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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Spirits of the Dead

    A shuddering white scent, of ghostly breath and stony silence: dry tea leaf, linden blossom, papyrus, orris and coffin wood. to note, this is a review of the Dark Delicacies retail-exclusive version. i also have the original, and i'll get it out and compare them, later. sniffed from the bottle: clean and sweet - like Dorian and Dirty and Storm Moon and Thunderbird. on skin: this blossoms into a beautiful and haunting - and very difficult to describe - scent. clean and pure but without anything soapy or powdery. i do get a dried-leaves type smell (i guess that is the papyrus or the tea leaves?) and the orris & linden don't so much show themselves as add some richness and a what-is-that? sort of element. if coffin wood is teak then that's what is adding the note that my brain translates into sweet-key-lime-pie.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Oval Portrait

    sniffed from the bottle: smells like Captain Crunch...or the milk leftover after you've eaten all the cereal. (yeah. i know, it doesn't make any sense to me, either.) on skin: ah, no more breakfast cereal. this quickly becomes a lovely soft floral - none of the notes really try to take over and the vanilla musk gives them all a nice solid base to build on. the carnation isn't bitter or peppery, the rice flower isn't overpowering, the lily is soft but not at all powdery and the honeysuckle gives just the right amount of sweet. i can see why this is sold out, but it makes me sad because i think there are a lot of BPAL addicts that might really like this one. including me.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The House

    sniffed from the bottle: reminds me a bit of Zombi - wet dirt and roses. on skin: the dirt gets richer and i guess it is the "rotting ebony wood" that adds another deep, earthy note...and i get a green scent that's almost grassy but not quite (moss?) and there's a note of floral that's not like OMG ROSES but a gentle floral - more like a lily or Destroying Angel than a red, red rose. will have a place of honour, i think, between my Graveyard Dirt and my The Premature Burial. this is gorgeous, and i need several more bottles before it goes away!
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Black Lace

    ok, so i got the first of my two DD orders today, and had to open and sniff everything. i figured i'd review this one first because so many people are waiting on reviews before they order. sniffed from the bottle: i can barely smell anything...maybe a lineny/cotton scent with faint whiffs of tobacco (dry and quite stale at that) on skin it doesn't get any stronger. if anything it gets more faint (and i put so much oil on that the top of my hand is still shiny from it)...i do get a new scent showing up now, though, i guess it is the Indian musk -- is it related at all to red musk or one of the musks in Smut? because it has that kind of feel. a smutty musk with a rubber-ish note to it. i don't think my bottle has any drops of cognac in it...and i really don't get any vanilla. or vanilla cream. maybe "vanilla cream" is the colour of the cotton? it does really smell like a more traditional fragrance, or like the ancient dregs of dusting powder in a century-old powderpuff. i'm glad i have a bottle, and i'll put it away to see if it does anything interesting as it ages... but i don't see myself wearing it again. edited because i can't spell tonight.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess


    a very generous forumite sent me a bit of this. and it scares me, but as i try to review everything that comes my way (eventually) ... i shall be brave. i hate pepper. impsniff: old-skewl cherry cough syrup and something that makes me think xmas. probably the olibanum/orange combo. on skin: to note, i put the oil on a patch of skin that's badly scarred (and has no nerve endings left) in case the pepper started to burn or irritate my skin. dunno if that will affect the scent, but thought i'd mention it. the cherry cough syrup has become cherry lollipop. and i do mean CHERRY. i guess the orange has mixed with it enough to add some character. thankfully i don't smell pepper, so i don't have to go scrub my hands with bleach... i will say this is very surprising, it smells much more like what i expected of Bon Vivant, The Red Queen and Jailbait. especially Jailbait. i'm glad i got to try it but it is strangely too candhy-sweet for me. black pepper, benzoin, blood orange and olibanum.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i'd been wanting to try this for awhile but hadn't gotten frimped it from the lab... so a wonderful forumite sent me their imp to try... impsniff: my first thought was "smells like Doc Constantine" but i haven't sniffed that in awhile so i'm not entirely sure where that scent-memory came from. i do get the *feel* of some of the more modern men's fragrances out of this. on skin i get a burned-sugar/caramel sort of scent with some hella throw that quickly morphs into a sugary lime kool-aid surrounded by leafy-greens (blackberry leaf? myrtle?) i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this scent. i don't hate it, but i don't love it. i don't see myself wearing it again, but it is so interesting i keep having to sniff my arm. it reminds me a little bit of one of the Caswell Massey fragrances - one from the Presidential collection, but i can't remember if it is Kennedy or Washington. all in all i'm utterly shocked that i'm enjoying a scent that has lilac (albeit a "lilac musk" and i'm not sure what that means), violets (are wood violets less like candy, then?), tonka and benzoin
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Midnight Kiss

