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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by indicolite

  1. indicolite


    I actually said SOLDERING in an opium den. And alas, this imp was the victim of the Great Broken Imp Caps Disaster of Summer 2006 and spilled. On the coffee table in Ottawa's most frequented mall. I am keeping my face out of there for the next little while at least and hoping they won't send out sniffer dogs (which would be cruelty to animals, actually). I can kind of see where the scent was going - medicinal and evil. However, I have the perversity of turning it VERY medicinal and VERY evil. Too evil. And I have stated many times what poppy does to my mind. The Laudanum stain on my black velvet hat did smell nicely of nutmeg, but the unadulterated scent... I mummified the imp in medical tape ("Be prepared!") and now it is sitting in a little package for me. And i threw out the bubble wrap, stained with the smell of solder in an opium den. Laudanum - you may not go to another owner - but let's not meet each other. One of the few times an ordered imp was actually a mistake.
  2. indicolite

    Sea of Glass

    Wow, if I had doubted Beth's ability to craft an image scent before, I do not doubt now. This IS the golden, holy, sea of glass. Absolutely. Even if I have to strain and say it is citrusy and aquatic and all... Amazing scent.
  3. indicolite

    Marquise de Merteuil

    Hmm, this is interesting. At first Marquise was dark florals, and I thought "This is like Morgause." But now she is pulling out her, indeed glistening, peach, and a hint of amber, and the Marquise has more tricks up her sleeve. Indeed she is stately and aristocratic, with a hint of scent that I suppose, by process of elimination, is galbanum. I am quite uncertain about this Marquise. She is appealing in a way. Maybe she is me in a few years. Not quite now, but perhaps I will hold on to the imp of her.
  4. indicolite


    I keep on expecting the lab description to lie and me to get vetiver or clove or something, but I am afraid I have to concede: Undertow is lotus and juniper with a hint of mint. A lot of mint but that's me - I have to say that mint is one of those things that gets on my skin and shouts "Hi! I'm mint!" A lovely fresh scent. I got a LOT of cool scents and aquatics in my last imp pack. Too bloody bad Canadian summer is hinting at being over already; I could have used more of Undertow that day of 48C with the Humidex... Recommended.
  5. indicolite

    Dragon's Bone

    When first wet, I smell woody sandalwood with some dragon's blood. Given a minute or so to dry, it turned into something very different. I cannot place it, but it is a nice different. I suspect it is orris I smell, mingling in and tempering the wood. This is a very lovely scent, but a scent for an odd mood. I will make room for it in my imp box, and it will see rotation, I think, but Dragon's Bone is NOT a daily scent.
  6. indicolite

    Dragon's Claw

    Now I know the smell of dragon's blood, and it amps on me when wet, which is all good. But now that Dragon's Claw has dried, yep, it's sandalwood (it matches its description so well that I had a perverse desire to first claim that on me it was mint and rose and jasmine...). The other reviews have named it warm, sweet and resiny and it is. It also does have the sharpness that the creator intended. I like this imp very much.
  7. indicolite


    It does smell a lot like a spicy berry candle. And a quite dark smell, in a way. I have so far gotten no lilies at all, but maybe they are the thing adding this little hint of freshness to the scent. It is quite heavy, though. I had high hopes for the Lampades, but I do not think they are a scent I will wear often - they remind me a little too much of the dollar store's scented candles. But the smell is too pleasant to swap now, so I will give them a few more chances.
  8. indicolite


    Notorious for its properties for protection against werewolves and curing lycanthropy, this nefarious plant also has a fine history of use as a virulent poison. Clasically, Medea employed it in her many works of vengeance. This concoction of ours has none of the lethal qualities, but still personifies all of the herb's dark history beautifully. My first Rappaccini's Garden, gotten as a frimp! It is quite woody. Very much like Jupiter, only...heavier in a way. And there is a hint of something else in there, other than cedarwood. And indeed, as TrailerTrashPrincess noted above, it seems not to dry very well. It is an interesting scent. Perhaps it will work well as a room scent, but I suspect I will save my skin for other oils.
  9. indicolite


    R'lyeh began citrusy - as the reviews have stated, an evil, twisted grapefruit. Then it started adding its dark note. Perhaps it is a very hint of labdanum, which I shudder to imagine, as labdanum = awful on me, but it has not yet gotten there. It has a sort of pleasantness to it. It does indeed evoke dark depths, but I do not get the saltiness, so on me it is not ocean depths but rather a cave lake. I am not certain of it. Maybe I will not wear this much, maybe it will pull a Nyarlathotep (Lovecraft scents stand by each other and present a united front!) and make me addicted despite myself.
  10. indicolite


    I am trying Szepasszony and Shattered and Baobhan Sith at the same time, so I hardly know which is which, but Szepasszony is a very high clear floral. Someone once compared her to the sound of a flute; she does sound like that to me. I think she is a keeper. To wear by herself on hot days, and to layer with the darker, spicier blends to add lightness and clarity to them.
  11. indicolite

    Baobhan Sith

    This is wonderful -grapefruit and ginger in almost the most refreshing combination I have yet sniffed from the lab! A keeper. Definitely. If I could drink cold tea like this, I will.
  12. indicolite


    A scent as sharp as glass shards, and as brittle as a broken heart. The formula came to me - quite literally - in a dream, and is named after, and created in memory of, the last poem that I ever wrote… almost ten years ago to the day. A blend of white champagne notes, grapefruit, lotus, slivered mint and crystalline aquatic blooms. Very minty! Clear cool and mint. And more mint. Not peppermint, though: a high refreshing mint. I would wear it. And scent my room with it, once the room gets cleaned up
  13. indicolite

