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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SultryWolf

  1. Always fun to watch Midnight hit around the world. Thanks for your well-wishes. I love you all!

  2. Ramadan Mubarak to all my friends who celebrate.

  3. Took the time to redo my toenails today. Then wore closed toe shoes.

  4. Who else has a "musichall" classification on your iPod? What tracks should I add to mine?

  5. My dears, I have no idea when I'll have a chance to fully explore Spotify, or Library Thing. But I'm all registered with both, so friend me if you like!

  6. I'm not normally a reposter, but this one tripped the switch: If you have an Awesome husband,who works hard to take care of you and would do anything for you, then repost this as your status to give the honest good men out there the recognition that they deserve. Cause great men are very few & I'm proud to say that I have ONE ♥

  7. "It cannot have escaped those who have attended with candor to the arguments employed against the extensive powers of the government, that the authors of them have very little considered how far these powers were necessary means of attaining a necessary end. " (con't. in comments)

  8. Happy Canada Day / Bonne Fête du Canada to all my Canadian friends.

  9. Happy Birthday, Richard Scarry. Thanks for so many wonderful childhood memories.(Thanks, Google, for the heads up.)

  10. Dang it! After all these months of being Superior to the Fools who get taken in by the spammy FB click-on-this-OMG!!! crapola, I just clicked on one (wondering what the heck it was!?!?!). Deleted immediately from my wall and reported as Spam, but if by chance you get recommended some horrible baby video from me, Do Not Click. Eyeroll.

  11. WTF? Camping? Bowling*? Is it the 1400s and we're all generating surnames based on our activities? Just call me Snarking.*yes, I know it's "Bolling" - grant me this humorist's license.

  12. Ya know, I love iGoogle (the customised Google page, for those scratching heads), but with the near-daily Fun Special Headers at plain ol' Google ... well, I just might be resetting my bookmarks. 8-/

  13. I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure. – Mark Twain(Thanks to Elephant Journal for reminding me of this great quote from a great American.)

  14. Informal survey time! Do you remember when you first learned Rock Paper Scissors? (I don't, but Scott does, hence the curiousity!) Tell the story if you like, or just respond yes or no! Or wait for something more relevant to come across your feed.

    1. lmfaith


      I think I learned it from older cousins when I was about 3 or 4 & we were all at a fast food restaurant. .. . but I could be totally imagining the whole thing! lol

  15. Okay, I just invented* something amazing!Roasting potatoes, I splashed some mirin into the olive oil base. Yum!*I'm quite sure I didn't really invent this, but I didn't read it anywhere, either.

  16. Via @crows Now's time to put out nesting materials for our corvid friends: grab what you can from home and pile it in separate groups tied loosely down with wire wraps: - long hair from combs. - raffia strips, no more than 1' long - masses of 'down feathers' from pillows should you happen to have any. ...- wool / yarn strips, no more than 1' long. - shredded felt - Horse Hair - felt strips - Straw

  17. Congrats to my Packers! Fourth Super Bowl win. <3

  18. Which one artifact would you save?

  19. Straaange ...Why am I having such trouble downloading my Rachel shows from iTunes since Friday? Hmmm. What's changed .... ? *ponders*

  20. I'm glad that Ticketmaster's monopoly over concert tickets has been shattered ... but it just took me a good ten minutes to find my tickets for an upcoming show because I couldn't remember who the email would have come from!

  21. HUSBAND & WIFE WEEK: If your spouse is your best friend, who works hard for you, who has been with you through thick and thin, who loves you even when you're at your worst, and whom you are PROUD to be married to, copy and paste this with the date you were married. (October 15, 1988)

  22. Paaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Lego Harry Potter is fun. Too fun.

  24. Would love to find a copy of the shooting script for It's A Wonderful Life - any ideas? The usual script sites don't seem to have it.

  25. A very Happy Christmas to all my friends who celebrate it, and Just Because hugs-n-love to those who don't!
