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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess


    my first stepfather was half Cherokee and half Cajun... so he was an interesting critter, yes. and, through him, i became much more familiar than most with true American Indian life... and history. anyway, my point, i grew up knowing the smell of doeskin and sweetgrass... and i loves me some dark musk... the skankier the better. amber? eh, not so much. this has been reviewed quite a few times, so i'll just give my final verdict: untanned leather and a freshly sharpened pencil.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    i don't care for jasmine or citrus and lavender only in small doses... i don't go for spicy foods and... well, basically knew this would either be horrid or all the bad would cancel each other out. horrid is the answer jasmine-citrus-lavender-italian spices (spaghetti sauce without the tomatoes) and now i go scrub my hands.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snow Angel

    Cherubic spun sugar with a hint of lemon, sparkling peach, and floral tea. lemons? peaches? booze? snow? where are y'all finding these lovely notes? *flips imp around and around looking to see where they're hiding* i get... pine. sweet pine, but pine. and maaaaaybe if i use my imagination, lemon blossom.
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Pumpkin Queen

    my brain is confused, it says this smells exactly like last year's Pumpkin #1 with a little more Jack instead of mulling spices. i like it, don't get me wrong. but... i'll have to get out last year's bottle and re-sniff.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Punkie Night

    sniffed from the imp: freshly cut, juicy, fresh apples. skinsniff, wet: fresh cut apples and apple cider with hints of ozone or fresh, crisp air skinsniff, dry: same as wet, only a little richer i hate cranberries, so i don't know if i'm just not getting any or my brain is not telling me about it.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Drink Me

    it is hard to believe that roast turkey, pineapple upside-down-cake and buttered toast could all be happening on top of my hand, all at once. but they are. more savory than sweet, and not something i could wear everyday... but i do wear it from time to time, just because it amuses me.
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this one changes a whole lot at first.. from lavender baby shampoo (i use baby shampoo to remove my makeup... so that's a smell i know well).... to flea shampoo (the good smelling kind, but still. Hartz flea shampoo) and finally to aerosol shaving cream (Barbasol, i think. in the red and white can) so i smell like i scrubbed my face clean, then washed and shaved the cat.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess

    All Souls

    to begin: i *heart* this. i knew i'd like it, but i didn't realise how much. this could easily be a Monster Bait, or a sibling of Eat Me & Drink Me. at first, it smells like those butter cookies (the flower shaped ones with the holes in the middle? the ones that fit nicely on fingertips?), but there's a richer, sweeter, almost perfume-y-er (perfumier?) note in there, too. i'm not sure i get anything traditionally incense-like, but there are the occasional wafts of something that smells like Midnight Mass, so maybe there's catholic church incense. a few hours later, there's something vaguely powderrific creeping out -- and reminding me of Berenice.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Kumari Kandam

    this smells like christmas snow. i'm not sure how else to word it... not peppermint (which i hate) or frankincense and myrrh, but some combination of scents that have somehow gotten stuck in my head as "christmassy" wet and dark and smooth with a dangerous edge. ever cut yourself on ice? this reminds me of something that i can't quite name... like maybe Dirty and House of Mirrors had a child? or somebody put Black Opal in a "freezer" (not literally, of course. do oils freeze?) i like it, but i'm not sure i will wear it often. aha! i think i remember now. Yankee Candle's "Storm Watch". that's what this reminds me of. bear in mind, i just worked a 13 hour shift, and i'm beat. [=
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess


    the zest of an orange with the teeeensiest bit of candied ginger...
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Red Queen

    gah! liquid Tylenol and mothballs. medicinal cherry and....and....and just no. i'm swapping with someone who has this on her wishlist, so its off to her!
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess