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CDLXV: Wet and drying: Mmm, apricot and some spice. It is not the clove of the March Hare, and we know there is no cinnamon or cassia in them, so I do believe it's nutmeg! 30 minutes later: still a hint of nutmeg, but the main note is now clear and fresh and sort of floral-aquatic - possibly verbena and something else. I LOVE THIS SCENT! Long live Chaos Theory! Thank you, lab psychics!
  14. indicolite

    Dragon Moon 2006

    Beautiful! It comes on tea and floral. It took a while for the dragon's blood to materialise on my skin. But I am having trouble picking out individual notes; I am just sighing "Gorgeous...gorgeous..." Thank you Merlu!
  15. indicolite

    Machu Picchu

    In the vial - sweet note i do not like. On me - oh, this is fantastic! So clear, so refreshing, just the thing for a hot day. I can see the big blossoms in the mountain breeze now. This better stay as good when it dries. TrailerTrashPrincess, thanks for the adoption!
  16. indicolite


    Kitsune-Tsuki are malevolent Japanese spirits, akin to western werebeasts: women are possessed by the spirits of foxes, who compel them to perform acts of wickedness and mischief. Asian plum, orchid, daffodil, jasmine and white musk. The scent reminds me very much of Sacred Whore. The same sweetness. And a hint of jasmine, like in Nyx. I fear Kitsune-Tsuki may be sweeter than I like. But I will give him a chance.
  17. indicolite

    Black Phoenix

    Amaretto. Definitely amaretto, which is great. But on me Black Phoenix grows into a spicy myrrh-like scent. Me likes. Me definitely likes. But I wish that fantastic amaretto would stay.
  18. indicolite


    A clear aquatic but with a hint of - nut. I know it's vetiver but it seems almost nutlike to me. That nut is what stops it from being incredibly refreshing in the heat and humidity. A lovely scent, but Lightning is a better aquatic for me. I will let Hurricane grow on me though.
  19. indicolite

    Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

    I would like to use this thread to state my ecstatic gratitude to Jupiter. I was really sailing off into insanity at work today and murmuring stuff about koalas, and Jupiter made me sit up again and understand what's up with what. Jupiter dearest, I know I bought you for a reason, and I know you were my first personal decant of the bottles in my order for a reason. You're wonderful. Shine on, Great Red Spot!
  20. indicolite

    The Perfumed Garden

    Wet: Perfumed Garden, I thought all your notes agreed with me, why does the fruit smell...rotten? Dry: Actually I rather like the Indian sandalwood that comes out: it has to be Indian sandalwood, it can't be anything else. This is an alright scent. But it does not really make me go ga-ga and it has a very frightening wet stage. I'll give it a chance to grow on me, or else for sale it goes.
  21. indicolite


    Wet: Actually, very lovely. A lovely floral, with a strong and indeed a rather wicked edge. It reminds me of Thalia, but with more...bite, I suppose. Dry: Ah, Dreamland, why did you turn just...tolerable? I think this is the phlox; I have the feeling this is the phlox. Am I phlox? If Dreamland does not morph into something wonderful to me, well, there are always buyers for LEs.
  22. indicolite


    I bought Jupiter because I felt sorry for him. Here he is, it's the last day of the lab's eBay, and nobody bids on him. Aww poor baby. I bought him for the asking price, yay! I did let him haunt me a little first. And I LIKE outer planets. My chart has them occupying really nice aspects. Wet: woody. That's fine, I like woody. No pencil shavings, unlike some people - maybe I just don't buy the good-quality pencils, those Jupiter-smelling pencils? On me: woody with a hint of incense. Not so much I do not like it. Dry: Ah, now the berries come out. This is beginning to smell like Bewitched now. But it is not so sweet as Bewitched was. I agree with the other reviewers who said Jupiter is a very grounding and centering scent. He is. That is why I better make meself a port-a-Jupiter to carry around with me, for when I am flighty and crazy. Jupiter, you've found yourself a home at Indicolite's Waifs-and-Strays.
  23. indicolite


    Ah, Mars. Indicolite the blue tourmaline likes red stuff, alert the media. Dragon's Heart is what I smell, only with a spicy kick to it. I always figured the perfume-y note of Dragon's Heart was the musk, and the dragon's blood was the resiny almost-fiery smell I get a little later, but either the first note is actually dragon's blood, or Mars also has red musk. I would not put it past him. This is a sexy scent. Very nice and sexy. I have to decant Mars to carry around with me. Dragon's blood + spice (is it clove or cinnamon? Come to me, both of you, I like you lots) = what's not to like for red-hearted Indicolite? Thanks, o lovely lab, for putting Mars where I can get at him.
  24. indicolite

    Queen Mab

    Queen Mab is, like many reviewers said, gorgeous, and complex. I cannot pick out the notes, but I know she is beautiful. She is beautiful but not me. I do not feel like her. But I'll carry the imp with me in case I do.
  25. indicolite


    Libertine: a very nice scent, I thought at first. Now I can hardly smell it. All I get is the niceness - possibly rosewood. I will go reapply him and see what happens. There we are: a very very lovely blend of floral and something more interesting: musk and sandalwood, I love you guys. I do not get any chamomile, though, which is fine by me - chamomile tea is good, smelling like it all the time isn't my, um, cup of tea. Libertine, you are like those men that you see across the street and go "Ah, what gorgeousness!" No long and persistent seduction for you. Alas, you do not perform so long, which may or may not apply to such men... You're in the imp box to carry with me. Whether I love you enough to get a bottle remains to be seen, but I give you a chance.