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Everything posted by Miseraya

  1. Miseraya


    In the imp: Something in this is putting me strongly in mind of Brimstone and Djinn... It's got some very firey smoky notes in it, but I also smell something earthy... like the note in Zombi maybe? Odd and intriguing. On the skin: Vetiver. Smells like all vetiver. Which for some reason makes me think of the burning, chemically note in Brimstone and Djinn. Odd. Final Analysis: Nice, but not me. Off to the swaps.
  2. Miseraya


    In the imp: Sharp, medicinal, but not modern medicinal. This is what I would picture laudanum smelling like. Something created at the cusp of herbal and medicinal. Drugged. On the wrist, wet: Anise? Sarsparilla? Hmm... odd, I am definitely getting licorice and sarsparilla, but there doesn't appear to be any in here. Maybe that's the sassafras and black poppy? On the wrist, dry: More of the same... No clove on me at least. Not yet anyway. Final Analysis: Not my thing, though thankfully it didn't turn to flaming clove on me like it did on Anubis. I think myrrh must remind me of clove, that's the only similar ingredient in this and Sloth... Off to the swaps.
  3. Miseraya

    Centzon Totochtin

    In the imp: Tezcatlipoca with booze and less balls. Interesting. Drunk cocoa powder. I'm a little concerned about the red wine, hopefully my skin doesn't turn it into Robitussin or Dimetapp. On the wrist, wet: The cocoa smell fades quickly and it's replaced with a sour wine smell. On the wrist, dry: Dimetapp. Bugger. Final Analysis: My skin hates red wine and almost exclusively ruins it. Off to the swaps.
  4. Miseraya

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    Recieved as a generous frimp from Deana. Thank you Deana! In the imp: Sweet and girly. Pink. Not what I thought a brain would smell like, but maybe on the wrist it will get more brain like. On the wrist, wet: Odd, this doesn't smell like much of anything at the moment... wait... morphing... Oh please let this work, it has so many things I love... please, please... damn. On the wrist, dry: Jasmine. Jasmine hates me. I get these very faint hints of fruit, but mostly it's just uber jasmine. Anubis says it reminds him of an expensive perfume... Final Analysis: Probably a gorgeous scent on someone else, doesn't work on me. Off to Eoife.
  5. Miseraya


    In the imp: Leathery and sharp. I like it. It shares a similar leather note with Black Tower, to my nose. I can smell wood in this as well, and what almost reminds me of tobacco? This leather note always makes me think of smoke for some reason. On the wrist, wet: This definitely has that note that I always identify (wrongly) as tobacco smoke.... On the wrist, dry: This reminds me of an expensive men's cologne, but I can't put a finger on which. It's definitely a masculine scent, and sexy as well. Final Analysis: Nice, but not me. Smells great on Anubis though!
  6. Miseraya


    In the imp: Dirty and spicy. Definitely smells like it's description. I think Anubis will like this one or at least, it will like him. Damn his chemistry for allowing him to wear the heavier stuff that my chemistry won't allow. I definitely get something sharp in this, underneath all the lazy dirtiness. On the wrist, wet: There is something sharp and acrid in this... something that reminds me of.... On the wrist, dry: Clove! Oh yikes it smells like clove to me. It doesn't even appear to HAVE clove but it smells like clove. Final Analysis: *Runs to bathroom to scrub her wrist furiously, then attack it with rubbing alcohol, then scrub it again* Ahem, I am sure this is a nice enough scent for someone else, but for me it turns into if not actual clove then something disturbing similar. Off to the swaps.
  7. Miseraya