    Eternal desire, unquenchable passion: red musk, cocoa absolute, Nepalese amber, red sandalwood, aged patchouli, nicotiana, and blood wine. impsniff: dark-chocolate-covered Smut. on skin: one of the rare ones that doesn't change on me. at all. an hour later: dark-chocolate-covered-Smut and a glass of red wine. i'm so glad i got a bottle of this, i think it should age interestingly... maybe i'll get another as backup.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i'd been wanting to try this for a while, and i'm finally getting to thanks to a great swap i'm freakishly afraid of amber, lemon, mint and grapefruit, they go evil on me. teakwood and orchid = love black leather & white tea = generally okay for me i have no idea what kush is unless it is a part of a kooshball. sniffed from the imp: reminds me of a Dorian/Dirty/Embalming Fluid combo. the sweet sort of lemon-cookie lemon from Dorian and the "clean" notes from the other two. on skin the scent quickly takes a bitter turn, like grapefruit juice and lemon oil - so it loses the Dorian sweetness... and there's amber in there adding a weird powdery backdrop, with orchid and teakwood both adding the beautiful clean dirt sort of smell i love. i don't get leather, but maybe suede...and the tea that i thought was there in initial-sniff has run off with the spoon. an interesting, non-threatening BPAL....but not for me. far too citrussy-clean.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    so i've had this decant for ages, and thought i ought to at least try a teensy little dribble of it before i pass it on to a better home. impsniff: burning. heat-warm and cinnamon incense smoke. to note: i don't care for myrrh or smoke-scents. and i have a migraine (yeah, i know, bad timing on my part) myrrh smells too much like a vetiver-jasmine mix to me, and instead of smoke i get a charred/burned animal-fat type smell. overall it makes my tummy hurt and the tiny bit of cinnamon-roll type cinnamon i get isn't enough to make up for the overall *no*. i must add, though, that i think this is probably a very accurate smell, if the Phoenix is a bird that dissolves into flame... there would be a smoky-burning-charred-fat smell, wouldn't there?
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Dark Delicacies

    when i first sniffed this, all i could think is that it smelled like that BPAL-box-smell. y'know, when you've got a few dozen (or more) imps or bottles in a box or tin (something with a lid) and you open it... that everything-all-mixed smell? on skin, at first it still smelled like BPAL-box, with no scents or notes leaping up so i could pin a name on the scent. after an hour or so, i get something that smells like Black Pearl, but with tonka or resiny depth - but there's also something sultry/smoky and very naughty going on in there somewhere. sadly, i never get any patchouli. overall, i like it... but it registers on me something like O and Black Pearl layered. a little too deep and dark for me to reach for often, but i'm glad i've gotten to try it!
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess


    honestly i bought this because i adore the poem that accompanies it. i've always found it beautiful and heart-wrenching and just... lovely. didn't think i'd care much for the scent, so it sat unopened for awhile. omg. the lab only has one rose blend that i really, really love (two five and seven) because most of them are just tooooo much rose. however, i love lilies in just about any form i can get 'em. and "ghostly mist" ? bring it on! and this... oh this is brilliant. i don't get roses, really, except for maybe the *idea* of roses. then again, i don't really get lilies, either. this lands somewhere in the land of Black Opal, House of Mirrors, Spirits of the Dead, the Evening Star and Archangel Winter. sparkling crystal clear, clean (not soapy!), gentle, feminine and just so beautiful (and GC!) that it nearly brings me to the same emotion as the lovely poem that accompanies it so very well. to quote Ritchie Kotzen and a random song lyric that simply fits the moment: i understand the meaning now. and i MUST needs buy several bottles. or a gallon. *quick edit to add: the review above was based on a bottle that had sat for about two months unopened. i got a brand new bottle of it today and it smells just as lovely. i seriously need about a gallon of this stuff!
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess


    so. i've had this for quite a while but hadn't opened the bottle until tonight to decant some out for part of a swap. i don't like the smell of violets. as candy, they're okay. the sugar here keeps this from being total soapy-floral-ick on me, but this is still nothing i'll ever reach for. a lovely vintage-sort of smell, but not for me.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Lady Una

    sniffed from the bottle: i get a very Candy Butcher sort of feel from this. like clover honey sweet, but then again not... i do get the bitter leaves/spices but no actual vanilla. end verdict - interesting and i'm glad i have a bottle, but i doubt i'll need another.
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Fairy Wine

    sniffed from the bottle: whoa-this-stuff-is-strong! smells like bittersweet cranberry cordial! on skin: things calm down quite a bit and smell a bit like a LUSH store...especially HIWTK or Flying Fox (but without the jasmine-ick)....i get whiffs of wild honey and dandelions, although instead of my brain telling me i'm smelling dandelions, my brain tells me i'm sniffing "meadow" i'll admit i'm not entirely certain what currants smell like, red or otherwise, but i get occasional wafts of cherry-candy (that red flavour that isn't really cherry). overall, not for me but very interesting and quite elegant.
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Long Night Moon

    i've had this for about a week and i've tried it three times now and.... just no. is jasmine a night-blooming-flower ? i confess i'm not all that familiar with a lot of the listed notes in this blend, but i try what comes my way no matter what. on me, there's a almost-minty floral-ness about this that keeps tilting toward the awfulness that is jasmine. at a distance, it smells like it might have promise, but then i sniff again and it just does *not* work. i'll tell you something, though, this is nearly a dead ringer for the long-discontinued Bath & Body Works perfume Gingham... how, i have no idea as the notes are different (cornflower? apricot? chamomile?) but i did a sniff test and they're very similar!
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Mr. Ibis

    as Papyrus is one of the notes in one of my most favourite BPAL, i thought i'd give this one a try. i've had it for about nine months and i'm only just now trying it. sniffed from the bottle, all i get is something like the smell of an alcohol-based commercial perfume before it dries... something light and a little bit musky (like Jovan), but just the alcohol-sharpness without the alcohol-burn. on skin - this is a very soft, gentle scent ( ) that gives me soapy/clean notes and the faintest hint of White Rain hairspray (and Stardust) although my review so far may sound negative, i really, REALLy like this. and i can't believe i've had it all this time and haven't worn it. i can't really smell any musks, but i'm sure they're there keeping everything grounded... and if vanilla flower is a mellow-crisp almost "white blossom" sort of scent, then i get it, too. white sandalwood must be afraid of me because i never really "smell" it, but i can sense it sometimes. something reminds me of White Linen. this is a non-threatening BPAL, it might be good for someone just starting out (enablers r us)
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Campfires, bonfires, fireplaces, burning wood and leaves...

    having tried it earlier this evening, i have to add Troll onto this list. [=
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess

    I want a BPAL that smells like Bath & Body Works...

