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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by tasty

  1. tasty

    Bruised Violet Compound

    Is my nose broken? I don't get anything dirty and certainly no patchouli from this blend. It smells on me like watered down violets, a bit of some greenery and a touch of sweetness. It's a nice scent. I love violet, so I was hoping for a more powerful, potent violet blend. Maybe I need to check out Violet Ray next.
  2. tasty

    La Vague

    This is just peachy! (Sorry, I couldn't resist the awful pun!) Usually when I think of a peach perfume, I think of a syrupy-sweet peaches and cream blend that is just dripping with sugar. This isn't that. La Vague is a soft peach (maybe due to it being a white peach blend?) with a beautiful floral background. It's so delicate and distinct. It's a very lovely blend and makes me feel fresh and pretty while wearing it!
  3. tasty


    I wore this one today when I wanted to feel pretty and girly. After having it on for almost 5 hours, it's definitely doing the trick! This is a scent that screams pink. It's ultra-feminine and sweet without being juvenile or boring. The cherry blossoms come out for me right away and behind it a melody of sweet, floral perfume. It's slightly powder-y, which I actually don't mind, and it's the perfect spring scent. Gorgeous.
  4. tasty

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    Mmmmm... Smoky Snake Oil with vanilla, berries and ..apple? Is that really what I smell here? Basically, there's nothing not to like here. It's fabulous!
  5. tasty

    Blood Phoenix

    Grape-y wine-like sweet and sassy. That's Blood Phoenix in a nutshell. I'm not getting anything even remotely musky from this scent, and I'm actually okay with that. Once it's on, the sweet fruits settle into something deep and sinister. It becomes a much more serious blend.
  6. tasty

    Mechanical Phoenix

    I wanted something oily and machine-like, but all I get from this blend is men's cologne over some faint ozone notes. It's nice that it's more wearable than I thought it was going to be, but I was sort of hoping for something more like a novelty perfume.
  7. tasty

    Lick It One More Time

    To me, this is much more pepperminty than the previous versions. On my skin, LIOMT does this weird smoky ashtray thing making it seem much less desirable than the others. I'm not sure where that's coming from, but I get a definite smoke smell from this one.
  8. tasty

    Lick It Again

    I've decided that Lick It Again is my favorite in the Lick It series. It's creamy, sugary peppermint. I don't get strong, harsh mint like other have reported. To me it's smooth and comforting. It's cool and icy on my skin. I love this one and have since last year. MMMM.
  9. tasty


    This blend is just generic floral to my nose. It's like a big, elaborate bouquet where you can't tell the scent of one flower from the next. I'm also getting something powdery from this blend. Not sure where that's coming from, though. This one just isn't for me. It's nothing special to my nose, and if I'm in the mood to wear something floral, I have a bazillion other scents to choose from.
  10. tasty

    Wezwanie / Hold

    I wish that I got Storyville from this one because I bet that would be heavenly. Instead the honey + vanilla are making this blend seem like O's older, more complex sister. It's deliciously sweet, but not over done or overly foody. I think that the sandalwood keeps this one from being an OMG foodie blend. I really love this one, but it may be too similar to O for me to justify buying a bottle of it.
  11. tasty


    Don't you love it when a frimp from the lab works so perfectly with your skin chemistry? Especially when it's one that you probably never would have sought out on your own? That would be Vice. I love chocolate scents but I feel like I have more than enough of them so I've stopped buying them all together. Vice is so different from Velvet or any of the 13s of Candy Butcher. I would agree with the person who said that this is a medium-bodied chocolate. It's not the gooey-fudgey scent from Lump of Coal and it's not the white chocolate from one of the 13s. It falls somewhere in the middle. Initially it smells like the chocolate covered cherries with the liquid center that you can buy around the holidays. These are my guilty pleasure and I always buy a box around Christmas. As time goes on, the orange peeks its head out, adding a bit more fruity smell to the scent. This is so pretty. Thanks to the lab for giving me something to try that I might not ever tried otherwise!
  12. tasty

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    My boyfriend told me that I smelled "clean, like Zest soap" when he smelled freshly-applied Lilium Inter Spinas on me. I think it definitely smells clean and fresh, but not like soap. I could swear that this blend has gardenia in it. I'm getting strong, wafting single note gardenia from this one. Maybe it's the hibiscus or the lily that I'm smelling (or maybe the combination) but it doesn't have that sharp lily bite to it that I normally smell. This one's okay, nothing too special. But it's nice and I'm not rushing to scrub it off my skin. I'd give it a 2.5/5.
  13. tasty

    Scent for Halloween?

