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Posts posted by Lorencita

  1. At first when I put this on, I thought it was a little toooooo spicey for me. I let it sit for a moment & it bloomed to this wonderful exotic spice. Warm & seductive, just a wonderful blend... I bought 2 bottles, but one is enough for me.... I really have way too much oil right now! BTW: this is pretty strong after application, it really smells totally different when you put it on. :P

  2. 2005 version.


    This is definately fruitier than last year. This is what I wanted last years to smell like. It has that same sweetness, but more fruit & a little less dense than last year. I love it & I'm so glad I decided to get a bottle, even though I still have a 1/2 bottle from last year... this one is much better :P

  3. I thought this was going to be too sweet, but I was wrong once again. I like the maple syrupy sweetness of it. I like that it smells like candy corn, but in a gourmad way. This is a great scent for Halloween, I wont use it that much, but that's only because my love affair with the Pumpkin Patch is very hot right now :P

  4. This is really the coziest of all for me. The cocoa makes the pumpkin seem less buttery & a little sweeter. It smells like the MOST perfect pumpkin chocolate soufflee! I am in utter love & will treasure this little baby forever!

    BTW: just a little spice in here, not very much at all. Perfection of pumpkin!

  5. I really like this alot. It smells like Ultima 2 from JC Penny. I love that perfume, so it's not an insult. It is a unisex scent for me, but I like it enough to wear it often. I smell the crisp leather, oakmoss, incense & herbs. I think it smells very fresh & I will get good use out of this bottle :P

  6. I am in the boat of Titania lovers, it is my favorite fruit blend from the lab. This is incredible, it does actually change everytime I sniff it. This is the PERFECT summer scent, and even if you dont like fruits... try it to witness the morphing this puppy goes through :P

  7. This starts off very strong, and when first applied it smells of burnt molasses to me! UGHHHHH. Horrible for the first 10-15 mins, I cant even sniff it at that time. This does however drydown to one of the most beautiful scents ever, so worth the 15 mins of agony. Me loves Gamorrah!

  8. I was so anxious to try this. I really wasnt too impressed when I first sniffed it, it was very strong and mostly carnations in the bottle. I dabbed some on, and it was overkill with the carnation and heavy rose. I wanted to wash it off, but I decided to stick it out, I love roses so I had high hopes. So glad I did! :D Now it smells like rose incense & a little carnation with some tonka making it smokey. I love it. I'm really happy that the strong first bit is only 10 mins, then it's a sexy rose scent that I adore! This has many faces to it, you can look at it many ways. I love Beth's Rose blends, and this definatley doesnt dissapoint! Me=happy!! :P

  9. I just got my order in, and WOW! I am in love with Buck moon... this very quickly threw Red moon out of 1st place for my favorite lunar oil. I am so impressed with this, it is subtle & very close to the skin. It is light white musk, I think! I can smell the lunar oils in the background, they make the musk perk up a little. I am just totally in love, and I cant wait to put this in some lotion so I can waft all ove the damn place! I am soooooooo happy I got 2 bottles, I always get 2... but I will definately keep both of them! :P :D

  10. This is a very light scent. It is floral, I think there is gardenia in it... at least that is what I smell on me. I love gardenia, so this is good. It is definately a skin scent. I thought this scent would be more in your face, but it's very shy. I like it alot, and I will keep it for nights that I stay in.

  11. This is buttery funnel cakes with cotton candy shredded all over. I like this, but I will use it for layering purposes. I think it will go great with apple lotion :D


    ETA: This just turned to caramel covered funnel cake. SWOON :P

    BTW: I dont like foody scents, but I cant think of anyone not liking this, it's addicting!

  12. This is incredible! This and Freak show are my favs of the CN collection that I got. I will definately get a couple more bottles of this one. This is so ultra femenine, I love the way this smells so damn smooth. Beth is really a genius at making oils. I like flowery scents, but I think if someone wasnt too into flowers, they could still enjoy this. The vanilla & amber give this blend a smooth finish... I just love it. Period.

  13. I just wanted to update my review, since I got mislabeled bottles. This is a little citrusy, but nice... it is very unique because I doubt I have ever smelled citrus with Amber. Beth can make poop smell good though. I like it, but it really sucks that I have 2 bottles of it, cause I thought I was buying Snake charmer :P