    for any fans of B&BW "Flowering Herbs" -- an old scent that sometimes gets brought back in limited runs ('course i haven't shopped there in years) Nosferatu is a dead ringer. also the Nosferatu/Flowering Herbs scent is dead-on for an 80's fragrance called Chill Out.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess


    impsniff: sweet woodsy-pine with juniper and... skinsniff: oh em gee, this is the Premature Burial in the forest. how, since there are no similar notes? i have no idea. but this smells so much like my beloved Premature Burial, but with a foresty twist. i'll have to try this one again in a few days, just to be certain, but in the meantime:
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess


    impsniff: smells familiar, like another BPAL i've tried before, but can't precisely place. at first. then something makes my sinuses both burn-like-fire and clear out. foresty, musty, green and bitter -- ah! and a bit like Greed, that's what smells familiar. on skin: smells like the woods during a bad storm where a tree has been struck by lightning and is both wet and smoldering. and whoa, baby! the throw on this sucker! but i wouldn't call it hateful. bitter, maybe. lurching, i can see that. this isn't something i can see myself ever wearing again, but on the right person i can see it being very interesting, intriguing -- possibly a "signature scent" is Caltha still around? i think she might like this! i never got any clove, and i'm not sure if there was basil or cumin... the vetiver kindof swallowed a lot of the notes. end verdict = not for me!
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i hate jasmine. that being said, i'm feeling brave. sniff: ozone! iris and a sort of scented-detergent-and-fabric-softener smell. not in a bad way, but like the comforting hodgepodge of "clean clothes" smell. on skin: a warmer, richer "clean clothes" smell, with some white musk and iris, and still with the occasional whiff of ozone. i can feel the moonflower threatening to turn into the scented-pantyliner thing it likes to do, and the jasmine is making itself known but isn't taking over. overall, this is an amazing fresh-clean smell with some flowery overtones. feminine and gentle-soft. a mom sort of smell, comforting. i really like this, it may be the first non-new-release GC bottle i've bought in ages.
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i grew up with plenty of books and references to the "fae" (or "fey") .. mostly because my mom's name is Faye... and faeries/gnomes/etc were her thing for a bit in the late 70's. i've had this for awhile and not gotten around to reviewing it, so here goes: sniff: a citrussy-sweet kool-aid sort of smell. reminds me a bit of The Hamptons. skin: REALLY still reminds me of The Hamptons, but slightly warmer and sweeter. i hate artificial peach scents (and most natural peach scents, too) and oakmoss can be very overpowering -- but i don't really notice either one here. after all this time in BPAL, i'm still not entirely sure what heliotrope smells like, but the white musk and bergamot i do know... i've got some SN White Musk, so i'm definitely feeling that, and some bergamot (but the good kind. not the Fruity Pebbles kind) i can see this as being one of the BPAL that's good for someone new or just transitioning into the magical world that is BPAL (not that it is simple or bad, don't misunderstand me! just that it isn't scary or altogether different from "normal" perfumes-- but better) final sniff, several hours later: somewhere between The Hamptons and Tamora is where Fae lives. and it is a happy place. white musk, bergamot, heliotrope, peach and oakmoss
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess

    One to Tie, Two to Win

    how have i not reviewed this? i wear this at least once a week. this is such a beautiful, fresh scent... like Roadhouse. but better. sweet grass and dandelions and childhood. i'm SO glad i bought multiple bottles.
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Stranger in Camp

    pine tar soap. and sweat. or possibly the way a guy might smell after tromping through the woods until he finds the right tree, then carries it back to the house and sets it up next to the fireplace. sweaty man, smoke and pine trees. graphic imagery, not what i want to smell like.
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snow White

    because i have multiple bottles, this is '07 if i remember correctly, this always smells the same on me, no matter how aged it is or what year it is from. there's this cheap, oily air freshener spray at the carwash that my dad loved when i was little. it was either coconut or tropical coconut or something... and that's what Snow White always smells like to me. i hate coconut and pina coladas. swapped an imp and then adopted the bottle out to a better home. not for me!