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Posts posted by macabre_fae

  1. Dang. BPTP is on a roll with it this year. This is lovely! Vampire Red is a really sexy musky scent. It's sweet, warm, and enveloping. The red musk smells really similar to the musk in Hollywood Babylon. The only adds a slight sweetness that rounds out all the sexy muskiness going on and just makes it perfect.

  2. Wow, this is beautiful. It reminds me of nuzzling a big fluffy sweater. It smells warm and is a perfect gloss for the colder months especially. The notes that strike me the most are the musk, cacao, and oudh. This to me doesn't smell like a blatant coffee scent, which I am really happy with because personally coffee and chocolate tends to go wonky for me.


    I don't know how many of you have smelled Burberry Brit Sheer, but the musk reminds me of that fragrance. Only better of course. ;)

  3. I don't like to leave negative reviews, but this is definitely a swap/sale pile bottle for me. It is totally not what I expected based on the notes in the description. I was hoping for a wine like scent, but instead I get heavy cinnamon and Christmas spices. It reminds me far too much of working at an arts & crafts store at Christmas time, and that is not a memory I want to rehash. I don't get any amber, no red currant, and no grape or mimosa. Just the cassis and maybe vetiver. No wine or sweetness at all. :(


    I don't have much to add to that, but I will say my love for The Abduction of Prosperine on a Unicorn makes up for my disappointment with this one.

  4. Wow this is lovely! I know I say that about pretty much everything, but my husband even likes it and he has a super picky nose. That is saying a lot.


    I imagine if Elf was mixed with berries and sandalwood, this is exactly what it would smell like. I wouldn't call it foody though. Despite the berry it's not overtly foody -the berry isn't cloying, the sandalwood gives it a nice smooth background, and there's something else going on that smells wintery (which is where I get Elf from). It's absolutely gorgeous and I am going to thoroughly enjoy wearing it, especially in the fall/winter months. It's has a cozy feel to it.


    10/10 for me!

  5. Oh, this is pretty!


    It is very feminine and I too agree that it has an aura of delicacy about it. The honey musk takes more of a backseat and lets the magnolia have more of a presence in this blend. The magnolia is subtle and fresh. If you can imagine a field of flowers filled with warm golden light and wispy sprites fluttering about and basking in the glow, that is how this smells. Overall, this is beautiful and a blend I'd pick up on days when I want to feel like an ethereal fair haired fairy frolicking in golden light. :P

  6. When I first smelled this I got the strong feeling of rememberance for some scent this reminded me of. I finally figured it out! I don't know if anyone is familiar with these perfumes you could get in drugstores called Juicebar. This one in particular smells exactly like Juicebar Cotton Candy perfume. If you haven't smelled it, I realize this doesn't help you so I'll give some more notes on it, I just thought I'd mention that!


    This smells like really sweet candy with a hint of something sour. I can't really add anything else. I love sweet scents but this one is not my favorite. Off to swaps. :/

  7. Ungh, this is just beautiful.


    It's a golden haze of warm honey and musk. This reminds me ever so slightly of the musk in Lady Una which is one of my favorites. Every note in this is just perfectly blended. Just judging by the notes at first, I thought this might be a bit on the masculine side, but I was wrong. It is soft and just radiating warmth and sweetness. I am currently wearing this layered on top of A Mirror of Spring Pleasures on Kites (which is superb btw), but I can see this going well with anything. Love this one!

  8. I got my bottle of this in the mail today, woooo! Unfortunately I too have a slight cold so I'm not sure how trustworthy my nose is right now, but I feel like I could give a decent review.


    First off, this is wonderful. The strawberry is enticing and the white musk + orris root are like the white silky sheets underneath. ;) This strongly reminds me of Maenad without the bitterness of the poppy note. I feel this will be popular because it's not overly cloying and not lacking in sweetness, it's just perfect. The TP is winning at Lupercalia. :wub3:

  9. I just found the perfume of my life.


    I wanted to love Boo as a perfume oil but it didn't smell as creamy and yummy as the hg. As someone has already said, this is everything and more than what I wanted from Boo. It to me smells like creamy vanilla and sugar. I really hope this returns again, or becomes a staple (please Beth? :wub3: ) because I'm going to need more once my bottles are used up.

