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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by tindome

  1. hmm. I could have sworn I reviewed this already. Oh well :P


    This is a review of the aged bottle. Probably at least two years old? It's in a blue bottle and I bought it from someone else when I first joined the forum. I don't even remember what it smelled like originally, I only remember it didn't quite work for me so I thought I see how it aged.

    -The result: It aged really well. Most blends I try with red musk seem to. Really, looking at other reviews it doesn't seem to have changed much from the original.


    In the bottle: light Cocoa and maybe a bit of tobacco leaf. No citrus at all.


    On Wet: Immediately I get some mandarin which considering the age I thought would have faded but nope still there. It's sweet and slightly spicy, grounded by the tobacco. The cocoa has disappeared for the moment but I think it will make an appearance in a bit.


    Dry down: Still no cocoa or at least none that stands out. I think I'm getting the musk and tea in the backround now, it's hard to pick out an individual note for me because this has become much smoother and everything is blending together. The mandarin spice is still there.


    Dry: A spicy musk with a hint of mandarin


    I still don't know what to think of this. It smells good, certainly interesting and is not unpleasant in any way. Maybe a tad masculine although I don''t have a problem with it. Even though it's not something I've ever picked to wear I haven't been able to part with it. There is this feeling that the moment I let it go I'll want to wear it. Maybe I'll just hold onto it another two years. :D

  2. This starts out all mossy woods. Not a new forest growth but an established wood. Light filters in but there are plenty of shadows and the ground is still moist. I can smell wood and something else. It is not a feral scent but there is a wildness to it. Perfect match for the name. If only it would stay like this I would smother my blankets in it and dream of romping through half-tamed forest. However it soon fades on me and the moss and woods dissolve into a musky deodorant smell. Not fair, bring back my half naked forest spirit.

  3. Wet: Hmm more ozone than metallic but not bad. kind of hard for me to describe.


    Dry down: The ozone is still there but I am getting the metallic feel. Not in the smell so much as in my mouth. Whenever I smell it I get a blood taste in my mouth that I associate with iron. Wierd


    Dry. It fades really fast, which is sad because it was an interesting smell. Unfortunately I hate the taste of blood and iron and the taste in my mouth makes this one a no go.

    ... I need to go eat something to get rid of the taste.

  4. This is pretty much the same from wet to dry down on me.

    It is basically holiday moon on my skin with a touch of mint. Now I love holiday moon so I love this but I don't know if I need two of the same scent. I think I'll try it a few more times and see if I can get the mint to exert itself. It is a lovely clean scent and does make me think of the color green.

  5. Wet: I love this, I love ginger and this is ginger.


    Drydown: As it dries it gets sweeter, ginger candy. There may be some musk in the backround but its so faint I may be imagining it.


    Dry: This is very similar to shub on me but a tad sweeter. Shub has it's days where it hates me and wants to smell sweaty so this should sub nicely.

  6. in the imp this is one of the best smelling oils, A rich root beer. I don't know how I'm getting root beer but I am.


    On: The patchouli hasn't taken over which is a good sign. I get a sweet musky blend and the vanilla is coming through for me better than most blends. It reminds me of somthing I've tried before.


    Drydown: This is one sexy scent. There is maybe a touch of cologne but mostly I have the most delectable blend of vanilla and musk with leather padding and patchouli sideboarding. I don't find it too masculine at all.

  7. in the imp: Well I'm not sure what this smells like but it's not bad. Something slightly sweet.


    On: This is creamy sweet grass. There is a smokiness too it that must be the tocacco. I can see where the mildew might come from but this is a very idealized wonderful version of mildew that I would invite to infect all of my raincoats. I think the grassy smell must be the tea.

    When this dries it is throws a sweet creamy scent, while up close you get whiffs of the tea. To me this is very comforting, like hugging someone who was in a cafe and has picked up bit of the smells and you're getting hints of them. My favorite of the new scents so far.

  8. Oh this is perfect. It makes me think of sparkling and playfulness. Meadows under the moon and fireflies. This meadow is all lavender lined with magnolia, only this lavender doesn't overwhelm anything. It blends with the magnolia accenting rather than overpowering. There is a chiliness to it that does invoke the pale glow of stars.

  9. This starts out woody, mostly rosewood,. Patchouli quickly comes to the fore and fights for dominance. As it dries the patchouli and wood mellow out and perhaps a hint of tonka in the smoothness. No lemon or mint ever came to play.


    It smells like a wooden chest that someone spilled patchouli in years ago. Everything faded together into a nice comforting smell. Not my normal thing but not bad.

  10. I got some Pele on my kitty, Clare, and she smelled wonderful! I am considering putting some on her brush, too! My dog, Riley, hates Possets Hearts and Flowers--he darts away from me and looks sincerely perturbed when I have it on, lol, but the bpal scents seem to pass inspection.


    I probably wouldn't put it on the cat because they lick themselves unlike dogs and ingest the oil.

  11. I really liked this one which is good because it is one of my favorite paintings and I would be heartbroken if it didn't work. Ok


    The first thing I thought when I smelled this was Usher. Not that it smells the same but it gives me the same clean guy smell that I get from Usher. This is perfumey like others have mentioned and usually that would make it an automatic no for me but something about this makes it work. I think because I don't get any florals that the perfumey quality doesn't bother me as much.

