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Everything posted by Miseraya

  1. Miseraya


    In the imp: Floral. White florals. Perfumey. Clean. Innocent. Sweet. On the wrist, wet: Heavy on the florals. Why do I keep trying florals when I know my chemistry tortures them? As of yet, it's still a nice beautiful floral, big white waxy blooms I see. Jasmine or magnolia maybe? Drydown: Oh no, is that gardenia? *checks the description* Hmm, must be the calla lily that keeps telling me white florals. It's getting all heavy soapy thick. I really should stop torturing all the floral blends. They deserve better than this.... 5 minute mark: I am starting to get the incense in this, which is another note my skin warps. I predict by ten minutes I am going to be washing off a powdery mess. Final Analysis: My skin has done it's horrible thing. The sandalwood and frankincense are pure powdery yick and the florals are so very amped and sweet as to make my teeth hurt. Off to the sink to wash this off, and then off to the swaps. I am sure this is a wonderful smell for someone who's skin chemistry isn't quite as obstinate.
  2. Miseraya


    In the imp: Amber and Iris. After a few sniffs I get some spice in there as well. There is an underlying scent that has to be the berries, but I can't pick it out enough to definitively call it berries. This seems like it will be nice on me. It's definitely a "blend" scent. More like a chord than a series of notes. On the wrist: Florals and berries. These do not work well on me. Why did I buy this? Drydown: Still too floral and berry. On my skin that equals rubbing alcohol and baby powder. *sigh* Final Analysis: Pretty, but my skin chemistry tortures it beyond recognition. Off to the swaps.
  3. Miseraya


    In the imp: Booze. Booze, and oh yeah, booze. Something sweet and sticky and dark. Not like tropical drink sweet and sticky, like thick molasses in a shot glass and more than 80 proof for sure. For a minute just the smell gave me the "I drank too much" feeling in my throat. This one is going to have to wait for a cooler evening, too thick for summer. On the wrist, wet: Too thick, too cloying, very sweet and boozy sharp. Gorgeous smell though, and Anubis thinks it's sexy, lets hope it mellows. Drydown: Not mellow enough. Still very strong and in yo' face. Final Analysis: Gorgeous, but not for me, off to the swaps.
  4. Miseraya


    In the imp: Cough syrup. Medicinal sweetness. On the wrist, wet: Cough medicine. Robitussin, specifically. Drydown: Dried robitussin. Final Analysis: Not for me, my nose refuses to smell this properly. My skin chemistry has butchered another one? Off to the swaps.
  5. Miseraya


    In the imp: Confusing. This is totally different than I thought it would be. On the wrist, wet: Is that mouthwash I smell??? What on earth is wrong with my nose? Drydown: For some reason this is a very pleasant mouthwash on me. Final Analysis: I am so disappointed in my skin chemistry. I didn't think it could so thoroughly wreck a smell, but it has. Off to the swaps.
  6. Miseraya


    In the imp: Strange... I can't put my finger on any one note, but I'm definitely getting several. It's a complex scent, alternately earthy, sharp and sweet. This one is going to be fun to puzzle out, but difficult to review I think. If I close my eyes and nearly hyperventilate sniffing the imp I get the definite scent of pine trees. Not pine cleaner, not pine scent, pine trees. Like standing in a grove of them with their needles dry and slippery beneath your feet. On the wrist, wet: Ooh, earthy sour. I like this! This is like nothing I have ever smelled before. Getting a little of the pine now... is that patchouli I smell? *checks description* Hmm... must be the moss making me think of patchouli. Drydown: It's getting a little more mellow, but still very complex. It's difficult to pick just one note out of this. I suppose this qualifies as another "chord" for me. I am really enjoying this scent. Final Analysis: It's earthy, sweet, sour, piney and fresh, all at once. A very evocative scent for me. Lovely, just lovely. Possibly a big bottle. Definitely an image in the sig.
  7. Miseraya


    In the imp: Green! Very green and fresh smelling. I think this one will be a winner. Makes me think of wide open sky and steeply rolling hills. Imagine the opening scene of The Sound of Music, minus the woman singing and mucking about, that's what this smell "looks" like to me. On Anubis: Faint, green, grassy, sweet and clean. Not getting any specific notes, but definitely a nice fresh scent, that smells less like you are wearing something and more like you've been rolling around on the aforementioned hills. On the (my) wrist, wet: Aftershave? Strange, it smells nothing like it did in the imp. Smells much more manufactured. Something in this is reminding me of Bayou. That doesn't bode well. Drydown: Turned powdery. Bugger. Off to the swaps.
  8. Miseraya


