits the magical peak. This is such a unique and beautifully blended scent, I mean, it's 'seamless', if that makes sense. The notes play together so well after about 20 min that you really don't know where one starts and another one ends. I think I like this one the best of the 4, and I know it gets my husband's vote as the favorite.
  25. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The Pumpkin Patches remind me of this brochure that my hometown's church daycare used to use; for the longest time there was a photo of me at about age 4 carrying a big ass pumpkin LOL