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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by kuanyin

  1. kuanyin


    I wouldn't have expected to like this one, but I got it as freebie and tried it. Very different for me, but I liiiiiiike it...it is interesting going on, I get the metallic tang initially, but it gets better and sweeter after drydown. (Note to self: use less next time!) Not sure if I would want a bottle or not, but the imp is definately going to get used. I might have to try more Dragon's Blood after all.
  2. kuanyin


    First rush of Oberon was heavensent, I thought I had found THE one. Citrusy, bergamot with orchid...come to mama. Then spice came in, it changed, quite nice, but not the rush it had been. Then spice became SPICE, and from that I don't even know what. My throat got furry and OMG, get it off of me! Must be the juniper berry, egad, the worst reaction I've had to any oil or product. Oh well, maybe I'll find one without the ugh factor.
  3. kuanyin


    Oh, dear...this is the first one I've tried that turned soapy on me. I was almost excited about it! Then my stomach turned, ugghh. But I may keep my imp as I discovered a wonderful purpose for it. I had put it on and was a little icky with it when Mr. G Spot decided he had to have Dairy Queen. I'm on a diet. Usually this would be torturous, but the whole ride I kept smelling this oil on me and I was not in the slightest bit even tempted!
  4. kuanyin

    Queen Mab

    I got an imp of this because I saw the orchid in it, and I usually love orchid. I got the imp with quite a few others, sniffed it and lost interest for it being too....something. I decided to try it tonight, and WOW, on is a whole 'nother thing! I love this. I hope it has staying power, because this is light purple beauty as far as I'm concerned. It is very sweet in a way that I can't figure out. Not food sweet, not honey sweet and not berry sweet. Oh, I think I have it - nectar sweet. Like when I was a kid and would actually suck the nectar out of clover blossoms. Mmmm, it is loverly and I can't stop sniffing.
  5. kuanyin

    Annabel Lee

    A soft, innocent blend, touched with a funereal, gloom-filled air: wild peony, sweet pea, cucumber and white sage with sea lilies and moss. In the bottle this is a different, but mostly pleasant light floral, with a sharp tang that could go either way. On me, OMFG, it is horrid. The only good thing about it was that it didn't last long. I was seriously wanting to go wash my arms off and couldn't because I was working. But it was gone in just over an hour, thank goodness. I've had some BPal scents I didn't care for so much, but this is the first one I absolutely can't wear. It is also my first sad experience with my chemistry changing a scent, at least as far as BPal is concerned. I don't know if this contains ozone, it isn't listed, but it smelled on me the way I imagine ozone to smell. I've avoided it, because it doesn't sound nice to me, though I guess an imp to just find out for sure would be interesting. I'm definately not keeping this one. I'm disappointed, but it had to happen sooner or later!
  6. kuanyin


    Oh joy, I finally found a bottle of this I could afford, the Springtime in Arkham series has been CRAZY high at eBay. Youch. Mine came today, which I got for Mr. G Spot, who is a huge Lovecraft fiend. Yea, it is a winner and how. I can't distinguish any one note, not that I am that good at it...I get an impression of spice, but I would love to know what is in this. I gave this to Mr. G Spot with the caveat that he let me use it once in a while, it is on the masculine edge but still qualifies as gender neutral to me. Definately not girly girl, but it doesn't smell like I hit the men's fragrance counter either. I love that. If it wasn't Lovecraftian, I would probably not have gifted it over... I LOVE the description of it smelling like the nest of a Phoenix. That nails it for me.
  7. kuanyin


    Like others, I'm not actually familiar with labdanum...but in the bottle I get less floral and more...something wonderful. I know I love the orchid...but it is beautifully blended and no one note is striking. On, I get more rose, but it is coming from the background and there is still the something wonderful that I get from the bottle. I can't quit sniffing my wrist....in about an hour I put more on...not because it has faded, because I can't stop myself from needing MORE. I get cool white, wait, marble white with streaks of light grey. That's it, cool marble...a crypt? No, that's not it. I've got it: cool marble walls and floor and a courtesan who lives in these halls and rooms. An aging woman... beautiful, but not as in the glory of her youth. A courtesan, still kept, and waiting for he who seldom comes now...She has no family, just her empty life and the love within her that has no voice now...she walks the marble in her bare feet lanquidly. She has made her choices without regrets and now lives with them, each day longer than the last.