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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval


    From the description I thought I would love this scent, but it's way too strong for me. I'm thinking I don't really agree with Ylang Ylang. I get sort of a sunblock/licorice scent from this I didn't get any honeyed sweetness or clove. *sniff*
  2. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    I got these 2 decants in a swap with Forspecial Plate, and so I think I need to do reviews on them! CDLXII: In the vial and wet on my skin this was cookies, browned sugar cookies, with some herbal smell in the background SPECIAL COOKIES!! no, it didn't really smell like that kind of herb. Like something familiar that is used in quite a few blends I have smelled before. Eh, can't place it. Ok, so the cookie almost fades away and the scent is now a sweet herbal with a hint of what could be lemongrass.. Previously reviewed by Forspecial Plate. CMLXXIV: Pine candy?? Really, it's a sugary pine scent on me.. very odd! I would imagine this is what Little Red Riding Hood would smell like heh.. The pine note burns my nose a bit, but at the end is that white buttercream, sugary goodness. Previously reviewed by Forspecial Plate. Thanks Tom for letting me try these scents!
  3. midnight_aeval

    Freak Show

    I'm not getting chocolate! What do I smell?? The Fig, Vanilla, and Tonka maybe? Whatever it is, the smell is addicting. It's sweet, perfect for a foodie girl like me. I'm not sure why this decant was sitting in my "To Keep" imp box.. I didn't even know it was there! Now I feel like I have neglected it. I think this scent would be great layered with almost any scent. It just seems like a well rounded blend that would play well with others.. I think I need to test this theory
  4. midnight_aeval

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    This was all mint herbal tea on me and I was hoping to get more honey/sugar in it- yes, that's how I like my tea It's a refreshing alternative to Dorian... but I just can't break away from the lovely, perfected sweetness that is Dorian. And then.. it vanishes. I've never had that happen :\ ah well, doesn't work for me, but Gennivre has plenty of fans!
  5. midnight_aeval

    Antonino, The Carny Talker

    This is a super lemony blend! Must be the verbena, which sad to say I just had to google because I didn't understand why verbena=lemon. This reminded my of a lighter version of Haunted... There's no dark musk to be had here. Sadly I do prefer Haunted to Antonino... This was too much of a happy lemon scent for me. The drydown was very nice.. mellow, not heavy lemon, I think the musk and plum come out. Since I wear a scent locket I don't get to really enjoy the drydowns; too bad, it was nice!
  6. midnight_aeval

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    Ok I admit, I cheated. I have one of these on order with the lab, but had to pick one up from the forum.. So impatient! Damn. When I opened the bottle it was orgasmic, a grown up chocolate with sexy, slightly bitter cocoa and seductive cream... mmmm When I put it on the bitterness was still there, but after about 1 minute it turned warm, sweet, and delectable. Oh Candy Butcher... So, I'm not at all regretting that I picked up another bottle, truth is I was going to anyways. Hell, I might need a 3rd hehe Final vote: Fanfuckintastic. ETA: I know what this is now... A banana split. I swear, even tho there's no banana in the notes, the sweetness almost makes it smell like that.
  7. midnight_aeval


    In Glitter I smell a sweet grape cough syrup- eeek. I was hoping for more of this bubblegum people were getting, but not on me Lucky for me, it's not my scent so I can save some $$ by not looking for it!
  8. midnight_aeval


    Oh this is good..really, really gooood!! In the vial, nothing out of the ordinary, citrus, a little sour. But the dry down? On me it was a spiced creamsicle mmmm I'm really hoping this makes it to the GC sometime in the future! ETA 6/12/10: WOW my first review of this was Sept 2006! And in June 2010 I got the chance to own a bottle of it since it appeared at the Trunk Show Testing from my recently acquired bottle I do detect some almond at first, but it has all but gone away leaving orange... soap. This might be another one I'll need to wait to wear until after my pregnancy. Damn my skin chemistry turning some oils into soap!!
  9. midnight_aeval


    Another cold floral, a lot like Nihil, but more mellow I think.. the two are very similar to my nose in that they both have this menthol/floral thing going on. Nihil isn't something I would wear, and I don't think I could wear Zero either Still, I'm glad I got to try it!
  10. midnight_aeval


