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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SultryWolf

  1. What's this now, facebook? My "close" friends? My friends are /all/ my friends and I want to see all their updates. Your efforts to "help" are akin to Bart Simpson with the Cranberry Sauce on Thanksgiving. Please, please - I beg you - just let me do it myself.

  2. Which one artifact would you save?

  3. Who else has a "musichall" classification on your iPod? What tracks should I add to mine?

  4. Who will danceIn the roundOn the floor... whut?

  5. Would love to find a copy of the shooting script for It's A Wonderful Life - any ideas? The usual script sites don't seem to have it.

  6. WTF? Camping? Bowling*? Is it the 1400s and we're all generating surnames based on our activities? Just call me Snarking.*yes, I know it's "Bolling" - grant me this humorist's license.

  7. Ya know, I love iGoogle (the customised Google page, for those scratching heads), but with the near-daily Fun Special Headers at plain ol' Google ... well, I just might be resetting my bookmarks. 8-/

  8. You are the hero in an epic saga of good versus evil. Go to your profile, look at the left margin. The first 10 friends are characters along the journey ...Wise old sage who presents you with the challenge: Asheley WeeksJittery intellectual who lists every reason to decline: Xolie Morra CogleySexy love interest to whom you would prove your mettle: Marianna FediBrave warrior who vows to fight by your side: Stellans SloopSneaky little shit who secretly plans to betray you: Patricia RivaT...
