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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval


    Straight up Juicy Fruit mixed with pink bubblegum and a touch of mint to me (is my nose broken? maybe!) Short but sweet: not a scent I would wear!
  2. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    DAMN nice pictures! Can we get a gallery going?? (or is there already one and I just haven't been invited to that party?)
  3. midnight_aeval


    Cinnabons! I swear this is the scent of Cinnabons hehe Incredibly appetizing, but my skin doesn't agree with this heavy amount of cinnamon
  4. midnight_aeval

    Torture King

    This scent is a morpher- BIG TIME. If I didn't buy this one unsniffed I wouldn't have bought it because it smells like Lemon Pledge and Tabacco in the bottle and it was ew. I applied it and it was still that icky scent I smelled in the bottle. I was getting ready to get up to wash it off when I got a whiff of a sweet lemony (but not too lemony) clovey musk..mmm.. then a hint of the bourbon. No leather quite yet, but I'll wait for it Now I can't stop sniffing my wrist!!
  5. midnight_aeval

    Antique Lace

    To personify this scent, I see my grandmother.. I remember how she looked last time I got to see her before she passed away. And then time goes backwards, to when she was little; staring me in the eyes in an old black and white photograph. The evolution of this scent was exactly like that. When I first applied it to my skin, it did smell antique, then the sweetness, that innocence, came out. The scent still holds onto the antique note (the linens and faint flowers), letting you know it's still there, but it's like it doesn't want you to worry about it. It wants you to smell the youth in it... ..this was the first BPAL scent that made me cry; and of course I will be getting a bottle of it.
  6. midnight_aeval

    Snake Oil

    In the vial I smell mostly exotic spices.. When it touches my skin, the sexy exotic spices intermingle with the vanilla- Gah..if any scent could give you an orgasm, this one would be it!! I couldn't stop sniffing my wrist.. I wanted to bathe in Snake Oil, powder with Snake Oil, sleep with Snake Oil. This is bottle worthy- actually, like keg worthy.
  7. midnight_aeval


    Oh yes, yes, yes. This is a perfect sweet spice MUSK- I'm in love! I was weary at first because cassia was in the description and my skin hates cassia.. but there must not be a heavy concentration of it in this blend. No crazy redness here! As it dries down the carnation and sandalwood become more prominent... still lovely. Bottle worthy? Hell ya.
  8. midnight_aeval

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    In the vial I don't smell violets. I smell daffodils... like the kind my grandma used to keep in her garden underneath my bedroom window- I remember that scent well. When I applied it, still that familiar daffodil smell... after a while it turns to a sugared violet sorta scent. I guess that's what it is really supposed to be! No gardenia here... Overall I like this scent.. might be 5ml bottle worthy a little bit down the road.
  9. midnight_aeval

    Honey Moon

    It smelled like pure honey in the vile, but the instand it touched my skin it turned floral.. boo. I think I'm getting more of the floral notes that any of the honey notes. I'm definitely smelling the jasmine and Hawaiian White Ginger (I used to live in an area filled with it). Although it tastes sweet (the flower, not the oil!), I never cared for the scent.
  10. midnight_aeval

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    The hunt for my perfect strawberry fragrance has ended. I have tried SO MANY strawberry scents from etailers and they all smell artificial; not at all like it has anything close to real strawberries in it. Oh, but this? A perfect strawberries and cream. Realistic and true. The other notes in it must add something to it because I swear it's magical.. I know, a strawberries and cream that is magical? Well, I don't know, but it does something to me; it makes me smile.
  11. midnight_aeval

    Sugar Cookie

    I wore Sugar Cookie yesterday and as soon as I walked in the office one of my coworkers said "You smell yummy! Like coconut!." I sure as hell don't get a coconut note in this scent. From my experience, to the other half of the world who are not so in tune with perfumes, they either smell vanilla or coconut. Every other scent I wear DH smells coconut- but generally that means he likes it, so coconut? That's fine by me! When I first applied I got a plastic smell- oh. no. Not possible!!! But after about 30 min/ it went away and was left with a straight sugar cookie smell with a hint of spice and butterscotch. Great stuff, I just wish it lasted longer! When I came home for lunch I reapplied and that got me through the rest of the day. Yummy stuff that Sugar Cookie
  12. midnight_aeval


    In the vial this one almost smells like bubblegum to me. When I put it on the only note I can really detect is the pear. Now that is has dried down some I get a little but of grape and peach, but I also am getting a lot of sweet pea, and me and sweet pea don't get along!! I think we have called a truce so that I may wear this inoocent, fruity blend. Probably wouldn't purchase a full bottle, but the imp brings a smile to my face!
  13. midnight_aeval


    Oh ew, ew, ew.. chemicals ew burning my nose and eyes.. Really, I haven't come across a BPAL scent I *hated*- but this would be the first! Right off the bad when I opened the vial I gagged. I quickly snapped the cap back on and some oil got on my finger- ew-ew-ew- (ok, so I'm being dramatic!) DH, sitting on the couch beside me exclaims "WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!" I tell him I think it's cleaning chemicals. "Well fix it! It's burning my eyes!" LOL I've never gotten such a response from him about a scent, but unfortunately it wasn't a good one. I shall avoid pennyroyal like the plague.
  14. midnight_aeval