    That's so well done! Bravo!!
  14. tasty

    Scent for Halloween?

    OMG, that's hilarious! (Says the daughter of a lobbyist who cringes everytime she hears the work her Dad is doing...) I'm costumeless today, sadly. I'm just not creative enough this year to come up with anything wonderful.
  15. tasty


    Sybaris. How do I love thee, let me count the ways. 1. Your soft violet scent. 2. Your underlying sweetness. 3. The hint of clove I get sometimes. 4. The slightly smoky scent that lies beneath everything. 5. The way this scent makes me feel so. damn. SEXY..
  16. tasty


    Q. Are there scents in the general catalogue that are so special, so beautiful, so perfect that you feel grateful they are not LE? A. For me, that would be Tamora. This is a beautiful scent and it's one that I rarely wear because I never have to test it out to know if I like it. I do and it's gorgeous. On me this is a playful peach scent. I never would have thought that an amber + any fuit scent would work so well together, but Tamora is the perfect example of this. Beth, you're brillant. This is a fun, fruity, sweet scent that is made more mature by the amber and the sandalwood. This isn't your little sister's peach body spray, this is Tamora's sexy perfume oil.
  17. tasty

    Eat Me

    MMMMM. This is a truly decadent cake-y, foody blend. It makes me crave sweets and it's still the morning! The scent is vanilla buttercream cake topped with luscious berries on top. This scent has really good lasting power and is strong enough that you don't need to apply very much. HEAVENLY!
  18. tasty

    Lucy's Kiss

    What a gorgeous, soft rose blend!! Like others have mentioned, this is like a potpourii of dried roses. Light and airy when some rose blends can tend to be heavy and too much. This would be a beautiful blend to start with if you're on the fence about wearing rose scents. I can stop sniffing myself! Next 5ml purchase for sure.
  19. tasty

    Midwinter's Eve

    This smells like sweetarts minus the mouth curling tartness. I even can detect some of the chalky flavor that I've always gotten from the candies. It's sweet, sugary goodness. Definitely something I'd wear when I want a fun pick-me-up.
  20. tasty

    Crypt Queen

    I don't get any floral from this blend. It's pure pomegranate & raspberry kool-aid on my skin. I almost didn't order this because patchouli almost always dominates with my chemistry, but in this blend it's not noticeable at all. 3/3 with the BPTP blends tonight!!
  21. tasty

    Marshmallow Poof

    YAY! I've always hoped for BPAL to do a marshmallow scent because I thought it would be so fun and playful and not to mention right up my foody-loving alley.This is pink, strawberry-laced spun sugar. It's girly, it's decadent and it'll instantly give you a cavity. Yum.
  22. tasty

    Egg'd Mailbox

    This was the BPTP Inquisition blend that I most wanted to get even with so many people who were scared of an egg-y scent. This is beautiful. Vanilla creme brulee custard dusted with nutmeg and the faintest touch of cinnamon. I'm in love. You'll have to pry this one from my cold, dead hands.
  23. tasty

    Schrodinger's Cat

    If it weren't for the concept, I don't think I would have bought this scent. The notes seem like such a random mismash that I initially thought would never all work together. ...of course, I was wrong. I should be giving Beth more credit because she never fails to impress me. Right out of the gate this is a sweet citrus scent. The tangerine is the most prominent note, but I can smell the grapefruit and a hint of the lime. I'm not sure if it's the sugared lime that is making this scent so sweet, or if pink grapefruit isn't as tast as regular grapefruit, but there definitely is a very sweet quality to this scent. I don't really get any other specific notes, no oakmoss and thankfully no chocolate mint because that combination with all those fruits sounded terrible. I like this one, it's not love, but I'm glad I ordered the imp.
  24. tasty

    Al Azif

    MMMMM, this one is like a pancake wrapped in a hug dipped in maple syrup. I'm terrible at coming up with individual notes but this one is slightly smoky and maple-y. It'll be good to wear in the fall. When people ask me what I smell like, I'll just say, "I don't know but it sure is gooood!"
  25. tasty


    I'm a total sucker for anything Hawaiian, so when I saw Hi'iaka's debut in the Halloween update, I knew that I'd have to order my first imp pack from the lab. This scent is a fresh burst of sweet florals and in order to like this one, you must be down with smelling like flowers AND candy all at the same time. I can't pick out the individual flowers scents, but I would imagine this bouquet to be beautiful. I put this on about 4 hours ago and it's still just faintly there. The OMGMEGAFLORALness has mellowed down and it's just a lovely perfumey blend. I would love this in a massage oil because it would remind me of having a luxurious spa treatment while on vacation. And really, what's better than that?