    In the imp: Booze soaked maraschino cherry, full of licorice. Is this what would happen if you soaked maraschino cherries in Jaegermeister? I hope the anise mellows on my skin. A little licorice can go a long way..... On the wrist, wet: Licorice. Bugger. Don't do this to me Kyoto, I want to love you! There's a slight hint of something sweeter, but the waft is total licorice. Closer to the skin I can almost smell.... sandalwood maybe, but then it's all licorice again... Here's hoping the drydown is a big morph. Drydown: Ooh! It's morphing. It's... sandalwood? Maybe a little bit of cherry. This is actually becoming quite pleasant, the anise is still there, but not as strong now... Final Analysis: I can't decide on this one. It has a lot of licorice in it. Too much for my tastes, but at the same time it is a very intriguing scent, and when the licorice mellows, it's very pretty. I may have to try this again.
  9. Miseraya

    Dana O'Shee

    In the imp: This reminds me of my favorite drink, amaretto and milk! It's very sweet smelling. It smells heavy, I'd better go easy on this one... On the wrist, wet: Same as in the imp! Yay! On the wrist dry: Much lighter now, but still the same boozy sweet scent! Less booze now though.... Final Analysis: It's not nearly as heavy as I thought it would be. It doesn't have much in the way of throw on me, and doesn't last as long as I would like it to, but I love love love the smell. Definitely a keeper.
  10. Miseraya


    In the imp: Unsweetened cocoa. I like! Definitely looking forward to wearing this one. On first sniff it is entirely deep dark and thick cocoa, with no sugar. The powder, not the beverage. It smells dry. On the wrist, wet: Still dark cocoa, but something else is definitely coming through now, something sharper... More masculine.... sexy...Smoky? Possibly? Anubis and I agree, this smells pointy. Not in the literal sense obviously, but there is something very sharp lurking around in here, something you could cut yourself on if you aren't careful. Dry: This has mellowed into a sultry, sexy smoky scent. This is the sort of smell that makes me think, if Anubis were wearing this I would be way too busy with other things to even think about a review... Final Analysis: This scent is uber-sexy. I have to get this on the boy on a night when I can have my way with him. Definitely a keeper.
  11. Miseraya


    Bordello: Initial impression: Boozy and fruity! Yum! I think I am going to like this one. It's sweet and naughty smelling. On the wrist, wet: More fruity than boozy now, and definitely sexy. The sweetness gets sharper the longer I wear it. Drydown: Almost a bubblegum sweetness now, with no booze at the moment. But still sharper than your typical sweet and fruity. After another 5 minutes, the boozy is making a comeback. This one is morphing quite a lot and quickly! Final analysis: Too sweet for me. Not boozy enough. It's a very pretty scent, but it's not a "me" scent. Off to the swaps.
  12. Miseraya


    Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk. In the imp: Clean. I definitely get the green tea and the blackberry. Very nice. Smells drinkable (don't worry I won't!). On the wrist, wet: Very clean and fresh smelling. Invigorating. Not too sweet. Definitely getting the tea from this, first and foremost. On the wrist, drydown: The berries are starting to come through now, but not too strong. I hope they don't overpower the fresh clean tea smell! Bugger. This starts out as a wonderful tea scent, but turns into more berries than anything. I am going to try this again some other time before making any decisions about it. ETA: Lab description.
  13. Miseraya


    In the imp: Mmm... this smells like Zombi! I love Zombi! On the wrist: Oh this smells so good. I'm not getting any of the incense, but I definitely get the mossy, dirty smell of Zombi in this, with less florals to get in the way..... I may need a bottle of this... About an hour later: Bugger. Turned into incense powder on me. Off to the swaps.
  14. Miseraya

    Embalming Fluid

    A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. In the imp: So very clean and citrusy. I love this already. On my wrist, wet: Oh this is wonderful, just like the description. Heavenly. Drydown: This reminds me of The Healing Garden's White TeaTherapy, but more sophisticated. Like what White TeaTherapy would smell like if it was three times the price. Summary: I absolutely love this smell, it's light, clean, cool and citrusy. A wonderful summer scent. My only complaint would be that it doesn't last long enough on me!
  15. Miseraya


