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Posts posted by tindome

  1. in bottle: This is lemon/lime citrus and I can feel myself waking up already.


    Wet: this is almost cleanerish on me but stops just short of it.


    Drydown: Strongly resembles embalming fluid on me which is not great because embalming fluid tends to be very soapy smelling on me.


    Dry: This faded really quickly and did end up smelling very close to embalming fluid. But it is very refreshing even if it is refreshing soap/cleaner.


    I really like it out of the bottle so I will keep it for the diffuser and because it is my first forum scent.



    The Dragon’s Isle: smoke and fire, earth and wind. The rage of the elements blasting over a primordial paradise.


    The description didn't give me much to go on so bear with me.


    Imp: When I first smelled this I thought the description was dead on. It smells like some swampy primitive place and I am getting an earthy smell as well as a bit of smoke.


    Wet: Wow. to me this smells very complex and kinda reminscent of two monsters from the salon. it smells like the illustrations you see of dinosaurs roaming through overgrowth, mud, with giant plants everywhere and a volcano smoldering in the distance.


    Dry: I really like this. It dried down less wet earth smelling and more wearable,. When it was wet it was as if some feral creatures were lurking beyond the foliage and now the creatures have left leaving behind a trace of thier scent. Perhaps my nose is tricking me but every now and then something almost minty catches my attention and then is gone. I bet this would smell great on a guy.


    While I might not get a big bottle I will keep the imp if only because it smells so different.

  3. I don't think I have enough to go on for notes so this will be an overall impression.


    When I first smelled this in the imp it was very fresh and sharp, almost pungent. The moment it touched my skin it faded in on itself. There was a faint grassy smell that I would guess to be the ferns. I can see myself lying in a bed of ferns somewhere near the ocean but the wind is blowing away from me so I'm only catching a faint sniff of it.

    This stayed pretty much the same on me to the end. Not me sadly.

  4. The legendary birthplace of the Green Fairy. Swiss ferns, lilac, blackcurrant, Gallic rose and lavender with a dollop of sugar and absinthe.

    a first review. I'll try my best but I still have some problems with notes.

    imp: Some kind of herb I think is fern and something mildly bittersweet that could be the absinthe.

    wet: For a second this reminded me of Anne Bonny without the patchouli, but I'm not sure why since it has none of the same notes. Perhaps it is a similar feel I about it. After a second or two I get the lavender coming out and the herbs are still there but in the backround but not as prominent as in the first sniff.

    Drydown: As it dries it becomes similar to la fee verte is on me but more herby and less sweet. Like I'd taken some fresh herbs crushed them up and then sprinkled just enough sugar to keep them from being bitter.

    dry: This is all bittersweet herbs on me and has the absinithe smell I associate with la fee verte but I prefer the sweeter smell of la fee. The rose cropped up a bit in the backround but not as stong as I'd feared.

    All in all not for me.

  5. imp: not sure what I'm smelling it is almost bitter. I think it is the hyacinth that saves it from being bitter.


    wet: Still that slightly bitter smell only more pronounced. I think it is the smell of apple peelings. Not the fruity sweet smell just the peel.


    drydown: This is my first blend with dragons blood in it and I think maybe the dragons blood is what is turning my apples bitter.


    dry: This mellowed out and the hyacinth came into play but it still remind me of apple peels but dumped next to a hyacinth bush.


    I think that this one is not for me. It is interesting to smell but not to smell like.

  6. okay, I have some of the new scents so time to break my habit of not reviewing and give it a shot.


    imp: this smells so different than what I thought is would. Christmas and cranberries.


    Wet: Darn within a minute it's turning all pine on me, granted it is one of the best pines I've ever smelled but the initial blast of cranberry was perfect.


    drydown: alright here comes the tomato leaf and possibly a little wood with the pine. The tomato leaf is dead on and certainly unique I haven't smelled anything like it before (except on my tomato plants). I am still holding out hope for the cranberry.


    dry: About an hour in suddenly the cranberry is back! even without the cranberry I would have gotten a bottle but the cranberry with it makes this one of my all time favorites.


    Definitely on my next order. :P

  7. Well, okay, I actually want to smell like nag champa incense. I did a search for nag champa on the lab site and it pulled up Gaueko and Urd, but I wondered if anyone had other ideas. My favorite BPAL scent is Manila and I actually get a lot of incense from that (last night my husband said that I smelled like hippie incense) but I wondered if there were other blends that I should try.


    I find Opium poppy and the Caterpillar very headshoppy but maybe thats just the head shops around here :P

  8. in bottle: Hmm. I think I'm going to be one of the people who gets bubblegum from the lab's lotus note.


    Wet: dang, I was right, Bubblegum. but hope springs eternal, its already backing off into the backround.


    Drydown: Bubblegum smell is still present but keeping itself back. I get some light florals but no opium or pine as of yet.


    Dry: There is the faintest wisp of pine from behind the florals and of course the ever pink presence of bubblegum.


    while I don't dislike this I think it may be way to girly/happy for me. It reminds me of watching my little ponies. Rainbows, plastic, and insanely cheerful music.

    this is probably going to be a swap.

  9. This was pretty much the same on me through all stages.


    Wet: Cinnamon (the spice)

    drydown: Cinnamon with maybe a touch of sandalwood

    Dry: Still cinnamon


    not that I dislike cinnamon but that was pretty much all I got out of it. Really wanted the tonka and musks that some of the others got.

  10. :P I know cherry blossom doesn't work on me, but I still had to try.

    The bottle was gorgeous and I'm tempted to keep it just for that but this did not work on me.


    In the bottle: Seemed like it might work, holiday moon with a light cherry blossom.


    Wet: Instantly the cherry blossom vanishes (this has never happened before, my skin way amps cherry blossom) and instead something which I think must be the dragon blood emerges. Something in this blend is giving me a headache.


    Dry: This dries down to skin hugging light floal peeking out from the note I take to be dragons blood. On me this just smells perfumey, not in a good way. Holiday Moon is one of my favorite scents and is amazing on me so I was really excited when people compared the two but on me there was no resemblence. *sigh*

  11. This stayed pretty much the same on my skin as in the bottle only the coconut was even stronger :P . The coconut really amped and I got no hint of the lime other people mentioned :D . I really wanted to smell lime.

    It does have a tropical feel and reminds me of sun tan lotion only a whole lot better smelling and sweeter. If anyone has tried the alternative baking companies coconut macaroon cookies, this was exactly that smell.


    Glad I tried this and will probably keep the decant around but no big bottle.

  12. The oils will be used in lotions or with a carrier oil, because we are unsure of the effects on her sensitive skin and she can't have a diffuser because of the flame.



    You could possibly use an aromastone diffuser.


    quote from the site "The Aromastone is our safest diffuser. The lack of fragile glass components, the absence of a candle flame, and its sturdy, stable proportions make this the ideal diffuser for a nursery, a children's room, a room where animals are apt to be romping"


