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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SultryWolf

  1. "I am His Majesty's dog, at Kew; pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?"

  2. "It cannot have escaped those who have attended with candor to the arguments employed against the extensive powers of the government, that the authors of them have very little considered how far these powers were necessary means of attaining a necessary end. " (con't. in comments)

  3. "When you sit down to listen, you say, 'I listen like this with one purpose: to allow him or her to speak out and to suffer less.'" - Thich Nhat Hanh

  4. (American) Football!! Ba-ba-ba-BAAAH! Counting down the hours.

  5. A very happy Australia Day to all my Oz friends! Enjoy the merriment!"...by 1808 the date was being used by the colony's immigrants, especially the emancipated convicts, to 'celebrate their love of the land they lived in' with 'drinking and merriment.' " [source: Wikipedia (hey, I wanted something quick!)]

  6. A very Happy Christmas to all my friends who celebrate it, and Just Because hugs-n-love to those who don't!

  7. A very happy Hanukkah to all my friends who celebrate the Festival of Lights!

  8. AaaAAaaArrRrrRggggggGHHhhh! Effing Adobe and effing Mozilla need to com-mu-ni-cate!! I'm so fed up with videos crashing for a day after the Flash Player update until Firefox catches up.

  9. Ahhh. Pulled almost 100 GB off my hard drive; this baby runs much better now!

  10. All right - I'm timelining it up. Scary!!! But I need to get used to the byatch sooner or later.

  11. All right, this one sucked me in!Everyone has six names . . .1. Your real name: Nancy Ruth Bersch-Tomasheski2. Your detective name (favorite color and favorite animal): Blue Wolf3. Your soap opera name (middle name and street you lived on): Ruth Goodland4. Your Star Wars name (first 3 letters of last name, first 2 of middle name, first 2 of first, last 3 of last): Berrunaski (Isn't that the Fed guy?)5. Superhero name (Color of your shirt and first item to your immediate left): Grey Whis...

  12. All right, this one's too fun to skip!DRUNKEN BARFIGHT!(Put the friends at the left of your profile screen in order)Who Starts Fight: Kate UpholdWho Hits First w/ a Barstool: Carmen CWho Falls Off Barstool: Elizabeth BarrialWho Hits w/ Empty Bottle: Dayna RyanWho Gets Hit For No Reason: Jolene MercadoWho Throws Somebody Out The Window: Del HowisonWho Is Thrown Out The Window: Stephanie Cardwel-ClitheroeThe Sissy Who Calls The Cops: Lisa ChavezRuined Bartender:Mandolina Moon

  13. Always fun to watch Midnight hit around the world. Thanks for your well-wishes. I love you all!

  14. Aww. For some reason my DVR hasn't been recording The Hour. I thought it just hadn't been on, and now it's over and I missed the end. Well, they'll repeat or I'll get the DVD.Really good show; I recommend it.

  15. Boosting the signal! Belle- QH Draft MareBelle's "new loving home" turned out to be an unethical horse broker. Please help find her! Click the blue link above for more.

  16. Congrats to my Packers! Fourth Super Bowl win. <3

  17. Congratulations to Bob Dylan on the Medal of Freedom. He looked a bit nervous, but also very proud!Congratulations, of course, to the other deserving recipients as well.

  18. Congratulations, L.A. Kings! Way to show the world this "beach town" can do hockey just fine, thank you very much.(No, I'm not that far behind ... I just got to the computer!)

  19. Dang it! After all these months of being Superior to the Fools who get taken in by the spammy FB click-on-this-OMG!!! crapola, I just clicked on one (wondering what the heck it was!?!?!). Deleted immediately from my wall and reported as Spam, but if by chance you get recommended some horrible baby video from me, Do Not Click. Eyeroll.

  20. Don't judge me just yet, friends! I WILL be voting - just not until this evening.

  21. Eeee, House series finale. It's time, to be sure, but it's been a nice run.

  22. Eeeeeii! Gabby Douglas earned a Gold Medal to the glorious sounds of Loreena McKennitt!!

  23. Flash player and Firefox seriously need to see a couples counselor to figure this thing out. I am sick of their on-again/off-again passive-aggressive relationship. It's hurting the kids! (aka, me and everyone who simply wants to relax and watch a danged video on the internet).

  24. Flash Player, I love you but geez you can be a real bitch.

  25. Happy 420 day to my friends who celebrate.
