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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mymel0dy

  1. In bottle: Creamy, cocoa like scent, not so much chocolatey but like an egg cream, or a cream soda with a hint of cocoa lingering in the background, which is odd because there is no mention of cocoa or chocolate in this, but that is the scent I get when sniffing the bottle.


    Wet on my skin: The creaminess remains but there is a sharpness, like the ginger and anise are trying to show themselves.


    On the drydown: The creamy foodiness goes bye bye and the sandlewood makes itself known, as well as the currants. No hint of cherries or marshmallow.


    Dry: The cherries and currants take over, with just a hint of creaminess in the background. Little to no marshmallow, ginger, anise, or sandlewood.


    I reapplied because it seemed so faint so quickly. I don't think I got enough on my skin the first go round. With the reapplication the sandlewood is much more noticeable and the vanilla cream is gone. Oddly enough as much as I normally dislike sandlewood on my skin the hints of currant and cherries make it not so terrible.


    I wish it had stayed the creamy foodie wonderfulness that I got in the bottle but no my skin decided to amp the white sandlewood and hide the marshmallow, vanilla, ginger, and anise. I would have loved to have the anise come through, oh well. I am however thinking should I ever get a scent locket it will be a favorite.

  2. In the imp: Sweet, and green. An herbal scent dripped in honey.


    Wet on my skin: Much stronger herbal scent, almost medicinal.


    Dry: Powdery herbal, like an herbal scented baby powder.


    Sometime later: It has gone minty, but still powdery. Like baby powder mixed with peppermint.


    Conclusion: I think I like it. I wish there had been even the barest hint of honey on me but it is soft and light and wearable. It is one of the better frimps on me.

  3. In the imp: Fruit punch. Sweet make fruit punch scent. The kind with no real fruit juice.


    Wet on skin: Same fruit punch scent as in the imp.


    On drydown: The bergamot come out and is strong. Warm earl grey tea on me.


    Dry: The bergamot is still there but now it smells more like earl grey soap than tea.


    Conclusion: I was so hoping that the plum and grapefruit would stand out, but they were overwhelmed but the bergamot and the orris turning to soap on me. It's not bad, just too soapy for me to want to wear.

  4. In the imp: I get mostly dry leaves, hinting at some light floral notes hiding in the background. There is a hint of crisp almost fruit note, like not quite ripe sour bite many fruits have.


    Wet on my skin: Dirty dirty dirt.


    Drydown: Musty old dirt, though it seems odd to call dirt old.


    Dry: Dirty dried leaves, with another hint of floral notes. Only these note allude less to crisp sour fruit and more to an old woman's perfume. The light crisp scent in the imp has become heavy and almost powdery.


    In conclusion it is not really a scent I want to revisit. Had it stayed more like the scent in the imp it would become a favorite but my chemistry would not let that be.

  5. Sugar cane, molasses, oak wood, and honey.


    In the imp: Rum punch. Boozy sweet but not like pure sugar but more like fruit juice and rum

    On my skin: Honeyed wood. The oak is very present and very much mixed with honey. All that boozy rum and juice I got in the imp is gone.

    Dry: It is more oak than sweet but there is just a hint of honeyness lingering in the background.

    Verdict: It is not at all what I expected but it is a good warm scent. The oak keeps it from being cloyingly sweet and the honey keeps it from being too oaky, dare I say too masculine. It is an imp I am glad I received with my order and one I will likely wear again.

  6. In the imp: Citrus, citrus and more citrus. A mix of citrus oils and juices .


    Wet on the skin: Something darker comes out. I think it is musk, but I can not place the scent. I know it is not embalming fluid


    Dry on the skin: Men's cologne or soap. It smells clean but still masculine. I can not pick out notes just a cologney soapy scent.


    Conclusion: I don't know if it is my body's tendency to make things got soapy or if it is the aftershave scent overwhelming everything. It is not a bad soapy, like others I have tried. I feel like I just got out of a shower and the only soap there was to use was somewhat manly scented.

  7. In the bottle: Sweet mint with a hint of alcohol, like peppermint schnapps.


    Wet on my skin: The cream and marzipan begin to appear and the mint is soft, almost floral.


    On the dry down: It is sweet and creamy, almost custardy with just a hint of mint lingering in the background. There is almost something buttery about it.


    Sometime later: The mint has become more herbal than the slightly minty custardy, buttery scent it was as it started to dry.


    It is an odd blend of herbs and cream. I am not sure I like it. I wish it had stayed more custardy than going to the herbal end of things, but I will revisit.

