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Everything posted by Laurazee

  1. Laurazee

    Your Best-Bet "Must Try" Enabling Scents

    The ones I show off to people from my humble sample collection are: Dorian The Apothecary Shanghai Embalming Fluid ("Just let it sit a sec") Val sans retour Biobhan Sith Dirty Dormouse Lightening/Zephyr/Phantasm ozoney blends Envy ("Give it a bit") and, oddly enough... Wolfsbane, sometimes. Occasionally, I pull out STFU & White Light, but depends on the audience. I stay away from Snake Oil/O/Dragon's variations, because they tend to scare 'em. Overall, though, I think Dorian's my favorite show-off scent.
  2. Laurazee

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Thanks, I've e-mailed them. In the meantime, I'll have to do some research on how to cancel a Paypal order! It seems to have gone through. ETA: No worries, I got a response, and they're okay with it but recommended Paypal next time. Whee! Another question, though: Canadians - do you get charged duty? UPS always demands a cheque for what seems like 60% of the purchase price as duty upon delivery when I order perfume from the US.
  3. Laurazee

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Yeah, recent convert here, and I got all excited when someone pointed out that they *do* ship to Canada. Alas, in my haste, I ordered directly through CCNow and not Paypal (though I have both). I mean, I checked the "Paypal" option but it gave me a receipt as a CCNow order. I used a "CA / 910210 address and then uppercased a comment that this is GOING TO CANADA. I understand now that we're supposed to go straight to Paypal for orders? Will my use of CCNow instead of straight Paypal totally screw up my order, or will they be able to sort through it? Hopefully so. Also, what's anticipated shipping nowadays - month, month and a half?