    In the imp: Ooh, I think I like this one! Violets and fruit. Definitely a juicy violet smell. On Engelbert the stuffed Elephant: Ooh! Engelbert smells lovely. Just like the imp but a bit stronger. I'm definitely liking this one. It's not floral enough to bug me, not powdery, not soapy... definitely fruity, which I love.... I'm not really getting the incense, which is ok by me, I was worried about that bit. On the wrist, wet: Oh I love this. Imagine that Mr. Bubble and Choward's violet candies had a wild passionate night together and this is their love child. Darker than either one, a little bit jaded, a little more world weary and wise. Oh yes. This is a keeper. On the wrist, drydown: Gorgeous. Slightly spicier when it dries. Finally a floral I can love! Summary: I love it. I may need a big bottle of this.
  16. Miseraya

    The Raven

    In the imp: Powdery violets. Yay for violets! On the wrist: Powdery violets. Boo for musk! Conclusion: I don't think musk likes me. Every musk thing I try smells powdery to me. Bugger. Off to the swaps.
  17. Miseraya

    Black Dahlia

    In the imp: Magnolias. On the wrist: Magnolias and possibly some jasmine. But mostly magnolias. Summary: I've just realized I really don't like magnolias. Beautifully crafted scent, wonderful for a floral scent lover, of which I am not. Off to the swaps.
  18. Miseraya


    In the imp: Powdery sweet florals with a hint of something spicy. On the wrist: Spiciness is a little more apparent, this is good. Drydown: That powdery floral scent is back again. I think the powdery bit comes from the white musk... Nice, but not for me. I should just face the fact that I am not a florals kind of girl eh? Off to the swaps. ETA: Fixed a typo.
  19. Miseraya


    In the Imp: Sharp and slightly sour, with a perfume note. On the wrist, wet: Very faint, but something very sweet is beginning to make itself known.... Drydown: Sickeningly sweet. This turned into pure Ylang Ylang on me. This is a great scent for sweet, floral kind of girls. Alas, not me. Off to the swaps.
  20. Miseraya


    In the imp: Spicy and floral. This seems like it will be a winner. On my wrist, wet and immediate drydown: This is nice! It's woody and spicy with just a little bit of floral in it. I like this! After about 20 minutes: Hmm, getting far more flowery, but still ok. Soon after that: Powder. Really expensive floral powder that reminds me of my grandmother. Off to the swaps.
  21. Miseraya


    This smell was great, it is exactly what the description says it is. A very masculine, sexy and assertive scent. Unfortunately it doesn't suit me and because of the vetiver it went all powdery on Eric. Alas, swapped.
  22. Miseraya


    I don't know what is wrong with my nose, or my skin chemistry but if Tempest is an expensive men's deodorant to me (as I reviewed it) than Bayou is the same deodorant after it has been worn for a few hours. I tried so hard to get past that but the longer I wore it the more it smelled like a slightly used armpit to me. Bugger. My skin hates me, off to the swaps.
  23. Miseraya


    Tempest is a wonderfully clean smell. Unfortunately on me it smells like a very nice, well crafted version of a man's deodorant. Which sucks, because I really, really wanted to love this one. Alas, off to the swaps.
  24. Miseraya

    Blood Kiss

    In the imp: Ooh, this is really nice, I like this. I get something distinctly foody from this.... chocolate? On Eric's wrist: Hmm, this smells like a scratch and sniff something that I loved when I was a little girl. What was that? Bugger, this will drive me nuts, what does this smell like? I definitely get chocolate out of this, and slight spice.... Uh oh, it's going all powdery on him. I think it's the vetiver, Iago did this on him too.... On my wrist: Hmm, there's that scratch and sniff smell again. What the hell was that thing... a book or something that I had when I was little.... Mmm, this smells nice. Chocolate and spice and slightly... nutty? It's spicier on me than it was on Eric. On me, drydown: Yikes, way too spicy. This loses all it's foody chocolatey goodness and turns into pure biting spice on me. Summary: Too spicy on me, powdery on Eric... Off to the swaps. *le sigh* ETA: It's clove... that over spiciness on me. It turns into pure clove....
  25. Miseraya


    Got this one in a swap, thank you! Well, let me preface this by saying I am divorced, for many very good reasons. The reason for this caveat will become clear very soon. In the imp: Sharp and bitter green... there's something else in there... On my wrist: Sharp and something else... sour... boozy... Oh ack, it's honey mead. Oh bleh this smells like my wedding.... Summary: There is I am certain, many people who will love this smell. It has potential. However, on me it conjures up some really yucky memories and it doesn't play nice with me. Much like the ex husband. Off to the swaps.