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Status Updates posted by SultryWolf

  1. Happy Birthday, Richard Scarry. Thanks for so many wonderful childhood memories.(Thanks, Google, for the heads up.)

  2. Happy Canada Day / Bonne Fête du Canada to all my Canadian friends.

  3. Happy Lunar New Year to all, however you celebrate!

  4. Happy National Mole Day! Celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Daycommemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23), which is a basic measuringunit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to foster interest inchemistry. Schools throughout the United States and around the worldcelebrate Mole Day with various activities related to chemistry and/or moles.

  5. Happy New Year to all my friends - including those who saw the New Year in a good 4-5 hours ago! I love each of you. I have "a lot" of FB friends, but each of you is someone I know personally, in some fashion. I don't collect friends for any sort of cachet, but because I respect them and want to share in their joys and lows.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! I am thankful for each of you.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!Happy Thursday to most of the rest of you, and a very Happy Friday to the Aussies.

  8. Having a great day. FB wishes make me feel all warm inside. Thank you!

  9. Hey, anyone got an XBox-360 wireless adapter I can borrow? I don't use XBoxLive so I'm never going to need it again, but I need it now to download my playable Robin to Arkham City. If you're local, you'll get it back same day. If you aren't local but willing to ship, that would be great, too. Thanks friends!

  10. Hey! By the way, if you haven't noticed - among the new changes, you will need to go into the drop down menu next to every single friend and select All Updates in order to see all they post to FB. The default is Most Updates, which is FB's arbitrary I-don't-know-what. They don't know what you want.

  11. HUSBAND & WIFE WEEK: If your spouse is your best friend, who works hard for you, who has been with you through thick and thin, who loves you even when you're at your worst, and whom you are PROUD to be married to, copy and paste this with the date you were married. (October 15, 1988)

  12. I figured out why my TiVo wasn't recording The Walking Dead no matter how many times I set it: TimeWarner took away AMC-HD. *sigh* So, I've reset to record the SD version.

  13. I just had trouble typing, "QWERTY".derp

  14. I love the feeling of smug satisfaction I get from reporting a site for Black Hat SEO techniques.

  15. I really love the song Rahadlakum (from Kismet). I wanted to share it with you all but YouTube doesn't have the vastly superior Broadway version with Alfred Drake and Joan Diener (and chorus). Well, pfffftth.

  16. I'm a good man. I'm just a ... very ... bad ... wizard.

  17. I'm glad that Ticketmaster's monopoly over concert tickets has been shattered ... but it just took me a good ten minutes to find my tickets for an upcoming show because I couldn't remember who the email would have come from!

  18. I'm just not sure how "confusing men" raises awareness of anything, or is respectful in any way. Sorry, but there it is.

  19. I'm not normally a reposter, but this one tripped the switch: If you have an Awesome husband,who works hard to take care of you and would do anything for you, then repost this as your status to give the honest good men out there the recognition that they deserve. Cause great men are very few & I'm proud to say that I have ONE ♥

  20. I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure. – Mark Twain(Thanks to Elephant Journal for reminding me of this great quote from a great American.)

  21. In the US, 1 in 20 drivers is using their phone in some capacity, according to a recent study. If you're one of them, please stop. Thanks.

  22. Informal survey time! Do you remember when you first learned Rock Paper Scissors? (I don't, but Scott does, hence the curiousity!) Tell the story if you like, or just respond yes or no! Or wait for something more relevant to come across your feed.

    1. lmfaith


      I think I learned it from older cousins when I was about 3 or 4 & we were all at a fast food restaurant. .. . but I could be totally imagining the whole thing! lol

  23. It is with a heavy heart that we bring you the news that our little Charlie passed away this afternoon. He went quietly and painlessly, at home. We were blessed with his companionship for ten wonderful years (though he was probably closer to 13 years old). We'll miss him but are happy to know he's running free and whole again.

  24. Lego Harry Potter is fun. Too fun.

  25. Meme alert!On a tag from Amy Kinard , a few thoughts on one of my favorite bands, Murder By Death :Song I like (hard to narrow down!): I'm Afraid Of Who's Afraid Of Virginia WolfeSong I love (hard to narrow down!): Until Morale Improves, The Beatings Will ContinueSong that I will occasionally skip (agreed that "hate" is a strong word, plus there isn't a single track of theirs that I "hate"): You Don't Miss Twice (When You're Shavin' With A Knife)
