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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SultryWolf

  1. My dears, I have no idea when I'll have a chance to fully explore Spotify, or Library Thing. But I'm all registered with both, so friend me if you like!

  2. My heart goes out to everyone dealing with the terrible Texas fires.

  3. Okay, I just invented* something amazing!Roasting potatoes, I splashed some mirin into the olive oil base. Yum!*I'm quite sure I didn't really invent this, but I didn't read it anywhere, either.

  4. OMG. My friend and I were sitting here and someone rang the bell, but we didn't answer because we weren't expecting anyone. Then later I opened the door and there was a freaking band-aid taped to the doorhandle!!!!????And there was some mint tied to the handle as well. Is it some kind of voudou? I'm a little freaked out right now ...

  5. On Facebook, when dogs read a post they enjoy, they hit the "lick" button.

  6. on page 338 of 651 of Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel http://bit.ly/bnuks7

  7. On this Memorial Day, we honor all who gave their lives for their country. I'd like to spare a special thought for those whose service left them with a dark place inside which could never quite be vanquished; those who did not wish to be laid to rest in a military cemetery because that part of them was something they preferred not to remember. May you have finally found the peace you sought.

  8. Paaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Pottermore: I'm in!Can't say as I'll spend much time there, but do feel free to friend me, MoonYew30733

  10. Ramadan Mubarak to all my friends who celebrate.

  11. Reposting, via Mebbie Bradley-Van Orman:TEXAS: If you need safe pasture for your horses due to wildfires in Texas, call Mr. Matt Daniel at 832-769-1879. He has pasture to shelter 60 horses & has trucks & trailers ready to go. He Can move 10 horses at a time. ***please repost**(Thanks, DK, for bringing this to my attention)

  12. So, now there's Ology.com? How many social aggregation sites must I have? I used to like being competitive on the internet. Now I just feel old.

  13. Straaange ...Why am I having such trouble downloading my Rachel shows from iTunes since Friday? Hmmm. What's changed .... ? *ponders*

  14. Tea latte, how I love you.

  15. Thank you, nail polish! You actually look better than the metallic paint I was too cheap to go buy. #makingsteampunkythings

  16. The one thing I don't like about all the awesome alternate programming that's on Super Bowl Sunday is that I actually like to watch the game!

  17. There sure is a lot of screaming in Soylent Green. It's honestly kind of pissing me off.I've seen it before, but apparently I was more tolerant then.

  18. Thinking of all my friends in Irving, TX and the Dallas metro area!

  19. Took the time to redo my toenails today. Then wore closed toe shoes.

  20. Two kinds of Havarti, Iberico, Tipsy Goat, Manchego, Camembert, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Cheddar, Parmesan ... I could marry my frige right now.

  21. Via @crows Now's time to put out nesting materials for our corvid friends: grab what you can from home and pile it in separate groups tied loosely down with wire wraps: - long hair from combs. - raffia strips, no more than 1' long - masses of 'down feathers' from pillows should you happen to have any. ...- wool / yarn strips, no more than 1' long. - shredded felt - Horse Hair - felt strips - Straw

  22. Want. Take. Have.(In this case, cheese from the refrigerator. I'm no rogue slayer!)

  23. Wanted to come home and post to My Friends about how awesome Return To Forever and Zappa Plays Zappa were. Both bands!! Remarkable!! But instead I come home to Facebook wankage, and not in the good way (because, you know, a wank can be just the thing, sometimes. Just not this time.)

  24. Well, as you all know, I'm a bit ambivalent about the "raise awareness" posts; however, I am All About seeing pics of pets and other animals. So, I'm on board with this one!"Change your profile picture to a photo of your pet or any animal that you like. The idea is to remove all human faces from Facebook until February 28th to show your support against animal cruelty. If you are against the abuse of animals, copy and paste this and make it your status..."

  25. What's this I keep hearing about a Fozzie scheme?