    Monster Bait: Closet

    This was an extremely generous sniffie+1 (tiny bit in the bottom) frimp from Deana. Thanks Deana! In the imp: Strawberry cake. The kind with the cream cheese frosting on top and strawberry jelly stuff in between layers. Great, now I'm starving. This is VERY foody. It instantly put me in mind of wanting to eat something sweet and covered in frosting. On the wrist, wet: Oh food. Oh buggering, sodding food scented wrist. There's a little itty bitty bit of a bourbon smell to this, but mostly it smells like cake. Like a big, fluffy, delicious, right to my thighs cake. The sort of food I have sworn off. Oh thank god it's getting boozier. On the wrist, dry: It's definitely got booze in it, but that's not enough to make it not smell like some sugary sweet cake. *sniff* Ye gods I need to wash this off before I bite myself! Final Analysis: I love the smell of this, I was glued to my wrist. However, I will gain 50 lbs if I wear this consistently, and that is why I am passing this sniffie+1 off to my friend Eoife. She doesn't know what she's getting herself into...
  8. Miseraya

    Antique Lace

    In the imp: Sweet and heavy. My first thought is amber. My second is vanilla and my third is cotton candy. I'm not getting a linen smell from the imp. This is incredibly sweet and feminine. I am concerned with what my body chemistry will do with this. Anything this sweet has a tendency to go insane on my skin, making me smell as though I fell into a vat of perfume, rather than dabbed some oil on my wrists. Hopefully that doesn't happen here. On the wrist, wet: Too strong by half, already, but I'm going to see this through the drydown at least. Past all the chokingly sweet vanilla scent I get this clean laundry smell trying to fight it's way through. Alas, my chemistry won't allow that to happen, but it's a nice thought. On the wrist, dry: The linen scent lost the fight, TKO. My skin sucks. Pure vanilla now, and hella strong bad ass at that. Bleh. Final Analysis: This has got to be a gorgeous scent on people who can do vanilla, alas, I am not that person. Swapping this to Eoife, because I told her I would.
  9. Miseraya


    In the imp: Hmm, that's odd. This smells very similar to Aizen-Myoo to my nose. It has that same grapefruity, watery citrus note. Interesting... Really not getting any florals from this, just watery citrusy goodness. So far I really like this, but I am a bit worried it is mislabeled! On the wrist, wet: The same as in the imp, but...wait... I smell... is that gardenia? If it is it's the best smelling gardenia that has ever graced my wrist. It's definitely getting floral now, but not heavy, like most florals are on me. Very light and faint. Surprisingly, despite it's beginning to smell like gardenia which I loathe, I like this. On the wrist, dry: This is a very delicate and clean scent. It's floral, but nicely so, none of the overwhelming choking sweetness that florals usually turn into on me. Final Analysis: This is a great floral for people who like clean smells and usually can't pull floral off. Alas, I think I promised this one to Eoife in exchange for Aizen-Myoo or Neo-Tokyo and those two always win. ETA: fixed a typo.
  10. Miseraya

    Holiday Moon

    The first time I smelled this in the imp, I thought cranberries! Then I read the description... then I read some reviews... then I smelled it again... and went... "Where the hell was I getting cranberries from? Nonetheless, I get a bit of something that, if not actually smelling like cranberries, smells very reminiscent of cranberries. Sweet, tart, juicy and fresh. I like! In the imp: Cranberry or citrus, something sweet and sour, clean and refreshing. On the wrist, wet: Very similar to the imp, but stronger. It's more of everything it was in the imp when I smell it on my wrist. On the wrist, dry: Hmm... my chemistry is making this a bit wonky. I'm getting something... floral? Odd. Definitely getting the tea notes... Final Analysis: This is a great smell! It's a bit confusing. I may have to pass this on though, I know someone who is dying to try it.
  11. Miseraya


    In the imp: Soapy. Very clean and fresh smelling. Like a very expensive shower gel, that I want to smell like when I get out. This is not a warm scent, but not really a cold scent either. I would say it's "cool". On the wrist, wet: Still very clean smelling. Definitely an expensive shower gel sort of smell. Starting to get some fruit to this one now. This is definitely a fruity, floral and clean scent. Very fresh and sweet in a way that is very subtle. Despite being a fairly delicate scent, the throw and strength of this is good. Strong, but delicate. There is some definite wafting. I like. On the wrist, dry: I must say this smells completely different now then it did in the imp, and yet in some strange way, reminiscent. That "soap" smell has turned into a nice fresh after the rain smell. With water beading up on cherry blossoms and orchids. Final Analysis: This is definitely a winner. Big bottle!
  12. Miseraya


