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Posts posted by mimulus

  1. Smooth, polished and lethally sharp: dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods.

    Something about my skin makes this very close to Monster Bait: Ventriloquist's Dummy on me. I think 'dry woods' and I do not get along. Hoo boy.

    I can smell the Dragon's Blood underneath it all, being all warm and sultry, but I really have to reach past the woods. The woods. The woods. *runs*

  2. Dayum, that is some strong sh*t! In a really delicious way, though...


    I kind just want to huff it, I bet it's good for a head cold.


    On, wet: I actually kind of like medicinal blends. It's like a green resin or something. Quite sharp, just like the name implies.


    Drying: This remains, as stated before, strong sh*t. Not really office wear. I might like to wear it walking in the forest, though. It smells clean, but not in an astringent way.

  3. Mania, Roman Goddess of the Dead, Matron of Madness, Governess of the Ancestral Spirits, Bestower of Divine Frenzy. Her scent swirls with a high-pitched tumult of laurel, stargazer lily, splintered woods, peony, mandarin and white musk, and is spiked with pale pepper.

    Wow, what an interesting and layered fragrance! Kind of a spicy floral.

    On: It's very delicate initially. Almost sweet, really. I can detect the dustiness, it's almost a little spooky actually. It seems kind of far-away.

    Drying: Flowers are floating out of the ether, but they remain delicate. It remains a very soft, pretty, and ethereal perfume.

    Verdict: Very interesting and pretty, but not for me, I'm a foodie girl :P . I might keep it around to wear once in awhile though.

    edited to include description.

  4. Yeah, I can understand why this is "Pride". In the imp, it reminds me of a cologne or perfume a CEO would wear. Real power stuff.


    I am scared to try it on though. Me and Rose don't get along, it's a long story, it's me, not her....


    On: Well, now I know what narcissus smells like. I like it. But once again, the rose takes over and stomps on everything. I'm really stinky now.

  5. Hello, Endymion, how are you?


    Imp: a big, juicy pear. Mmmmm.


    On, wet: Yup, previously mentioned floral notes poking out. Right now they're quite soft. A little powdery, too.


    On, dry: It's going a little soapy for my taste. It's a delicate perfume, pretty.


    Verdict: Yeah, rose usually ruins blends for me. My skin + rose = no love.

  6. Oi, I'm glad I found this thread. I'm moving to Germany for 3 months this spring. It's an awkward amount of time, and I'm thinking I might need more than imps. I'll probably take a couple of bottles with me, very protected, in my checked luggage. The rest of my collection will probably be kept here in a safe spot.


    I'm curious to hear what euterpe414 ended up doing.


    Sorry I never saw this sooner! Anyway, for anyone else who is curious, I sealed the bottles with plumbers tape, put them in one (umm, it turned out to be two, eek!) of those essential oil travelling cases with some bubble wrap inside to cushion and packed them in between lots of sweaters in my suitcase- the one that went in the luggage area. Nothing was damaged when I arrived in France, so I'd say the method worked very very well. I'm definitely going to do it that way again when I move back to the US. :P

    That's okay!


    What I ended up doing, and this wasn't for my entire collection but for about 15 bottles. I got some tupperware containers, and stuck in the bottles that were wrapped in bubble wrap. Then I stuck them in my luggage (checked) in between the softest bits. Everything managed ok!

  7. Oi, I'm glad I found this thread. I'm moving to Germany for 3 months this spring. It's an awkward amount of time, and I'm thinking I might need more than imps. I'll probably take a couple of bottles with me, very protected, in my checked luggage. The rest of my collection will probably be kept here in a safe spot.


    I'm curious to hear what euterpe414 ended up doing.

  8. Just so's you all know....it's the same label for the entire Order of the Dragon series (I would have loved to have done individual paintings, but there was just no time...the lab's really hopping on turnaround.)

    Matcha, I just have to say that from the tiny picture that I see, your painting for the Order of the Dragon bottles is GORGEOUS! Well done!


    And also... I like the amber bottles more. :P

  9. When I smelled the Grinder out of the bottle I thought it might be too much for me. I'm a sweet foody girl. :P So I slathered some on a male co-worker.


    Today I brought a couple of oils to work to cheer me up throughout the day (gee, do I work much?) and I just slathered some on about 15 minutes ago. Well, I had to come over here and write a review because I kept thinking... "Damn! I smell gooood!". It is heavy and dark, but there's also an underlying sweetness beneath the smoke and spiciness.


    And my male coworker was joking about having woken up the night after being slathered, with a bra on his rearview mirror. Or was he joking...?


    To sum up: intreguing, dark, lovely. Getting a bottle.

  10. So far I've been avoiding anything that lists incense because scents like Urd and Centzon Totochtin went WHAM! incense on me. So much so that I just stink like an unwashed hippy. :P :D


    Hey, that's what some of us are going for! (needs an emoticon of an abashed-looking hippie). I've been burning incense nonstop for 20 years to cultivate that! :D

    Well, I am a hippy really *stands proudly in front of organic garden with doobie*, but yeah, if I really wanted to smell like those perfumes do, which is JUST incense, STRONGLY... I don't know, I feel like a walking headshop. Although... most of the time I smell like a walking candy store... so there you go.


    The original title was, "I want to smell like a headshop," but I just noticed that the mods revised it a bit -lol

    :D Yeah, that's what I feel like! Ah well, you guys want my skin chemistry? Wanna trade? :D