    House of Mirrors

    i HATE amber. haaate. it is evil and always turns to baby powder on me. so i didn't order this, first time around...thinking i'd be safe. then, i got a decant.... and that was the beginning of the end. this is so beautiful on me, it is like mirrors and water and all things bright, white, shiny and clear. nigh on impossible for me to put into words, except for oh, yessss. please? please, Sir, may i have another?
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess


    in the bottle, this smells SO GOOD. like a tiny little bottle of the "butter" (yeah. riiiight.) they squirt on popcorn at the movies... but once it hits my skin, it smells sortof like a bowl of grits for a few minutes, then there's coconut for a few minutes... and then it is gone. less than twenty minutes and just gone. and nothing i've tried has made it last longer than that. pooh! so, i just bring the bottle out to sniff. because it makes me happy.
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snake Charmer

    for some reason, i can't wear Snake Oil anymore. no matter how fresh or how aged, it always turns to pure baby powder, which i hate. this... well, i've had it for awhile and only just tonight had the nerve to try it... this is Snake Oil without the awful plastic and play-doh and baby powder. well, there's still a little of the baby powder-y-ness, but i don't get overwhelmed by it. this is really pretty, and i can see how'd it make the perfect "signature scent" for some, but i don't love it as much as some people do... so i'll probably let this go to a better home. also, to note: i accidentally got a little of this oil on a small cut and BOY DOES IT STING. itches, really. (i'd think i'm having a reaction, but it is only on the cut, and my skin rarely reacts to anything) edited to add: PLEASE don't message me and offer to buy this from me. if it isn't listed or mentioned in my swap/sale threads, then it isn't up for grabs. i've gotten two people asking to buy it in the last 10 hours, and that's not cool.
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess


    soapy + lotion-y and traditional GuyScent. a great scent to ease your man-creature into the lovely world of BPAL and perfume oils. i like this, but it isn't fantastic on me by any means... just makes me smell like i borrowed the boy's cologne. which is a nice smelling cologne and all, but isn't *me* i'll schmear some on the boi later just to see what happens...
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Dragon's Bone

    OMG, finally a BPAL scent that i really really like! this is like Blood Pearl but with a bit of dragon's blood and sandalwood added in. i'm so grateful to the forumite who sent me an imp of this, but now i MUST get a bottle!
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess


    Pure internal harmony and spiritual bliss: the perfected meditation blend. there's a store in atlanta called "the junkman's daughter" ... i worked there for a bit, and still shop there when i'm nearby... and if you wander near the incense section (where they have a bit of everything this is what that aisle smells like. (my fuzzy, pink buddha coin bank that i bought a couple months ago still smells this way) almost vanilla, almost spice, almost floral... but not quite. nice but a little generic. that didn't stop me from buying a bottle, though for days when *i* feel a little nice but generic.
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Silk Road

    i'm sure this is lovely on some of you... however for me, this is i-wish-i-was (generic or store brand) Gold Bond Lotion and... the dust on the floor at the end of the day in an herb shoppe.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Love Me

    jasmine, amber, jasmine, dragon's blood and jasmine did i mention jasmine?
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess


    lemon pledge. with some lemon juice and lemon verbena.
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Al Azif

    hm. i think this changes quite a bit as it ages, maybe? i have a couple decants from the original release, and they smell different to me than this fresh new bottle new bottle: molasses (or brown sugar, rather), maple syrup and peanut butter. with some sort of floral lingering in there somewhere (an orchid or lily maybe?) the high point is when a note that's similar to the "burned sugar" note in Midway comes out toplay. i'm not entirely sure that i like this, whereas my aged imps smell like incense smoke and *sweet* (the way i wanted midnight on the midway to smell)
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    violet candy. thankfully i don't get any gardenia out of this. too sweet and pretty for me.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess


    its like Juliet and Alice went to church... all dressed up in their Sunday-go-to-Meetin' clothes white florals with some white flowers and a little bit of rose. i love Lily but get none from this blend.
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Mag Mell

    The Plane of Joy, eternal reward for a lifetime of valor and glory. A place of eternal youth and beauty, strength and honor, music and revelry. The warmth of amber, the puissance of white ginger and the clarity of verbena, with fresh green grass, lush sage and cleansing droplets of summer rain. sniffed from the bottle, i get ginger and lemon pledge. on skin... still lemon pledge with some ginger and sage.
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess


    if amber, honey, skin musk and BPAL Vanilla are all good things for you, then try this. you'll love it. if, however, those are the notes you were hoping would be faint, and that the lily, white sandalwood, orris root & sea moss would be the dominant scents... (like i did) then... not so much. after about an hour, i get a vanilla-sandalwood-lily scent that is okay, but that first hour of O-with-less-honey-and-more-powder doesn't make the rest worth it. i'm grateful to the forumite who sent me a sniffy in a swap, but this is not for me. i feel like i'm wearing someone else's perfume. i'll bet, though, that on the right chemistry, this would smell amazing.