  8. In the bottle: I don't know if it is just me or that I got an odd bottle but all I get is mint. No sugary sweet anything just mint.


    On my skin: The moment it hits my skin the mint starts to sour some as it dries it become more and more pine like. Till I am left with a smelling like I have been rolling around in a yule tree.


    I bought this because I know sweet sugary scents work on me but this one does not go that way and honestly I am okay with that. I kind of like the pine scent. It is different.

  9. In the bottle: It is like I am standing at my stove over a pot of deep dark hot chocolate spiced with cinnamon. Just the barest hint of coffee lingering in the air from the pot that had been brewed sometime ago.


    Wet on the skin: The coffee starts to show a bit more and I am smelling more and more like a mocha. A creamy cup of mocha.


    On the drydown: It does not change much from the wet. I still get the scent of a mug of creamy mocha. The perfect blend of coffee, chocolate, and cream.


    Hours later: Somehow somewhere hazelnut has made it's way to the party and I smell like a hazelnut mocha.


    While I may not like drinking mochas I love how the smell, so I am very pleased I bought El Dia De Los Reyes

  10. In the imp: The cypress is the first note I get with just a hint of the fig and dried roses lingering in the background, which is why I am willing to try it. Had the patchouli shown then I never would have tried it.


    Wet on the skin: Patchouli and tonka come through and all I can think is get this off me. I was hoping they would remain hidden behind things like ginger, cypress, fig, dried rose, and cyclamen.


    As it dries: The cyclamen starts come forward with the patchouli, but the cypress starts to show again.


    Sometime later: I let it sit and age on me and between the cypress, cyclamen, and hint of dried roses I no longer am trying to figure out ways to make it go away. It is not a scent I will look forward to wearing again but it is not as bad as originally thought.

  11. In the imp: Sweet, softly floral, juicy jammy red wine, with the barest hint of hard cider.


    Wet on my skin: boozy booziness


    Dry on my skin: It as if someone took a mix bouquet of flowers, so well mixed it is hard to distinguish the individual flowers and sprinkled it with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, but not so much spice the floral quality hides completely. It is spicy and floral and not at all what I expected.


    I am glad I got the imp. I will wear it again, but I do not like it enough to buy a full sized bottle.

  12. In the bottle: Spice, multiple spices, like clove and cinnamon, mixed with a bit of apple. Like a heavily spiced apple pie with a cinnamon sauce.


    Wet on my skin: The apple goes away and hints of pumpkin come out.


    Dry on my skin: It is a mix of Thanksgiving desserts of my childhood. As a teen I was the one that made dessert for Thanksgiving and it was always pumpkin pie and apple pie. This scent on me is the perfect mix of the two as if they were baked in one pie, and dripped in a bit of cream.


    I think I am the only one here that has not tried Samhain so I had no idea what I was in for. In fact I bought this for a friend but now I am thinking of keeping it for myself.

  13. In the vial: Lemon and bitter almond. Sometimes more lemon than almond and other times more almond than lemon.


    Wet on the skin: Almond and pumpkin, and a hint of spice.


    Drydown: All traces of bitter almond are gone, as is the lemon. All I get is a smoky pumpkin.


    Sometime later: It is pure spicey yumminess. Dark deep spice cake yumminess, with just a hint of buttercream frosting.


    I honestly think this is about to replace Boo as my favorite scent. I say that but less than an hour after putting it on it has faded to bare whisper of scent on me, while Boo lasts all day.


    I went and layered my beloved Boo over top and now I have a yummy spiced buttercream scented wrist. I will have to do that again.

  14. In the bottle: Buttery yummy goodness with just the barest hint of pumpkin, like baked pumpkin slathered in butter.


    Wet on the skin: Spice, mostly cinnamon. Nothing more than warm spicy yummy goodness.


    As it dries it gets more and more like freshly baked spiced pumpkin with a drizzle of honey.


    Sometime later the beeswax come out and my wrist smells just like a pumpkin spice candle.


    All in all I like it. It is warm and screams autumn to me. Definitely a good Thanksgiving day scent.

  15. In the bottle: Medicinal, alcoholic pumpkin. The first whiff is like pure alcohol, medicine scent and the second and third I get much more pumpkin.


    Wet on the skin: The medicinal, alcohol scent goes away. I get a hint of pumpkin and lots of spice. I can't really say which spices because it just smells like a mix of them. I would say cinnamon and cloves and nutmeg are definitely part of the spice mix.


    Dry on the skin: All traces of pumpkin have become syrup, a spiced syrup. It's not maple, just dark and sweet. There is a hint of spice. It reminds me more of the gingerbread syrup they use to make gingerbread lattes, rather than the pumpkin spice syrup.


    I can't decide if I like it or not. While I like the sweeter scents with my chemistry this seems to be nothing but sweet. I think I will offer it to my best friend who got me hooked on BPAL and if it doesn't work on her I will keep it.

  16. I have had an imp of this for sometime and thought I had reviewed it but somehow it slipped through my cracks. After purchasing the unreleased V5 I revisited this one.


    In the imp it is floral and vanilla, and warm. There is just barely a hint of the sandalwood hiding way in the background.


    Wet on my skin sandalwood and ambers. Sadly all floral and vanilla notes disappear and I get amdered sandalwood.


    Dry is pretty close to the wet on my skin only much less amber and pretty much only sandalwood.


    While I wanted this one for the name I am glad that it came with an order and that I did not pay for it, because I am not a fan of sandalwood, but my chemistry wants to kill all the other components of this scent other than the sandalwood.

  17. I saw this and since my nickname is mowse(mouse) I wanted it and then I read the reviews and really wanted it.


    In the bottle I get mostly sweet lemony tea. Almost like a mix of sweet tea and lemonade. The moment it hits my skin the tea becomes cakey and lemon becomes much more floral. More like lemon blossoms than actual lemon. As it dries the floral lemony notes take over and that is pretty much all I get, and that is pretty much how it stays.


    I much prefer this unreleased version to the released one which does not work on my skin.

  18. In the bottle it is pure buttered popcorn, but not like homemade buttery buttered popcorn but the candy, like buttery popcorn salt water taffy or jellybellys As it dries on my skin it gets a bit rancid smelling, as in buttery popcorn left to sit out far too long, but finally it mellows into sweet buttered popcorn. Like buttered popcorn sprinkled with sugar.


    The last release of Boo is my go to scent, but this version will definitely see some wear.

  19. In the bottle... cocoa is pretty much all I get, which is odd because there is pretty much no sludge in my bottle at all.


    Wet on my skin... roses. No cocoa, no custard, no vanilla, nothing but roses, well maybe a bit of the oudh peeking out.


    As it dries... it just goes sweet and floral. No lemon, no vanilla, not custardy goodness. The barest hint of cocoa if I am thinking about it as I sniff my wrist. Really it is just sweet and floral.


    In conclusion... I bought Delight and Consternation because I was hoping for a less sweet, less sugary version of Boo. Instead my chemistry amped up the floral notes and killed all the other. All in all it is pretty and I don't regret buying it but had I known it would turn out this way I would have bought something else.

  20. I have Boo 2011, and it is my go to BPAL scent. It is pure joy of sugared cream and a hint of coconut. I find I can face the worst day with a hint of a smile wearing Boo.


    While in the bottle Boo is pure vanilla on my skin it is like living in a pool of freshly made custard lightly scented with coconut. Vanilla is usually a strong scent on me and for me but something about Boo it goes all coconut and cream, and I love it. It's not that suntan oil coconut but the scent of freshly cracked coconut, blended with cream and sugar.

  21. Today I am trying Eve for the first time.


    In the Imp... APPLES! fresh sliced ripe apples.


    Wet on my skin... apples, with a hint of honey and something else that I am not sure of in the background


    Dry... roses, nothing but roses, well maybe a hint of the ylang ylang but not much else.


    I am sad the apple and honey disappeared and all I get is rose on me, but it's not bad. It kind of reminds be of my favorite perfume scent as a kid, which was Tea Rose.

  22. Between the imp, wet on my skin, and hours later this one did not change much for me. All I kept thinking of as I sniffed my wrist was flowers left to dry on a grave or in an old Victorian house.


    It is a pretty darker floral than I would normally gravitate to. Then again the scents I find that I graviate to because of the description go soapy or powdery on me and House of Night did neither. It stayed true to it's darker floral nature. I will definitely revisit this one again. I like it enough that I am glad I got the imp, but not enough to buy a bottle.

  23. I got an imp of this with an order, so I decided to try it out.


    In the imp it is green, fresh, herbal, with a hint of floral.


    Wet on my skin all I get is soap. A moment or two later it is still soapy, but there is a darker, almost smokiness about the soap. I have no idea where it is coming from. Still nothing floral about it.


    It eventually settles into an herbal soap, but still very soapy on me. Then again I have noticed several BPAL scents tend to go soapy on me.
