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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by portalkat

  1. portalkat

    All Souls

    2007 Version I find this very different than the previous releases. Upon application, the currants and offertory cakes are still here, but as it develops, the incense and resin notes become more pronounced. At that point, it reminds me a bit of Minotaur or Midnight Mass sans the floral note. I like the balance of the components better than the the other releases. The foody notes are still present, but the incense wafts through and I think that this is just beautiful. This is a lovely blend of foody and resin. 9/28//07 - I've been wearing this a couple of days now and I just wanted to add that I smell the currants and cakes a bit more than when I first tried it, however the incense is definitely stronger than in the past, which suits me just fine. Even though I have multiples of the 06, I will need multiples of this as well.
  2. portalkat

    Typical time...

    The notification which you received from CC now means nothing as far as when it was shipped. It's so confusing, but it really just means that CCnow received your order. You will still receive a CnS from the lab when your order ships. Watch the CnS thread to see when people placed their orders and when they are receiving their notifications of shipment.
  3. portalkat

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oooh I'm jealous Tramp!! Such purty labels. Ooooh, me too! Those are wonderful...........*wallet runs to hide*
  4. portalkat

    Typical time...

    Approximately how much of a difference does it make? I'm about to send through my first order, and I have close to $150 in bottles alone, so it would only cost an extra $2 shipping to put the bottles in one order and the imps in a second order ($13 vs $11). Will that make a difference of, say, a week or more? I'd happily pay an extra couple bucks to get my bottles faster. You might want to check the *I got my order* thread here. A lot of us list what the order contained, when it was ordered and when we got the CnS. That will give you a good idea of TAT. I noticed that a lot of people ordered imp packs and their shipping notices arrived around 2 weeks after their orders were placed.
  5. portalkat

    Hunting for the ultimate _____ blend

    I'm an incense note whore and my #1 choice is Midnight Mass. It's a Yule LE, but I see it in sale posts from time to time. Cathedral and Penitence are two of my other favorites. The Lurid Library might have that note. Check out the review here.
  6. portalkat

    Scent for Halloween?

    Our book group is meeting at our house in a couple of weeks and we will be discussing Dracula. I'll probably wear Carfax Abbey and maybe a bit of Devil's Night - and cooking up a spread of Hungarian food!
  7. Also, if you happen to run across an unloved Stranger in Camp from the LE Dogs Playing Poker, you might want to grab it. It is a beautiful green forest and probably my favorite of the forest scents.
  8. You might want to try the Jersey Devil from the Bewitching Brews category. It does have cedar in it, but the pine and all the other things added make it a sweet green pine blend.
  9. portalkat

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    In the Snake Oil vein, there is also Death Adder from Carnaval Diabolique. Theodosius and Tombstone are wonderful as well.
  10. portalkat

    Recommend the most herbal scents, please

    Thank you for that! So, perhaps jaybird is looking for the more herbal as opposed to the citrus. So, I went digging through my imps and pulled out Arcana *Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and lemon verbena* and Nephilim *Frankincense and hyssop in union with earthy fig, defiled by black patchouli and vetiver, with a chaotic infusion of lavender, cardamom, tamarind, rosemary, oakmoss and cypress* Both were herbal in different ways. Arcana, on me, was strong on the lemon verbena and I like it so much that I might have to order a bottle!
  11. portalkat

    Recommend the most herbal scents, please

    Are you looking for only bergamot or also for other herbs? I just wanted to be clear on what you are wanting because bergamot is a citrus and not an herb. Here are some blends that contain bergamot. You can go to the lab site and search for the notes that you are looking for.
  12. My absolute favorite is the Candy Butcher, but I have noticed that some of the reviewers complained of the milky note. It's the one chocolate perfume *and I have tons* that people always comment on.
  13. portalkat

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    There is also Shango from the Excolo category *The Master of Lightning’s ofrenda contains red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane.*
  14. I don't have the book, but I'm going to see the movie tomorrow as part of my b'day celebration on Monday and I'll be wearing Midnight Mass layered with Arcana's Holy Terror. It seems fitting somehow.
  15. portalkat

    Loving the frankincense!

