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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Concupiscentia

  1. It reminds me of Blood Moon, one of my favorites, :D It's the spicy, musky feral thing, but this is black, while Blood Moon is red. BM always made me feel like a Vampire out on the hunt having a feeding frenzy, but this is a calmer vampire exuding a laid back confidence. Count Dracula is extremely sexy, he combines the energy and vitality of a youth with the wisdom and experience of age like only a vampire can.


    Sometimes I smell a whiff of soap, which is the ginger...I guess the Count likes to bathe... :P

  2. This is not something I would have chosen for myself, but I got it as a freebie with an ebay order :P I thought the cherry would be overpowering, but this smells sexy, fruity and exotic. It's very quirky and individual, a good once in a while scent.

  3. It smells a bit soapy at first but then turns into a love refreshing herbal rose with some creamy mint in it. Frankly, this is the first bpalrose that does not turn to plain soap or plain rose. I'm not sure I need a bottle, but I'm happy to have this imp :P

  4. This is soo nice. It suits any occasion, really. It's spicy, smoky, creamy, sweet, sexy and cuddly. I'm so glad I ordered a bottle. It also layers well with O, Morocco, Sherezade, Dana O'Shee. I can see why it's so popular.

  5. This is one of my favorite BPAL's.

    It has the feel of Morocco, Sherezade and Dana O'Shee but this is definitely cool weather and/or night.


    It gives me the impression of a supersexy predator prowling through an autumn forest, most likely a Vampire. Cinnamon, red musk and spicy grains in a base of warm creamy sensuality. A scent of plenty, of power and of lust.

  6. It's bright limegreen when wet, herbs and citrus and florals and utter cleanliness with the threat of soapyness. I almost put it in the soapy scents ziplock baggy...Then it becomes lovely and ungraspable and shifting. I smell a crisp, bonedry white wine, green herbs and florals, limezest, orange sugar and burned matches. It smells feminine on me, the unflowery floral that does not go soapy. I must have strange chemistry to do that. This is evil, not dark at all...but a whiff of mystery and freshness with the undertone of utter wrongness. The person you meet at the park on a morning in May whom you never expect to be a vampire untill bitten.

  7. This one seems to really worked on me as a love potion and man attractant. I wore this to a lecture and the two guys next to me contantly gave me the eye, and leaning into my personal space, they were sort of recommending themselves. That was a nice flirty moment...both guys were handsome and physically my type, tall, brown hair blue eyes...Havent noticed them in that way before...hmm maybe it works on both sexes... But I digress. Morroco is all sweet and spicy and lovely. It is far more perfumy than other foody scents, but that makes it a nice different love potion, a sophisticated tool of seduction.

  8. When I smelled this in the imp, I thought "Ugh, sharp almond essence" but my curiosity got peeked when I read it smelled similar to Dana O'Shee, which worked brilliantly on me. Well, this worked very well, it grew warm and comforting on me, with a hint of sexy in it. It's a foody, spicy scent, a bit heavier than Dana, but light enough for spring or autumn, very comforting.

  9. I think I want a big bottle of this. I love violet and this is a great violet scent when I first apply it. It dries down to smell like O, but lighter. My skin apparently likes to turn things into O,but this has less of the arousal effect. It's subtle enough for daily use but still has the vamp factor.

  10. Where is the cinnamon, where is the sensuality?

    It smells like soap on me. :P a nice rosey soap, but still soap.

    More housewife than harlot. Might make a nice roomscent, cause I like the name too much to swap this.

  11. It smells really great on me, and I could not stop sniffing my wrist.

    However, this makes me a little too horny. I don't have a boyfriend and dont want to get myself into trouble...but damn this is good. I need something that has this effect on men, but less of it on me.
