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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by maproot

  1. Omg here it is five years later and I just opened this as it was in an unloved pile at a M&s

    I smell beer, ale, citrus and woods with a whisper of smoke that is absolutely stunning

    Put some in my hair then twenty minutes later sniffing self for the bit of slightly sweet smoky goodness

    Oh how I wish there was more in this imp

    I don't get the creamy as much as the smoky

    And beer and citrus


  2. OMG-picked this up at the ECWC in Vermont last month, and even though the weather is humid right now, and this is a "foody" scent, it's cool enough to say, I need more bottles! As it settles on me, I don't get honey at all, but grains and vanilla. It's light enough on my skin not to be too sweet, just very very comfortable-from the foody descriptions I thought it might warm up too much, but this is playing nicely with my skin chemistry and instead of honey or almonds I get grain; very feminine and wearble while satisying my need for foody bpal!

  3. I would suggest Lawn gnome-smells earthy , yet theres a bit of lightness (like a blade of grass instead of just dirt:D


    But then again, you might want something darker, but for me lawn gnome is an earthy blend like what you describe!

    Ive been to scandnavian summer for midsummer, and lawn gnome seems to me tobe trees and earth with a bit of sultry and what you described as earthy! (IMHO)

  4. one of my favorites- flowery tea with hint of vanilla and soft, warm bread. no real anise smell. It's a go to everywhere scent for me, and close to Love's Philosophy in it's wearability.

    Not too floral. Most floral scents amp up on me, but these are very soft butterflies-really a good bread smell too!

  5. gorgeous-just received it today and wanted to wear it tonight but thought I might smell too smoky; I do tend to amp the smoke, but the leather & coffee are grgeous, and I think of this as a nighttime scent. It's smoke and not cigarettes, and I am really enjoying wearing it-it's a soft tobacco, but nighttime instead of daytime, except maybe in winter-like now-


    this scent makes me go wow, and on drydown it's much softer, and I hope it sticks around for a long while!:wub2:

  6. just got it today!! from foumite who didnt want it!!


    Good thing, cause I love the warm,nutty espresso coffee flavor.

    Excellent throw, and it seems to have great staying power.Also, not TOO sweet that I would feel like a yankee candle shop!


    spicy yet smooth!A keeper and a wearer>Long for more. Still, I think a little will go a long way, and this will be great on cooler days!

  7. No strawberry in the imps Ive tried-just sparkly champagney 7up soda kind of feel-very bubbly and sweetly clean. for me, it doesnt warrant a bottle, but Im glad for the imps Ive had as its a tad too sweet after drydown!:(

  8. read a review and thought of my beloved but gone red lantern(it was my first bpal lurve) so procured a bottle from a kind forumite!! And WINE OMG I do have a hard time not drinking from the little bottle-it does smell red wine-ish most certainly and is sweet,but not a foody sweet, dfinitely juciy.Alas, I dont get any coffee from this but its a definite keeper bottle-hoping fordark adult booziness and thats what I got!!

  9. I think of this scent as hazelnut coffee-almost as a substitute for when I dont have a cuppa joe handy. It is slatherworthy, and makes me happy I was in Atlanta GA once to get a bottle after doing an insanely hot craft fair. It was solid warm relief, and is smooth and comforting, and wearable year-round coffee YAY

  10. Pumpkin in thebottle with chocolate

    I am having a tough time smelling the coffee but love it anyway

    fortunately didn't get much cinnamon


    this is lucscious

    and even with da evil sinus infection creeping crud this is a multiple bottle kindascent


    after the creepycrud goes away will give it another slather
