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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess


    full of yummy wonderful notes that sometimes don't blend so well for me... Ivy and Lily, i love them but they tend not to like me so much... in the imp: smells like wild white roses. on me: turns into gardenias. (i have this problem with lots of floral scents) still a clean, fresh, white-floral scent... just not for me.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this was one of the first few BPAL scents i tried... and i must say, it was a good indication of things to come. full of notes that i love... but apparently not when they are all put together. i *wanted* rose petals and red wine. i got dog soaked in apple juice.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Grand Guignol

    i've had me some apricot brandy... but not from this imp. this is dried apricots and a little bit of peach nectar (or Fuzzy Peach oil from the Body Shop if you have any left) too froufy and fruity on me and before long it starts... turning. mentions of rancid gummy bears and silly putty from before both ring true...although i get more generic-crayon-wax. fanciers of freshly-opened-crayon-box smell might like this.
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Serpent's Kiss

    the oil is so pretty! like grenadine or red syrup. it didn't stain my skin, like some others have had. thankfully. initial sniff from the imp: vetiver and... musty old books? ( i love the smell of well-kept old books. these are the ones that got wet and weren't properly dried, and then sat in a box for a gazillion years) on skin, a few minutes later: BPAL dragon's blood and i don't get along, but i think it ran away. all i get here is spice, and almost a little musk? i didn't expect to like this at all, but i think i do. maybe not enough for a bottle, but certainly enough to keep this imp. to watch the pretty oil roll around if nothing else.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess


    Beautiful, radiant daughter of Demeter... her loveliness was so exquisite that even Hell itself could not resist her. Pomegranate and rose. initial sniff from the imp: roses and pom juice. sniffed again a few minutes later, just before application: perm solution & salon hairdye, with some roses. with that unappealing scent still stuck in my nose, i try it on skin anyway... aaaaaand the perm smell goes away but the chemically smell doesn't. the rose gets better, but if i want the salon smell, i'll go get my hair done. (it takes so much restraint not to say either "get my hair did" or "get my hair laundered) i remember trying another rose-blend that turned into a salon-y smell on me, too.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess

    March Hare

    this smells the way a certain mall-store always smells to me... the Briar Patch.... semi-upscale home decoraty knicknacky stuff. candles, potpourri, throws, side tables, stuff to hang on the walls.. i always thought the store smelled yummy -- and it smells like this. apricot preserves and clove. whoda thunk it?
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Loup Garou

    always hoping for a chypre to crawl out of a cypress blend, i am... eucalyptus always makes me fell like i'm choking/drowning/can't breathe... juniper is lovely, in small doses. this makes me feel like a sick christmas tree in bed with a headcold. it does settle down into something less medicine-y smelling, but it takes awhile to get to that middle-of-the-forest smell, which is lovely... but to me not worth the journey.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Black Tower

    i got a sniffy of this awhile back and didn't care for it... i got a frimp of it today and love it. re-sniffed the sniffy... still don't like it. dunno. i need a bottle of this. this is a memory given back to me in a precious little vial. i mention him often, although he's been gone since 1988.... my first stepfather smoked a pipe, smoked a custom-blended cherry-vanilla-something (the something was the secret. i still don't know what it was) pipe tobacco that he kept in a black leather zippy pouch... supple, soft, worn-smooth like glove leather pouch. this glorious, precious droplet of oil gave me that memory back, i thought i'd lost it when that pouch was stolen and destroyed by a jealous person i'd rather forget. this is supple black leather, sweet pipe tobacco and a good man.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Old Scratch

    in the imp: lavender. straight up and fresh. went on my skin: lavender and .... something. not quite patchouli, maybe the rosewood. as it dries, the amber takes over and turns it all into lavender and powder -- but dusting powder, not baby powder. smells rather like a stereotypical "mom" kind of smell... coty lipstick and airspun powder, heavy foundation, and palmolive. (not that my mom ever smelled like that, that's more *me* than -her-, but you get the idea) so... mom is the devil in disguise? oddly enough, i really really like this... and as a rule, i can't stand lavender (being as it is a mint-cousin, and i really don't like mint) really random thought: i think this would make a nice counterpart to Herr Drosselmeyer
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess


    a bunch of red, red roses. shoved into a vase filled with cherry kool-aid. pretty, in a strange way. like a little girl playing dressup, or an adult that refuses to "grow up" not that i'd know anything about that.... i like this! i'll hafta get a bottle. and maybe learn how to spell the name!
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess


    wow, this one has lots of throw! a gorgeous white/wild floral. honeysuckle and sweet pea being the primary notes, with something keeping the sweetness of the honeysuckle damped down just a little... i don't know if i actually smell the pear, or just *feel* it...but i think all the notes are there, linear, mixing to make this delish. full of notes i love, i was so afraid this would turn into something horrid once it touched my skin, but not so, so far... clean and fresh and floral.
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Marquise de Merteuil

    sniffed from the imp: initial reaction is "yergh" i try it on the top of a finger (i'm not feeling very brave with this one) and... it makes me sneeze. smells rather like generic perfume. maybe i'll try this one again some other time. after i've had a few drinks and feel like letting it age on my skin some. as is, this is about to go get scrubbbbbed off.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess


    the top of my hand tingles where i put the oil... i think that's probably a bad sign. all i smell is christmas tree... the fake sprayed on scent the put on the live trees, that is. evergreen and mint and something either like camphor or eucalyptus that makes my breath catch for a second, feeling like i'm going to suffocate. clears my sinuses, though. mix this with something heavy on the frankincense and something with a healthy dose of myrrh and you'll smell like christmas! eta: as time passes, the smell begins to remind me of GothRosary's "season's greedings" mixed with a heavy spritz of Fendi. every hour or so.. the scent is completely different.
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess


    in the imp, this smells very much like the mandrake root i have on hand... on me, it disappears entirely for about ten minutes, then comes back in the form of... pencil shavings. as others have said, the oil is sitting on top of my skin, not absorbing. just... waiting? in trying to come up with a comparison, all i can think of is that this smells like my pencilbox did when i was wee -- pencils, shavings, crayons -- all jumbled together.
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess


    snake oil mixed with ciggie ashes and burnt rubber. yick.
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this imp was a victim of a small spillage incident, so sniffing it doesn't tell me much... on skin, first i get the insta-plastic BPAL vanilla thing that i get sometimes.... but that quickly changes to.... Dial soap and baby powder. and a migraine.
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess


    when i was little i got hooked on this hard candy with a gooey filling... but only the peach. the strawberry kind was and still is everywhere (in the cute lil wrappers that look like strawberries) but the peach kind... that was the stuff! that's what the sniff from the imp and initial swipe on my hand smell like to me... that quickly settles down, gets alot less sweet, and musk comes out. and... the faintest bit of hairspray? wierd but comforting anyway. i like it. wierd, but i like it. smells warm and moist and thick... all good things. there's a jarring note in here somewhere... as much as i love to eat them, i'm thinking it might be the pomegranate... something that messes up the flow of the scent, for me. either that or the plum. if that wasn't there, i'd LOVE this. as it is, i'll use the imp, and probably buy a bottle... but it won't be a top 10. top 20, maybe.
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Lady MacBeth

    sniffed from the imp: thick and sickly sweet. on skin: grape soda with a bit of jelly-filled-doughnut filling (not the pastry, just the goo) i didn't expect to like this at all, but i do! a red-purple kind of smell. very little throw, but pretty good staying power.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess


    a hallmark store i used to work at sold bath bombs... by a company whose name i've long since forgotten. they had one in a "romance" scent that i loved... it had roses and orange peel in it & was heart-shaped... this smells the way those did. rose and citrus and a little bit of sandalwood to keep it all grounded. at least, until it hit my skin. i had about ten minutes of the yum before i got powder. more of a dusting powder than baby powder, thank goodness. a beautiful oil, i'll try it on something that isn't me, and then i'm sure it'll be lovely.
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Blood Moon 2005

    on first sniff.... i didn't like this at all. so... i've let it sit. today's the day! wet on skin: all i really get is the usual lunar base smell... with a bit of an extra kick. somewhere between good cinnamon and red hots. dry: this is Smut without the sugar, and with a good cinnamon broom nearby. i *heart* teh Smut...and i like this, too. very faint, though.... i basically hafta smush my nose against my arm to really smell it. ADDED 11/12/07: red musk and cinnamon potpourri. *siGh* this one's going to a more loving home.
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Dragon's Hide

    *sob* i had sooo been wanting to try this, to adore it, to worship it... alas. doesn't do much good to sniff from the imp, in shipping from the lab an imp of Cairo exploded all over everything, so that's all i smell on the outside. but on my skin: fabric softener and burnt leather. vaguely reminds me of the "new car scent" scratch & sniff stickers from the 80's. (the ones with the bald headed guy and the brown car seats, specifically. i dug out one of my old "sticker albums" and did a sniff test. ha!)
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Blood Countess

    in the imp, i mostly get GARDENIA... .and other small white blossoms. on my skin, i get white flowers and still with the gardenia. drying down, maybe some small yellow blossoms mix in with the gardenia -- with a wierd, bitter, almost grapefruit/overripe citrus type note hovering just somewhere in the air nearby. overall reaction: ick. and i try to ignore my hand for awhile, as i was at work and couldn't go scrub like the dickens to get it off... about an hour later, i wondered why i kept smelling roses. glorious, full-bloom florist roses... so i cautiously sniffed my hand .... and boom. rosier than Rose Red. lovely, but not worth the first fifteen minutes of ick.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess


    in the imp, it smells like every pumpkin scented candle at the mall. when it hits my skin, there's a brief but glorious few seconds of buttered popcorn -- moreso than shill, even-- and finally settles down to be a cloveless pumpkin pie. light on the nutmeg, too, but probably a fair amount of ginger..... but with a delicious, buttery crust. overall, 6 outta 10. probably a good layering scent under more buttery or spicy scents, to bring too-rich back down to reasonable, for those who believe in that sort of thing...
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess


    in the imp: i can't really smell anything at all. just vaguely "clean" smelling. which is a relief, because i was so afraid of the almond. evil, eee-vile almond. on my skin, after a minute or so: very strong brewed chamomile tea. with lemon. violets in a vase nearby. sandalwood & rosewood incense. very pretty, lovely blend. never would have figured i'd like this very much, but i do. still smells very clean.... and not so different from liquid Tide the more i think about it... if Dirty smells like fabric softener, then Libertine is the detergent. .... three hours later, and i really like this. whoda thunk it? ETA: for some reason, a few minutes after i posted this, i realised the top of my hand (where i'd sampled this, for easy sniff-testing) was beginning to smell like Rose Cross -- which i have neither worn nor touched in well over a week. freaky. but yummy.
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Devil's Night

    i tried this on a little while ago.... and without digging out the bottle to compare them, all i can think is "why does this smell like Samhain" ? ('05, that is) hopefully this is just my wierd chemistry, but they're so very similar. on a ten scale, i'd say a six for me....i'll put this away and try it again when the weather is more suited to bonfires and falling leaves, apple cider and TP-ing trees....