  10. Well I suppose I'm the first to review. I'll start off by saying this stuff is the best!

    I was expecting foody flaky pie crust and peaches, but it's just glorious peaches. Beautiful, soft and fruity. I am not disappointed and I would stock up on this one because it's just that good. I would also like to add to my review and say that it is a much stronger peach if you use it as a moisturizer.


    P.S.- The label is also a bit different. The design is gorgeous but the paper doesn't seem to be the usual glossy sort, so don't leave it in the shower/bath (like I did) if you want to keep it from getting damaged.

  11. I like this one, but I have smelled others like it before.


    I don't get green apple, I get a nice juicy red apple but none of the other notes. Like I said, I like it but it's not one I'm really longing for a bottle of.

  12. This was surprisingly my favorite blend of the 2015 Halloweenies.


    For me, it's a smoky rosy wine scent. I was a little afraid that the patchouli would be overwhelming but it is so well blended I don't really notice it. I really love this one and look forward to a bottle.

  13. Ok, while I've loved everything in the Lil's so far this year, unfortunately this one did not make the cut for me.


    Opening my imp I smell chocolate...and chemicals. It kind of makes my nose burn just sniffing it. Beyond that I can kind of smell a little earthiness beneath the chocolate which would make one think of a muddy puddle. Perhaps it's just my nose! Sadly this isn't a keeper.

  14. Yum!


    Once upon a time Miskatonic U worked for me and smelled like a yummy coffee butterscotch dolloped with cream, but that soon faded and I was left with disappointment. This however, is everything I wish the aforementioned still was. Right away I get a strong wiff of caramel with hints of butterscotch, supported by those yummy french vanilla coffee beans. Any coffee lovers will most likely adore this.

  15. This one is interesting.


    I'm definitely getting more red currants than any cake note, and the cake note smells more like cream. I see above reviews comparing this to Eat Me, but actually White Rabbit comes to mind, imagine just adding a pinch of red currant and it smells really similar. Not quite sure how I feel about it yet since I think I was expecting something fruitier, but it is still a very pretty scent.

  16. Mmm, this is yummy. Definitely very buttery and creamy with a soft hint of sweetness.


    I dare say this kind of reminds me a little of Boo or Milk Moon because of that yummy creamy note. I'm not personally picking up on any musk but perhaps with longer wear time that will change. I still see myself enjoying this a lot. :)

  17. I have been using mainly hairgloss for my smellies since finding out I've got a little bun in the oven! :rolleyes2:


    I'm hyper nervous about putting the oils directly on my skin now. I guess foodier scents would be safer since they're mostly perfume oil and less EO?

  18. Immediately when I smelled this, it brought me back to a yule long since passed, The Darkling Thrush.


    Upon first spritz, the ozone is definitely amping but within a minute or two you have this really pretty warm vanilla/dirt/patchouli thing going on, and I like it a lot more than I thought I would. :)

  19. Mmm yum yum.


    When I first smelled this in the imp, I'll be honest, it wasn't what I expected. It smelled too buttery. I was put off and let it sit un-tested for a few days. I decided to try it again actually on my skin this time, and I fell in love! On the skin it smells like brown sugar oatmeal. It has this wonderful warmth and comfort to it that makes me feel snuggly. I liked it so much I bought a bottle. :wub2:

  20. It will help you sleep restfully, but don't expect any cuddles because this stuff is strong.


    Smells like citronella and lavender, maybe also chamomile. I forget the notes in it. I'm hoping Peace TAL will have a similar effect without the strong citronella/husband repellant effect.

  21. Drawn away by the spirits, never to be seen again: an eerie veil of vanilla musk twirled with tuberose, Siamese red benzoin, cassis flower, Irish moss, white sandalwood, plum nectar, violet leaf, and apple petals.

    This is very pretty.

    I tried this on as soon as I received my bottle because I was so excited for it! On my skin, I'm smelling fae spices similar to those in Lady Una (which is one of my favorites), soft honey like benzoin, lush green moss and purple fruits. Sweet and spicy, mossy plums.

    Overall it is very mild and it does have an unearthly, ethereal feel to it. Very glad I got a bottle.

    If you like Lady Una, The Witch Queen, or Kitsune-Tsuki which all have similar plummy/vanilla vibes you'll likely enjoy this very much. :luv2: