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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by tasty



    I knew when I ordered that it was going to be lovely. I just didn't know exactly how lovely it was going to be!


    It's a luscious honey-ed vanilla. It's sexy and grown up and YUM!


    Long throw - I feel like I only need to wear half as much perfume as I normally would.


    I've picked up a second back-up already and am pondering the need for two more. It's that good. Seriously.

  2. I'm undecided on this one. I think that the spices in this blend translate to anise on my skin and ever so often I'm get a whiff of black licorice which is not anything I would choose to smell like.


    Other times though, I get a creamy, flour-y sweet scent, like cookie dough before it's been baked.

  3. This is a sophisticated foody dream!


    Starting off on my skin it smelled like Dr. Pepper, fizzy bubbles and all. Later on in the day, it morphed into Eat Me (I think it's the candied fruits doing this) plus Tootsie Rolls with the musk in there making it classy and grown-up instead of childish and all candies.



  4. [Disclaimer: My decant may not be completely accurate to how other bottles may smell. My decantress wrote a letter saying that the bottle she received may have been an unfortunate batch variation, so with a grain of salt on this one...]


    The oil in my decant is thick and luscious. It's very stick to apply; almost like syrup. Putting it on is a little difficult and I think it'll stain my skin. All of this is such a shame because this is a BEAUTIFUL scent. The cocoa absolute makes it smell like a decadent chocolate cake batter but the tobacco and musk grounds it and keeps it in check from being a foody disaster.


    If you've tried Arcana's Morphine, this is in the same vein: dirty, sultry chocolate except BTBT doesn't have patchouli.


    I'm in love. ...which is probably a very good thing because this thick oil is probably staying on my skin for a while.

  5. This is deeeeelicious. Absolutely delectable and gorgeous.


    It's a slightly spiced apple drenched in creamy vanilla cream with a slight honeyed edge.


    It's flirty, fun and girly without being too juvenile. I love this!

  6. I love lilac scents, but sometimes they seem a bit one-note and boring. This one isn't that. At all!


    It's a sophisticated lilac scent that's got a lot of depth and weight to it. I like the "butched up" description. It really is like a pretty floral made less girly with the addition of leather.

  7. Gelt

    Yummy! Dry cocoa with a soft hint of amber in the background. This is really gorgeous. The amber keeps the chocolate in check, so even though it's foody, it's not sickeningly-sweet and overdone.

  8. I really waffle with this one. Usually I LOVE it to pieces. It's a delicious, nougat-y, vanilla dessert. It's lovely.


    But then sometimes this one goes right to my head and makes my stomach turn a little bit. I am definitely a foody lover, but at times this is just a titch too much.


    Today though, it's gorgeous... :P

  9. I didn't want to try this at first because I am afraid of the pine note of doom. When I first applied this I was apprehensive that I'd come out smelling like I got into a fight with Father Christmas. What I got instead was Dad's Cologne...? At first it's very masculine and has that heady, herbal note that I get in a lot of guys fragrances.


    About an hour later the eau de dude fades and what's left is slightly sweet (I would suspect it's the vanilla mingling with the honey) and something "fuzzy". I bet that's the skin musk playing tricks on my nose. I also could swear that there's amber in here somewhere but maybe I'm mistaken.


    Overall, a nice scent, but nothing that I'm dying to hoard.

  10. I'm so bad at doing scent reviews! So please take that in mind when I attempt to describe this scent.


    This is a very pretty scent yet is sophisticated at the same time. Youthful florals mix with stately musk and spice. It's a balance of beautiful and strong; really it's exactly what a madame should smell (and act!) like.


    I love this. I admit that I want to try any blend with Florentine Iris since I think that's what's in Black Pearl that has me going gaga over it. There aren't many blends containing this illusive ingrediant, so I treasure each one.


    This is so lovely on - even better than in the bottle. I'll be treasuring this blend and will be buying a lot more of this one!

  11. Wow, Nanny Ashtoreth smells like my friend, Tony. ...what?? *does a double take, err, sniff*


    This scent is spices, men's cologne and a woodshop with a hint of pine?


    I really can't get over how much this reminds me of Tony... It's a bit startling, actually.

  12. To quote Outkast, "Ain't nobody dope as me I'm just so fresh so clean."


    This is freshly-soaped squeaky-clean skin. Pristine white sheets, bleached cotton and creamy white wool. Pure, innocent, clean and simple.

  13. This is minty Dragon's Blood and cedar. I'm really on the fence with this one! One one hand I like how it's refreshing and not like any other BPAL that I've smelled before. On the other hand, hmmm. Do I want to smell like this combination of ingredients? The jury's still out!