    In the imp: Sharp and fruity! Very citrusy. Oh I love this one already. Please, please don't morph too much on my skin! Grapefruity (or should I say Yuzu-y?) sourness, how I love thee. This is so gorgeous. I think this may be a signature scent. Oh scent gods please allow this to smell as good on me as it does in the imp. On the wrist, wet: Oh thank you gods. This is magnificient. It is morphing into something a little sweeter, sexier.... I am in total smelly heaven right now. I want to bathe in this, swim in this... I want to have an Aizen-Myoo scented universe all my own. Final Analysis: Signature scent. Definitely signature scent. I will be requiring a monthly barrel of this. Anyone looking to swap or sell this scent in any quantity need only inform me and I will gladly help you out with that.
  13. Miseraya


    In the imp: Very bitter. Must be the neroli? On the wrist, wet: Morphing very quickly into violets. On the wrist, dry: Definitely a violet scent. Final Analysis: Starts off very pointy, ends violetly. (Haha) I like it, but I have Morgause for violets. So the Succubus is going to have to wing it's way to the swaps.
  14. Miseraya


    In the imp: Curious. I woud have a hard time describing this, so I will move on to... On the wrist, wet: Ooh! I am pleasantly surprised, this is nice, but again... I can't really pick out any notes or describe... there is something... "pointy" in this blend. Something sharp. On the wrist, dry: Oh blech. It's clove. I hate clove. Of course naturally since I hate clove my body chemistry has to isolate and amplify it. Now that's all I can smell. Bleh. Bad body chemistry combined with a pre-existing hatred for all things clove ruined this one for me. Off to the swaps.
  15. Miseraya

    Penny Dreadful

    I had no intentions of trying this scent, but I was generously frimped it. Thank you LUSHarick! In the imp: The earty note from Zombi and the cocoa notes from Tezcatlipoca. Interesting, this isn't what I was expecting from the description at all.... On the wrist, wet: Cocoa! I like this, it's very reminiscent of Tezcatlipoca to me and gives me hints of that mossy dirty Zombi smell as well. There was a brief period when it began to smell very sharp, but that went away in less than 5 minutes. On the wrist, dry: Fascinating! This is now showing heretofore unsmelled notes! It's beginning to get sweeter and more... fruity? Maybe? Final Analysis: For the time being, this is a keeper. I have to try this once or twice more before I decide if I love it or not.
  16. Miseraya


    I was unable to smell this one in the imp as it had been soaked in Djinn and it's label reeked of that. On the wrist, wet: Faint and familiar... So far I am not moved by this.... On the wrist, dry: For some reason this smells just like Ouija to me. Which didn't work on me at all. Nor does this. Turns all old lady powder and fustiness. Final Analysis: Hopefully someone will want an imp of Omen with a manky Djinn smelling label.
  17. Miseraya

    Dragon's Milk

    In the imp: This is very true to it's description, I think. On the wrist: I am not a Dragon's Blood kind of girl, but if I had to wear it, this would be the one I would choose. This scent is mellower and less cloying than the DB I am used to. With a hint of something spicy. Final Analysis: All in all this is the best Dragon's Blood scent I have ever smelled. Alas, I am still not a fan. Off to the swaps.
  18. Miseraya

    Blood Amber

    In the imp: Smells like Dragon's Blood and Amber all right. On the wrist: The amber definitely tempers the Dragon's Blood in this blend. Final Analysis: I am not a fan of Dragon's Blood, so I am not entirely sure what I was thinking when I put this on my wishlist. Great smell if you are a fan, but not for me. Off to the swaps.
  19. Miseraya

    The Apothecary

    In the imp: I adore this smell, it reminds me of grass. Very clean, crisp, with maybe a hint of citrus... On the wrist, wet: Oh this is lovely! Just like in the imp. On the wrist, dry: Powder. This one was a Shakespearian tragedy for me, I fell oh so in love and it broke my heart. Alas, poor Apothecary, it's off to the swaps.
  20. Miseraya

