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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by fiberaddict

  1. I was really excited when I got my last order and saw that I had been frimed Snake Oil.


    But....in the bottle, all I smell is smoky, spicy, something. I dabbed a bit on.....and ugh.


    All I get is heavily smokey..leather? :D


    However...the fiance was handy, so I made him try it. Wow - on him, it works. In fact, it works so well that I will be getting him a bottle of it soon as I can budget it in. The results were.....well, they were very very good. :D


    On him, the smoke disappears, and I get a nice, spicey, leathery thing going on that, well...drives me wild. He's not allowed to wear it outside the house... :P



    Thanks, labbies - even if I can't wear it, I can still enjoy it!

  2. This is nice - in the bottle, it's a soft, yellow-y sort of scent. Happy - yes, it's happy.


    On the wrist, it's still happy, but it's morphed into something...not really powder-y, but....different. Hard to explain - it's nice, but it's not Nice (on me, anyway!).


    It's a soft, feminine scent, no matter how I sniff it - I'll keep it for days when I want to feel sweet. :P

  3. Ah, Bliss certainly lives up to it's name! In the bottle, it's pure chocolate-y goodness. On my wrist, it becomes the wonderfullness that is slighty-sticky, gooey, brownies, hot from the oven.


    In fact, the back of my wrist *still* smells like nummy brownies today - I tested it last night before hitting the pool, and scrubbed my wrists pretty good this morning in the shower. :P


    I think there's a 5ml of this in my future!

  4. Hmm...in the imp, it smells like the sticky, sweet red lollipops my doctor used to hand out.


    On, it's still sweet, but with an underlying......spicyness I can't quite name.


    5 hours later, it's still faintly sweet, with a mild vanilla-y thing going. I really like it...but need to think about it a bit more before ordering a bottle. :P (I've got 2 outstanding orders already....need to let the CC cool off before using it again.)