    Although I wouldn't have realized it until I saw someone on here say it, there is a quality reminscent of a high quality salon. When it dries down some of the perfume aspects fade leaving tobacco and moss with something else I can't quite identify. The currant maybe?


    Overall I really like this, It's something I'll wear when I want a nice clean gender neutral scent.

  12. mmmmmm.... this scent is fluffy vanilla clouds with chocolate and mint raindrops. :P


    In the bottle: Cookies!! Thin Mint Cookies!!

    When I first put it on it was a straight up vanilla mint, lovely just as is. as it started to dry for a few minutes it seemed to want to turn into plastic of doom but luckily it never crossed the line and seems to be drying to a more muted and creamy vanilla. Not too sweet and balanced by the mint which keeps it fresh and cooling for summer.

    I can't decide if there is some kind of chocolate in here or if my mind is filling it in, then again it's there so does it matter how?

    On full drydown it is a teensy bit plastic right next to the skin but get an inch away and so lovely with a great throw the chocolate has unfortuately faded out but I still love it.

  13. This is a wonderful brown scent with the perfect amont of spice. The cassia didn't amp too much and while I didn't detect the fruit outright there was something adding a little lightness to that kept this from being overwhelmingly heavy. As it dried it reminded me vaugely of rootbeer, go figure.

    I little masculine but I like masculine scents.

    My intial thought was big bottle, but the scent ended up fading pretty quickly so I might wait and see if I can't get it to last longer if I apply more.

  14. In the imp: Strong spicy floral


    Wet: Wow this is nice. Spiced carnations with a bit of smoothness which is probably the cream. I don't smell very floral which is a good thing.


    Dry down: Dang, its almost all carnation now with a hint of spice. :P I'm not really a carnation girl and this is too flowery now. The wine never came out at all. Perhaps I could wear this if I carry the imp around for frequent reapplications since the wet stage was really nice.

  15. :D This completely did not work on me.


    Love the artwork, so even though cherry blossom hates me I got it anyway. Wouldn't you know the cherry blossom didn't even appear. :P

    At first it was all Jasmine which I could handle although it was a little strong. As it dried a teak woody smell comes through and almost for a second a thought it was going to turn gorgeous, but then something turned and the blend ending up smelling strongly of the old perfume vials my grandmother had that hadn't been opened in twenty years. Like the notes had all faded and blurred into an old musty smell.

    Is it bad that I still want to keep it regardless because I love the painting. I think I'm in self-denial.

  16. I love pine and all it's variety but this smells like wintergreen gum on me.

    In the bottle I was surprised by how sweet it was and it stayed pretty much the same through drydown. I guess it is the sweetened fir that I am smelling? Like a few other of the Halloween scents I don't hate the smell or even dislike it but I don't see myself really wearing this.


    I'll probably give it another go in a few days before I make my final decision as it might be one of those scents that have to grow on you.

  17. In the bottle it smells very sweet and foody. Too much so


    on my skin. Where did all the sweet go??? It is a light musty inscense but all the sugar seems to have been eaten by my skin.

    On full drydown a little sweetness has emerged but it is so faint that I wouldn't notice it if I wasn't looking for it. I don't dislike it neccesarily but it wasn't what I was expecting and I don't see myself wearing it much.


    Edited to add 10.10.07 I just retried this and it has aged so well. The cakes must have been breeding non stop in my bottle since last fall because now it is cakey goodness mixed with fanned breaths of smoke from nearby incense. A nice surprise.

  18. This is a must hoard for me.


    When I first put it on it was all apple like punkie night. Nice but I didn't want a duplicate. Within a minute I started getting hints of caramel. Yum. I thought it might get too sweet but the tart apple keeps it in line and I can't stop sniffing it. This is pure freshly dipped caramel apple just a hint of booze. I don't get any coconut but this is the scent I will be reaching for most this fall. :P

  19. Would it be ok in this thread to discuss which burners are good? I've been thinking about locating one, but I have no idea what features to look for..


    I haven't bought it yet, but I have the aromastone bookmarked for my next paycheck. It's electric so you don't have to worry about a flame and leaving it alone and no water is required so you won't have to check levels. Supposed to be super easy to clean and pet friendly.

    It may not be as pretty or romantic as some of the others but if you are looking for a kid safe/pet safe/fool proof one this is supposed to be very good.


    you can see an image of it here

  20. Deana was so kind to gift me a sniffie of this.


    imp: wow gingerbread with a spicy kick to it


    wet: I see where people get the evil gingerbread from. This is gingerbread gone bad in a sexy good way.


    Drydown: For a second there was a smell mixed in like sweat. A sweaty gingerbread man who just got in from the gym? Odd, I really hope it doesn't stay like that.


    Dry. The sweat stage passed on quite quickly and the scent settled down into the most wonderful gingerbread smell. It is like the oil had an apiphany and decided to turn good. This dried down to a light sugared gingerbread with a hint of spice. :P I can see why people hoard this. If I can ever get my hands on a reasonably priced bottle imp then I will be all over it.

  21. MXXXI

    First whiff it smells like something fruity but not to citrusy. Richer like pomegrante wine.

    On me: This has to be pomegrante or something really similar. It smells like those POM bottles but with a little wine added in. As it dries it only get richer and more fruit. I don't know how beth did it but this is so perfect. I can't believe I only have one bottle of this. :D

    :P thanks to beth and the labbies. this blend is going to be hoarded and well loved.
