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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Lorencita

  1. I tried this for the first time today.... I wish I had sooner! I am in love, I love it almost as much as Dragons milk. It's so sweet but not too much so. It lightens up during the first 2 hours, and has pretty good staying power. This is one of the few scents that dont turn the least bit sour on me. Very good as a hot day perfume. I am in love. Next order will contain 10 ml of this yummy stuff! :P

  2. I loved this... It is very sweet but not annoyingly so. I love that it can take on the mood that you are in, I wore it 2 diff. times and it was diff. both times. I really like this one, I will order a bigger bottle!

  3. I really liked tears, it is very clean, soft & comforting. I wore it tonight and I was in a good mood after putting it on for some reason. It seems like it could be for an everyday scent, but for me... there are too many BPAL scents to just be linked to only one. I am lovingly addicted! :P

  4. For some reason I really liked this scent. I really liked that it was strong, yet soft. It took on a really soft sweet powdery feel to it. I smelled alot of roses at first, but then it dried down to a soft rosey, vanilla smell. Very nice, I will order again!

  5. I absolutley love this scent! It is so beautiful! I cant get enough of it, it is a very femenine floral... not old lady at all! I got a really nice compliment from a guy a work that I have a bit of a crush on, he asked what it was and I told him phantom queen... he then proceeded to sing "phantom queen" in the beat of dancing queen! Very cute. I will be using my imp sparingly until my bottle comes! I patiently wait to get a really nice collection of BPAL... Thank you Beth and crew... you guys are the shiznit! :P

  6. This was a beauty from sniff to dry-down! I loved it the moment I opened the bottle, at first it is bitter-sweet almonds, then turns a little spicy. Honey is the main ingredient in my dry-down. I thought I would never like honey scents, but I was mistaken. It is also a very dry scent, like Arizona weather... just beautiful! I have a big bottle on the way! :P :D

  7. This is the most beautiful rose scent I have ever smelled! It is so regal, sexy & noticable! I got a nice compliment from a crush, so I will definatley get a big bottle after I get my pending order! I love SPELLBOUND! JUST GORGEOUS! :P

  8. I wore this to work the other day... I got soooo many compliments, everyone was asking me where they could get it. Even husbands wanted their wives to smell like this. It's a nice soft blend of sandlewood, I also smell vanilla in there, with some other spices that I have no idea of! All in all, this is great... I will order a bottle when my imp runs out! (which will probably be soon!) :P

  9. This was a choice of mine cause I love chocolate scents. I was a little dissapointed though. It was way too sweet and the chocolate was dark chocolate (which I loathe) I really wanted to like this, but could'nt... I gave it to a friend that loves it! Everyone is different :P

  10. This scent is a rapid changer. It starts off really sweet, then calms, goes back up. I like it alot though. As with all of the other BPAL oils I cant stop smelling myself! I dont know if I'll get a big bottle... but the imp will be used nicely :P

  11. Voluptuous and indulgent! A deep chocolate scent, with black cherry and orange blossom.

    I Love This!!! This is the perfect scent of chocolate! When I first put it on, it smelled exactly like chocolate covered fruity pebbles! I'm in love with this and I need to use it sparingly, until my 10 ml comes to my door. I might just want to bathe in this, so very sweet and yummmmmmy! :P Thank you BPAL!

  12. When I read the reveiws, I thought I would not like this scent... it was an extra that Beth sent. I was wrong yet again! I loved it, I thought I wouldnt like lemony scents... but its perfect for Miami Beach weather! It's cool, refreshing and calming all at the same time. I love the herbal quality to it. Very nice. I will get a big bottle when this imp is up! :P

  13. All I have to say is that this is WONDERFUL! I love green tea, and this is the best I have ever smelled. It is clean, fresh and bright. If you were outside all day sweating and went and put this on, you would smell like you just got out of the shower! LOVE IT... 10 ML for sure!!!! :P

  14. This was a choice due to all of the wonderful reviews. I can say I am amazed by Beth, she is a genius with what she does with these oils. I fell in love with this from the imp scent, to application... to dry down. This is every flower imaginable in one bottle. It actually gets even nicer as it dries down, not old lady at all. Just perfect. This is my first order, and I have not tried one that I dont like, truly amazing. Good staying power, never leaves, just slowly fades. :P

  15. I also thought I wouldnt like this one... I was wrong! This is a very interesting scent. It starts off VERY strong, almost too strong. I would say 15 mins to calm down, then it turns beautiful! I think its the fig that turns it candyish, which I love! I can only explain it to be "hippie candy". The patchuli and frank w/fig and some lemon rinds in there, very nice... sweet & sour scent! I will get a big one of this for sure! :P

  16. This was an imp that Beth and crew threw in. I must say that this is wonderful. It is a very clean fresh smell that is also intoxicating. I cant stop sniffin myself. It does smell like a really good fabric softner, but i like that about it. It seems like it would be good for those days that you dont feel so fresh. Not too lemony either, I love it... I will be ordering a big bottle of this. :P

  17. Well, out of the 7 scents I have on, this one is the only one I just dont like. It smells too much like liqour, I dont like the booziness of it. I smell no almonds (which I adore) I just smell spiced rum! So sad, but I cant be too sad... cause I have 6 others on that are truly amazing! Thats really great cause Im quite picky with scents! I worship Beth and pals! :P

  18. All the descriptions are so unique here... sorry if I will sound childish with mine, for this is my first order. This scent is soooo beautiful. When I first opened it, I was surrounded by beautiful flowers, I dont know what smells like what, but all i know is that this smelled incredible. It was very strong at first, then it muted down a bit. I have had it on for about 3 hours, and it has faded, but left a soft sweet scent behind. Very femenine, and I think it will be nice for the summer months.

  19. Well, I thought I wouldnt lie this one at first... it was really strong at first and liqour smelling, which I hate. Then it softened into somethin' yummy and sweet. A bit like a soft, vanilla cigar shop... with night caps spilling at the door. I dont know how else to explain it! Good stuff! But then again, I have like 6-7 scents on me right now, and they ALLLLL smel unreal!
