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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess


    when i first opened this -- without reading the description or other reviews -- i got that back-of-the-throat taste/smell that you get when you make lime kool-aid and accidentally breathe while the powder still hangs in the air. when i sniff the imp, i don't get any lime scent at all, but i did at first -- from somewhere. but at least i'm not the only one! i've spent a good hour reading a book and occasionally sniffing the top of my hand, trying to make note of what all is happening, scent-wise... and failing. i hate vetiver. i don't much care for myrrh. mullien, eh, could go either way... musks i love *in general* but some i don't much like (red musk) so i expected to hate this. strangely enough, i don't. i don't care to keep the imp because i know i won't wear it, but it certainly is interesting! i can't describe the wet stage at all, it changed too many times. the end result, though, is strangely specific: Gojo hand cleaner and teh Smut.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i'm not sure how to begin describing this... but i think it has red musk in it, because i'm getting the same latex/rubber-y scent that i do from red musk. and amber tends to go wierd on me. the lab's ylang ylang tends to go medicinal to my nose... and the end result is... somebody please adopt this imp and love it?
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess


    impsniff: smells like the cordial my friend makes skinsniff, wet: smells like red-purple potpourri skinsniff, dry: cinnamon-gum and potpourri -- a little spicier now, but just not me.
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    i'm glad to get to try this... but it isn't a keeper for me. it has a better home to go to in tomorrow's post [= smells like a strangeish combination of Snake Oil, Djinn and Chanel No. 5 (or at least lots of oakmoss) the scent changes almost constantly, but it consistently reminds me of an upscale perfume from decades gone by.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Miskatonic University

    ever had rice krispies treats made with a cup (or thereabouts) of peanut butter added to the marshmallowy mix before you add in the cereal? (my mom loves them made that way, so its a scent i know well) after the initial coffee-woodsy scent, as soon as the oil begins to absorb into my skin, that's what i smell. with a little bit of the plastic i've come to associate with BPAL vanilla. so, yes, i've had to get a bottle of this.... to add to my scent memories collection that BPAL has given me. edited to add: ooooer, i have the questionable honour of being the last person to review it when it was still a LE, expensive, hard-to-find blend! [= hopefully everyone who reviews it from this point on will have paid regular catalogue prices for their bottles [=
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Jazz Funeral

    ... Bittersweet bay rum, bourbon, and a host of funeral flowers with a touch of graveyard dirt, magnolia and Spanish Moss. i know what is supposed to be in this blend, but i know what i smell... to my skin/nose, this is Zombi and the Premature Burial.... mixed. a prematurely buried zombi? very odd... the premature burial is my favourite fragrance from the last 20 years, and Zombi amuses me so i wear it to work nearly everyday (well, i work four days a week).... i got a decanted imp in a swap and i liked it so much i had to get a bottle. i'm sure i'll be getting a second one soon enough.
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess


    cedar and raspberry leaf! it seems like i smell fig leaves, but i'm not familiar with the scent of olive leaves, so maybe i'm simply mistaking the olive for the fig i don't get any vetiver (yay) i feel rather like a pencil that's been stirring pesto. strange as that sounds, i like it!
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Embalming Fluid

    if the lemon in Dorian is sweet lemon cookies... then this is lemon zest. (gratings from the peel, not soap) was it the Healing Gardens who came out with the Green Tea Therapy stuff about ten years ago or thereabouts? add some lemon and white musk to that.... i like it, strangely enough. so fresh and clean smelling, i can't see myself wearing it much, but it'd be nice to add it to my collection [=
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Caterpillar

    this blend is a 50-50 combination of scents i love and scents i hate... so wouldn't you just know it, the one i dislike most of all is the dominant one. from beginning to end, all this really is, on me, is Jasmine Incense. *siGh* i will say this is the least-awful Jasmine-BPAL i've tried, but still.... not me.
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i loathe almond... impsniff: almonds skinsniff, wet: spiced almonds -- almost like the vendors at street fairs and renfest skinsniff, dry: gingersnaps! yay, the almond went away! cinnamon-gingery-spice cookies with a rum-butter hard sauce. not sweet or foody enough, really, but quite yummy! i never woulda guessed i'd like this. the lab amazes me yet again [=
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess


    almost as if shub and dorian had a child... all the tea-ish goodness of Dorian, without the lemon-vanilla-cookies plus some herbs (borrowed from either Shub or Leanan Sidhe or some such) but even slathered on, onto very well-moisturized skin, this scent didn't even last as long as the 20minute nap i took after i put it on. which is really a shame, cuz it is so pretty. i wouldn't have thought i'd like this, but the lab knew better and frimped it. yay. [= eta: i've recently gotten some very aged "Old Shanghai" and it is reaaaally yummy.
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess


    Lavender and Jasmine are evil and vile on me.... but i still had to at least try this one, because i love honeysuckle... this smells like it should be a somnus blend. reminds me of alot of "this will help you relax/sleep" oils i've encountered. and for people who don't cringe/gag from Lavender or Jasmine, i'm sure it might.... after the first few minutes, this just turns soapy on me, thankfully.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    i think the bunnies in question must be Peeps... there's no other reason this would be so sweet and innocent-smelling. i really like this blend and am glad i have a bottle of it. much lighter than the EOM or most other musk-type blends, except maybe Dorian in fact, it sortof reminds me of something that'd fit in with Dorian, The Unicorn, Leanan Sidhe or even Shub. work-friendly or gift-friendly. ADDED 12/2/07: how have i not reviewed this? i wear this frequently as a comfy-i'm-home type of scent, and for times when i'm feeling fluffy and don't want the mental complication of many BPAL scents. sniffed from the wandcap: smells almost like a scented laundry detergent, but in the good way. on skin: there's a sweetness like granulated sugar - not like frosting or brown sugar - but also a clean and innocent sort of smell. the Philosophy "Inner Grace" reminds me a bit of this, i think that's why i like that scent. i've worn it and layered it well with B&BW "cotton blossom" but it doesn't smell exactly like it by any means. i've also worn it with the Body Shop's White Musk, and it goes nicely with that. i hate the smell of baby powder and i've never gotten anything remotely like that kind of powder. sometimes it almost makes my nether-regions twitch, but only almost. i bought several bottles, but i don't think i'll ever have enough.
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i can't believe i haven't reviewed this yet! i *heart* teh Smut. and i'm still halfheartedly trying to get one each of all four bottles... rich and musky and sexy... there's sugar (like brown sugar or raw sugar, rather than frosting or white overprocessed sugar) and some dark, dark rum and enough musk to get drunk on. i've taken to wearing it when i want to feel.... really, really good...
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    the Frat i hang out at GA Tech has... well. its a long story, but the end of it is that there's a framed picture of an Orangutan... a monkey, really, whose name is goD. i cleaned it and oiled the wooden frame with a bit of this oil so there's a yummy waft of scent on one side of the room for no apparent reason. hee! [= anyway, i'd had an imp/decant of this for awhile and finally got around to trying it... and OMG wow, yum. this isn't as animalic as it might seem... yes, it is very thick, rich and musky but isn't overwhelming or "stanky" at all. there is an eensy bit of orange (get it?) in there somewhere, but it drifts away and then comes back.... i'm not sure what the 'Malaysian rainforest plant extracts" would be, but whatever it is, it makes me think of figs. and the only amber i get is a very dark, non-powderrific rich sortof scent. overall, i really like this. [=
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i hate jasmine... at first, that's all i can smell. sniffed from the bottle and wet on skin, is JASMINE. as it dries, the jasmine fades back a little and the spices, musk, and iris come out to play. (not spices like chai or pumpkin pie, but more like chinese five-spice or allspice) the "midnight flowers" (the real reason i wanted to try this blend) never do bloom for me, but the much-hated jasmine finally goes away. i'm wondering if there might be red musk in this...i'm getting a similar scent-feel from this as i do from other blends where the red musk shows up as a burnt-plastic/musk/rubber scent that never can quite decide which it wants to be when it grows up. sortof like the intentional "burned" note in Midway. if Samhain '05 was too sweet... imagine taking away all the sugar and sweet notes, and just the spice notes that were left, that's what this reminds me of. glad i have a bottle, but i think i'll add it to my i-will-decant-from-this list. just a quick edit to add a small fact: i've only worn this once since the day i did this review, and that's just now tonight as i spilled a drop on my hand while doing a decant. i don't think i need to keep this bottle...
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i *heart* teh Smut and am much afeared for when i run out. someone suggested that Scherezade might be a possible replacement... and it is very Smut-ish. minus at least one of the three musks, and without the sugar. layered over the Body Shop's White Musk and Woobie's Sugar Cloud.... i have very-nearly-Smut. and i am very-nearly thrilled
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    i didn't like this when i first tried it.... but now a few months later, i guess it has grown on me? cinnamon dusted, honeyglazed (like a doughnut, not really honey) angelfood cake. i think my problem with it, to begin with, is that it is an "adult" sortof rich/yummy/foody scent. where Sugar Cookie or Gluttony or Midway are childhood-sweet scents, MB:Underbed is a gourmand, adult sort of rich food-y-ness. a little bit of this oil on the back of my hand before i went to bed, helped me sleep through all sorts of noise and commotion in the backyard (concrete trucks, hammering, voices, lumber deliveries, etc). i don't get any coconut (thank goodness -- unless it is the coconut from Blood Pearl, which is unlike any coconut i've ever encountered before) or milk chocolate, but i do get hints of the dark, bittersweet baker's chocolate that i adore.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess


    there's this one particular BPAL rose note that seems to always turn into perm solution on me... this has that note. perm solution, pears and lily of the valley. off to swaps.
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess


    bazooka bubblegum sugar coated jelly-orange slices raspberry gumdrops none of which are things i've ever liked, but all of which seem to be smeared on my wrist.
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess


    cedar and sandalwood. simple and straightforward.
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess


    violet and jasmine. that's all.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess


    bitter white flowers that gave me a very sick headache at only a sniff. salty gardenias with jasmine is all i could smell before i had to close up the imp and put it far, far away.
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess


    impsniff: saltwater skinsniff, wet: Rhododendron and sea salt skinsniff, dry: rancid soap and white flowers edit: after having this scent suggested to me again and again, i thought i'd try it again. so i put it on my wishlist and a wonderful person (and great decant circle leader!) sent me a frimp of it. it still smells pretty awful on me, but with a new twist: fraternity house laundry room -- the unwashed unknown-owner pile of stinky clothes. ewwww.
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess


    sniffed from the imp: incredibly strong cherry/almond, so strong it drowns out everything else. skinsniff, wet: cherryalmond skinsniff, dry: smells like walking into a scented candle shoppe... everything all mixed together. no more cherryalmond, but overall ... meh. off to swaps