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Posts posted by leira

  1. I've been trying a few leather scents to find the perfect one, and this comes close for me. Shiny black leather like that of a riding crop, soft, gentle myrrh, and a touch of black amber to balance it out. I almost get a medicinal wipe smell from the amber when I put it on but it quickly blends in with the other notes. Glad I snagged a sample of this and I may get a bottle if it mellows more in the future :wub3:

  2. I get the lilac water and amber immediately, with the lily of the valley, moss, and violet leaf following.

    This is blended very well, creating a classic, timeless, albeit sinister scene.

    Like a lilac bush in full bloom before it decays, or a large dark room with only a beam of sunlight - that you aren't welcome in.

  3. It may be a bit hard to get, but you should try Eve from the Only Lovers Left Alive collection! :)


    Eve is eternal: in three-thousand years, she has likely traveled the length and breadth of the world, immersed in innumerable cultures throughout the ages, observing the ebb and flow of humanity and the imperishability of nature itself. Despite her age, she is the character that seems most rooted, always experiencing each moment with open eyes, always fully present.

    Her scent is one that travels through the eons: the Irish moss, yarrow, and hawthorn of the Iron Age Britons, ancient Rome’s omphacium and honey, myrrh and calamus from Egypt, the frankincense and damask roses of the Florentine Renaissance, white sandalwood from the Far East, Moroccan saffron and rose water, and a swirl of incense from the souks.

  4. Bumping this a bit because I am missing fall! Loup Garou and Deep in Earth both smell like pine forests to me. And Loup Garou has eucalyptus ;) The LE A World Where There Are Octobers smells like you are walking down a path with maple trees. Also if you are thinking about making your house smell like a damp, fog-filled lair then I would suggest the Tree Roots, Fallen Leaves and Tomb Moss atmo spray. I will definitely be thinking of more!

  5. Very soft, salty, watery musk with a hint of lime. I was worried it would be overly soapy and astringent but it's actually quite nice on my skin. On my partner this is almost like an aquatic version of Dorian. Now that the bottle is almost gone I may have to get a back up. :)

    *Edited due to realizing how I DO need this in my life. ;)

  6. In the imp I can definitely smell how strong the ginger is. It reminds me of Shub-Niggurath, with more dark fruits. (There are three gingers in Shub so I suppose it should.)

    Beautiful dark, spicy, fruity rum (almost smells like wine), but not too boozy, with a spike of black ginger that blends in after a few minutes. Sexy and throw is amazing. May get a bottle of this if I run out of my imp.

  7. Bumping this in hopes of finding more:)

    I am looking for a bright salty beach, sunny, with an undertone of sweet thick florals, maybe white?

    I know lots of scents have come our since the last post, hoping to find more to look for:))



    I haven't yet found a scent with the floral undertones, though when I tried My Mommy In A Boat from the Tremulous Song collection I definitely got salty bright beaches and blue ocean waves. It could be a great summer scent! :)

  8. Delicious dark red, woody, earthy-sweet patchouli. Not too overwhelming and on my skin it is dusty, dirty, root-like. It makes me think of dry summer days, bare feet and sun-warmed skin. Absolutely love this and I will cherish my bottle. :)