    I'm definitely getting florals in this.. Gardenia maybe? I'm terrible at notes :\ It's got a menthol property to it in that it clears my sinuses lol Might be functional for that purpose, but I doubt I would wear this one.
  11. midnight_aeval

    Arabian Nights

    Will have the TAL one soon so I can compare later.. This one is exotic powder and myrrh in the vial, on my skin it turns to a soapy powder- eh, not my thing. I was hoping the exotic powder smell stuck around. This might be one that works best in a scent locket. If there's rose in this I can't tell (which is VERY good).
  12. midnight_aeval


    In the vial I get an aquatic/citrus blend, as it dries down on my skin it turns more aquatic/floral. I definitely get an apple something from this; perhaps apple blossom like the reviewer before me mentioned. This might be a good scent on the husband, but too aquatic for my tastes!
  13. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Awesome! Thanks!
  14. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Pictures! We want pictures! Please?
  15. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    I've had quite a few of these come my way, but these are the ones in my possession right now. XCVIII: Now that I have smelled it from the bottle a couple more times I get a spearmint type mint- not sweet mint. It's mixed with woods, herbs, even moss maybe.. It's an earthy mint blend. Previously reviewed by Rose Moon. CMIL: Oh my, this is the one I've been waiting for.. it's a sugary-vanilla floral with a sweet, musky drydown. Reminds me of Vera Wang's Princess; DEFINITELY a scent for me!!! CMXLIII: What are you? You're so familiar... wine? cider? incense? leaves? all rolled into one maybe.. It's one of those scents I cannot place! It's pretty good though; a little sharp in the bottle, but is mild on the skin. It's like drunken Autumn DCLXXII: This one is like a Hellion variation with some spice to it... interesting!
  16. midnight_aeval

    When you need something comforting or cheering

    just thought you needed that Comfort scents.. hmm, mine are Snake Oil, Gluttony, Morocco, and Antique Lace. Although today I wore Misk U and it was an instant comfort that lasted all day, you might want to try that now that it's GC
  17. midnight_aeval

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    My husband loves Dracul, Titus Andronicus, The Great Sword of War, Dorian, The Bow and Crown of Conquest, and Usher. He decided last night he also likes The Mock Turtle's Lessons (and insists a bottle be bought RIGHT NOW). I stole the imp of Golden Priapus because it smelled so good on me
  18. midnight_aeval

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I found Dorian to be almost identical to Underpants on my skin. But on my husband the tea and musk really comes out. Body chemistry is so strange! *ponders if she really needs to hoarde bottles of Underpants now that this discovery has been made*
  19. midnight_aeval


    When I first put this on I immediately thought, Drunken Peaches! I'm one who really loves the scent of peaches, but I think the boozy note is too overwhelming for me. I was hoping for more musk, more amber, with a hint of peach.. seems all backwards for my tastes! Ah well
  20. midnight_aeval

    Where is this scent?

    Wow, just .. wow. Yea it's real. The first one who catches your posts should get a prize It's nice to see you around!
  21. midnight_aeval


    Oh Storyville... the second love of my BPAL life.. why must you be so elusive and expensive.. I received a sniffie of this from a sweet forum member and the minute I smelled the bit in the vial I was in love To me, this is sultry Underpants meets seductive Morocco and they have a lovely night twirling on cocoa dusted satin sheets. It's titillating The drydown is remarkable, but this is one of those blends where you aren't sure if you like the wet stage or the dry stage better; they both rock. I will wish upon a star that one day this one might show up again.
  22. midnight_aeval

    Campfires, bonfires, fireplaces, burning wood and leaves...

    You might want to check out the Update Speculation Thread and the Upcoming Lunacy Thread. As of right now I don't think there's a date yet for the Halloween update! And to the original poster, the closest thing to burning leaves, to me, that is BPAL is Devil's Night!
  23. Wow, thanks for all the recs everyone! I'll be writing them down & searching
  24. I try to try every imp that comes my way, but if it has a heavy floral smell, no I won't test it. I did try Othello... but I remember swapping it away lol not sure why. I love musks, vanilla, incensey, and some fruity scents. I know I'm not a fan of Gardenia.. way too strong. I think I like Juniper (is that a floral?) ETA: But I love the smell of fresh Gardenias, Tuberose, and Jasmine!.. the oils are just too sharp and heady for me to enjoy wearing.
  25. See I love both Tamora & Fae.. hmmm..