    De Sade

    Pure. Unadulterated. Hot. Leather. There's nothing else to this scent, it's leather, just leather. If only my husband liked it... *sniff* On myself, I would prefer to combine it with O or another sweet fragrance just to get that naughty but nice scent.. perhaps this is why I love Spanked... mmmm Spanked..
  15. midnight_aeval

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Out of 80 or so imps I've tried, I finally found one I'm allergic to; Monster Bait: Underbed. I think I'm allergic to the Cassia in it. Good thing I wasn't particulary fond of the scent!
  16. midnight_aeval


    Wet dirt and freshly cut firewood.... but in a good way. I like this scent, I can't stop sniffing my wrist! It's very earthy. I expected to hate this due to the patchouli, but maybe it's another note and not patchouli that I hated in other oils. As it dries down I get a hint of sweet which must be the apricot. It hangs out in the background.. I'm still smelling fresh cut wood & dirt. Mmmm it's comforting.
  17. midnight_aeval

    Sugar Skull

    mmmm I'm liking the Sugar Skull. First off, this has a great throw! Just a little bit has lasted a long time. I love the sweetness; it's sweet without being sickening like Pink Phoenix. It's also got some spice in there. Luckily on my skin it doesn't smell burnt like all other Brown Sugar scents I come across. I like Sugar Skull and am glad I bought a full bottle!
  18. midnight_aeval


    Oh Hellcat.. I had a string of bad scents, but you rescued me. I agree with others that it's boozy.. but it's like one of those boozy drinks that it's hard to tell if there's really alcohol in it. (aren't those the best kind??) On my skin I get a creamy honey with spices and rum. I don't get any almond.. maybe a bit of hazlenut though. This one is definitely bottle worthy for me- yay!
  19. midnight_aeval

    Dia de los Muertos

    After I wore this for an hour or so I smelled like dried flowers and chocolate with some sort of smoke swirled about. It was very depressing. I think that this scent perfectly captures Dia de los Muertos... not that it's supposed to be depressing, but the notes that come together are perfect. It's a beautiful blend, just not for me!
  20. midnight_aeval


    In the vial I get violet, oh it smells delightful!! After I applied it I got a deep rose scent. Ugh. Rose. Not my favorite in the least. 10 min later...still rose. 30 min later...rose. 1 hours later... you aren't gonna believe this... ROSE. Ah well, pick your battles Miss A.
  21. midnight_aeval


    ... This oil contains the innocence of the Garden, coupled with the Truth and Erudition found in the fruit of the Tree of Evil: fig leaf, fig fruit, honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and sandalwood. In the vial I get cherry. Just cherry.. kind of odd.. Then again, my nose apparently can't distinguish cherry from almond- so I might be smelling almond along with everyone else. I sniff again.. no.. it's cherry LOL I applied it and I get a figgy sandalwood scent. It dries down and the coconut really comes out. Overall, it's nice, but way too sickly sweet even for my tastes! ETA: I applied it once more, and now I'm getting more of a green, sweet, almond, coconut sniff.. it isn't making my head hurt from the sweetness, but I really can't do green scents. C'mon, can't I ever win???
  22. midnight_aeval

    The Ghost

    I thought this have been the one floral scent that I like... In the vial it has a mysterious, sweet, floral scent to it. After I applied it, and it dried-down some, it's a very strong, sharp floral. Drats. Why don't I like florals?! WHY?!?!
  23. midnight_aeval

    Pink Phoenix

    Oh this is sweet, very very sweet. It's got a great scent, but I fear for most around me it would be a tad nauseating! I smell ooey gooey goodness of sugar, honey, vanilla, and strawberries. I picture BPAL bottling a little girl with pigtails complete with pink ribbons in her hair, a frilly pink dress, pink stockings, and some sort of adorable pink sneakers. Ack, the girliness of it consumes me! This could be one I would wear to bed, but I couldn't see myself wearing this out in public- just far too sweet!
  24. midnight_aeval

    Strangler Fig

    In the vial Strangler Fig is rooty, woody, and green. However, on me it's rooty, woody pencil shavings. As it dries down the pencil shavings smell goes away and it turns into a woodsy powder smell. Not horrible, but not one I would buy a full bottle of.
  25. midnight_aeval

    Horn of Plenty

    In the vial I smell cough drops.. the eucalyptus kind that everyone avoids. On my skin it has mellowed to a sweet, powdery, medicinal sorta scent. Regarding it's voodoo powers.. Yeah, I'd say it works. I had been watching an auction religiously for 5 days and when it comes time to bid I FORGET. It saved me tons of $$ of course, but I am totally pissed right now. Here's to hoping it comes around again- what's the voodoo blend for luck?