    Lady MacBeth

    In the imp: Robitussin. Bugger. This smells just as Maenad did to my nose. I think it must be the currant... On the skin: Bleh, this hates me. Final Analysis: Unfortunately it seems that the Lady and I will be parting company. I think anyone fond of Maenad may want to give this a try. Off to the swaps.
  21. Miseraya


    In the Imp: Earthy, thick and sexy. This definitely fits the lab description. Makes my eyes roll back in my head when I breathe it in. Something in this is making me sort of hungry.... but the lab description says nothing about foody notes... Odd. On the wrist, wet: Much less foody now. Definitely getting Patchouli. I like Patchouli. This really fits the description. It suits it's name as well, I can't decide if it's making me hungry or turning me on, but whatever it's doing, I want it all! Drydown: Spicy. This has a note in it that reminds me of tobacco as well. This scent is perfect for a take charge kind of person. It knows who it is and what it wants and it will run you down and take it from you if need be. It's not afraid to be ruthless and it will have it all. This is Wall Street, this is every person who ever married for money and wasn't ashamed, every individual who smashed the fingers of the people below them on the corporate ladder and pulled the person above them off by their ankles... this is power and hunger and ambition and... Greed. Final Analysis: This is a heavy, sexy, spicy and earthy smell. It is very empowering. Definitely a winner for fall or winter. This has to be one of the most true to description and evocative scents I have ever encountered.
  22. Miseraya


    In the imp: Juicy and fruity. Crisp, clean and citrusy. We are off to a good start. I love this smell. It's sweet and spicy and oh so sexy... On the wrist, wet: The orange is coming out a bit more, and the spiciness as well. Not sure where the spice comes from, but that's ok, it smells incredible. This is a very grown up smell, I think. A woman who smells like this knows what she wants and isn't afraid to make you beg to give it to her. Drydown: Almost a christmas type of smell to it, but without losing it's sexy edge. This is great. Final Analysis: Sign me up for a big bottle! I want to bathe in this stuff!
  23. Miseraya


    Dorian: The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea. In the imp: Mmm. Don't ask me about notes, I can't pick out any specific ones. But I think if eroticism was a note it would be in this. There is something spicy sweet lurking in there, waiting to take advantage of the casual nose.... On the wrist, wet: This smells great.... I can definitely get sweet tea with lemon. There's something else though. This is really sexy... Ooh, I want Anubis to wear this.... It's similar to Severin, to my nose, but deeper and infinitely sexier. The man is this smell is much more in control. Thankfully I am not getting the lavender in this. Drydown: More of same, but with something more masculine in there now. Something even more sexy and forceful, lurking beneath all the sexy sweetness. Something waiting to take advantage of you in all the right ways. Final Analysis: I second everything Andrabell said in her review on the first page. Oh yeah. Where's Anubis when I need him?!
  24. Miseraya


    In the imp: Rose! Red rose and leather, just like the description! Not just any rose though, but a fresh wet rose, still on it's bush, not picked. This is the most true to nature rose scent I have ever smelled. Amazing. On the wrist, wet: Amazing, this really does smell like a rose, not a rose scent. Wonderful. Drydown: I love this! I have never been able to wear a rose scent like this, most of them morph funky on me, but this one is wonderful! Final Analysis: I never got the leather on my skin, but this is an amazing scent. I would recommend it to any rose lover!
  25. Miseraya


    In the imp: Vicks Vapo Rub and ... something that makes it less Vicksy and more palatable. Similar to Belladonna, but different. On the wrist, wet: Menthol and something soury sweet? Mostly just a menthol/eucalyptus smell. Very green, very sinus clearing. Much like Belladonna, but not quite as sharp or strong. Drydown: That sweet note is coming up again... what *is* that?? Final Analysis: The sweet sour note is fascinating and elusive, but alas, too elusive. The majority of this is Vicks Vapo Rub on me. Off to the swaps. Someone who loved Belladonna and loves lemon who love this.