    I love frankincense! My all time favorite BPAL ever is Midnight Mass, but I also love Rose Cross, Hymn, Penitence, King Cobra, Madonna, Magus, Anne Bonney and Cleopatra. You might want to try the last three if you haven't already - wood notes and Cleo with her honey!
  16. portalkat

    Leo 2007

    I am both repelled and fascinated with Leo 2007. This smells completely different than I would have imagined and my experience with it is exactly like that in Cuervosueno's review. In fact, I had composed a review almost just like it in my head before I saw hers. I get a strong mingling of orange, chamomile and saffron. I think that saffron is the strongest note that I smell at this point and the combination is not really to my liking. I'm not sure if there really is orange in this or if it is frankincense combined with the saffron, but it is sort of a sick sweetness that sits on top of all of the other notes at this point. A few days later: I can definitely smell a difference in just this short time. The orange and saffron are no longer as pronounced as it dries down and the walnut bark and amber are coming forward. I am hopeful as there is no way that I was ever going to get rid of this bottle. Not only do I have my sun and moon in Leo, but also Mercury, Venus and Pluto. I need to love Leo 2007 and I think that it is moving in that direction with a bit more aging.
  17. I have been staring at this topic for days and finally decided to check it out because I couldn't figure out what kind of *salve* someone was looking for. The Columbus Jones quote in the Perfumed Ferret's signature is something that I can definitely relate to. There is always Chintamani-Dhupa: * Chintamani-Dhupa, the "thought-mastering incense". If a little of this be used according to the ceremonies prescribed, he who employs it will make all the world submissive to him. A fumigation for fascination! A strangely sensual blend, exotic, compelling, and commanding, adapted from an incense recipe found in the venerable sex manual, the Ananga Ranga. *
  18. portalkat

    Rain Scents

    Hmmm, do you mean like Tempest or Lightning sort of scents? I like both of those because they remind me of my beloved Pacific Grove - a bit stormy and salty.
  19. You might want to try Midnight. Here are the notes. The flowers are of the night-blooming variety, but the primrose note smells similar to me. The Aveda blend smells like a soft daytime scent, while Midnight smells more complex and dramatic - the *all dressed and somewhere to go* perfume.
  20. man, i really can't remember. i'm at work so i can't just go look at it. there were three, all with different color schemes...it was like blue/green, purple/something, and yellow/orange...the latter being the one i've got. desert primrose was one of them, but i think that may have been the purple one. i'd know it if i heard it...i'm not even sure the bottle has the name on it. that's a really good idea though. i'll have to figure out the name and maybe someone there will be kind enough to get back to me oooh! i found it on ebay! it's called dune primrose. oh boy, is it awesome. it fades quickly, but i love it so much. i'm tempted to just buy it, but it's $30 and i need the money. if bpal has something similar, that'd be perfect. It was the Desert Trio and I have it! The scents were Dune Primrose, Joshua Tree and Sand Verbena. Well, now you know that you like primrose. Luckily, the one that I can locate right now is the Dune Primrose so I'll see if it's similar to any BPAL.
  21. that's great advice. thanks a lot! there's an aveda scent that i bought a couple of years ago that's discontinued now and i wish i wish i wish there was some way for me to somehow look up the notes. maybe i can find it on ebay or something... Which one was it? Maybe you could just email Aveda and ask them for the notes. They might tell you if you tell them that you are looking for something with similar notes.
  22. The thread about the different musks is here. One thing that you might do is to go to your Aveda store. If it is one of the stores that has the signature scents, see which ones appeal to you and check the notes on that blend. Or, check their single notes and make note of them. That way, you can search BPAL for blends that contain your favorite notes.
  23. I agree with Kraken and fatalbellydance that a key element in a lot of Aveda blend's is lavender. I have tons of Aveda products and perfumes and they all tend to share that herbal aroma. I went to try on BPAL's Scales of Deprivation so that I could test it and it seems to either be misplaced or I don't have it if that's at all possible. Oh, I just realized that fatalbellydance mentioned that one. So, I tried on Bow and Crown of Conquest and the combination of lavender and vanilla reminded me of one of the signature scents that they had mixed for me one time. I would definitely try some of the BPAL blends with lavender and/or sage, rose, some citrus notes and perhaps frankincense.
  24. portalkat

    I want to smell like Kauai

    Have you tried Caliban or Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid? Both are aquatic, but Caliban has a lot of the lush green vegetation. The only thing that I can think of with fruit and a tropical feel is Manila. Well it's lightly fruity on me, but others seemed to get mostly banana, but it's worth a try.
  25. portalkat

    Philosopher in Meditation

    OMG - This is everything that I had hoped for. I love kyphi and incense in general and this is a perfect kyphi blend. There is the sweetness from the fruit and honey in the kyphi and the wood notes in the Abramelin incense. Add to all of that the woodfire notes that I love and I am incredibly excited about this perfume. It is subtle, something I find in all of the Salon blends and I find that it works very well here. On me, this lasts forever