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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by kunoichi

  1. kunoichi


    This is a strong blend, with something primal about it; tt reminds me a touch of Ravenous, when I sniff it from the vial. It's a musky sort of smell, but it's also herbal. It starts to become a sweeter scent on my skin after a short time, yet there is still something raw about it, something feral (as in wild). After a few hours on my skin, it the sweetness takes over and the animalistic-like note fades... until everything has faded a couple of hours later.
  2. kunoichi


    This is a very odd one! It smells, from the vial, like citrus and lavender mixed together. It reminds me of something, some essential oils I used to burn in my oil burner, but I can’t remember what it was. At first I get the citrus-lavender smell on my skin, but before even an hour is up this citrus-lavender smell vanishes and the scent left is oh so faint and subtle that it’s hard to determine what it is. After an hour or two has passed, this very faint smell is a sweet breath of air before it, too, vanishes...
  3. kunoichi


    This has an unusual smell, I can smell soil and something antiseptic, almost... something that reminds me (and others) of eucalyptus - it's a sharp smell from a tree, which is probably the fir (now that I look at the description). On my skin, the smell of the soil kicks up a notch (reminding me of Nosferatu's soil-smelling start), and the tree smell fades somewhat to a more mossy, wet smell, like damp earth. Eventually, as my skin tends to do, it sweetens up after a few hours and becomes completely different, becoming a softer and gentler smell as if small night-time flowers open to add a breath of sweetness... even though there are no flowers in it. It is a very long lasting scent - I put it on at midday and could still smell it at 1am!!
  4. kunoichi


    This is a scent that reminds me of men's cologne. It's bright and has a sharpness to it when I smell it from the vial - it's fresh and masculine. On my skin, a slightly burned scent comes through and it becomes darker than the smell from the vial; it's like a guy's cologne that has a burned smell underneath it all. After a few hours on my skin, it becomes softer and the burnt edge disappears, but it is still a scent that I associate with a man, so it's not really for me - I think it's very much a scent that would smell good on a man... It's almost like having an invisible man nearby, whenever I catch a whiff of the scent on myself. It is a classic cologne style scent!
  5. kunoichi


    In the vial this is a strong floral, not overly sweet as it has a base of something darker. On my skin it starts to deepen and become a darker floral, though the sweetness becomes somewhat fruity, yet it has something that pulls it back from becoming too sweet – perhaps the incense? It then becomes sort of like sweet incense after it’s been on my skin for a few hours. It’s gentle and rounded and a touch smoky. It’s quite pleasant but has a dark current running through it – perfect for Morgause!
  6. kunoichi


    In the vial it smells a little strong, but it is a sweet floral scent that I quite enjoy the fragrance, even though I can’t pick out each note; the rose certainly doesn’t overpower the lotus. When I first put it on my skin, I smell a very faint bitterness in the background that I couldn’t smell in the vial. This bitter note fades over time and the scent of the roses comes to the fore. On fading, this is a very subtle but pretty floral scent; the roses must fade back into the lotus as it's not quite so rose-heavy. It becomes quiet and yet has a lightness and brightness to it. It’s very delicate and soft and feminine.
  7. kunoichi


    This is sweet and strong, smelling sort of like some sort of sugary soft drink from the vial, maybe creamy soda mixed with generic cola; it’s powerful! Kunstkammer may mean ‘chamber of wonders’ but it smells like a chamber full of cola flavoured boiled lollies on my skin!! It starts of smelling strongly of sugar and generic cola soft drink, and then slowly fades over time until the two combine into smelling like cola boiled lollies from Sovereign Hill! It’s reminiscent of Love Me, without the bubblegum or powdery aspects to the scent. It’s definitely more like boiled lollies by the end, though.
  8. kunoichi

    Forbidden Fruit

    In the vial it smells exactly like the pink bubblegum I used to eat as a kid. It makes my mouth water slightly, and I feel like I should be putting some gum in my mouth!! My skin gives it a darker kick, but it still smells like bubblegum. It’s still pink gum, and I still want to eat it, but it’s not quite as light as it seems in the vial. Even after it fades, this still smells like bubblegum even after many hours on my skin. It is much softer than how it originally smelled. The whole way through, it’s kind of like eating bubblegum without the gum!! For the life of me, I just can’t smell the other notes – it’s all mixed together and cries ‘bubblegum’!
  9. kunoichi


    A powerful scent that is like warm caramel and buttered brown sugar. Mm, comfort food! My skin gives the wood notes a kick, turning it into a slightly burned caramel smell but something much more delicious. The wood scents, the touch of nuts, and the butter begin to sooth and settle the burned smell, and give a solid bottom note for the sweetness to rest on. I love it - it is a gorgeous and long lasting scent! It's a deep, somewhat sweet scent that lingers on the skin. The chestnuts and the wood give it a complex depth, while the caramalised-like honey, candy and sugar gives it a lift; it's both dark and warm and divine! Mmmmm. It's amazing!
  10. kunoichi


    In the vial it is a strong smell, with the sweetness of the mango shining through, quite deep and fruity. On my skin this has a slightly sharp smell, though it becomes more rounded with some lavender and mango peeking through the rest of the notes. I can't smell it very well after a few hours, as it fades quite quickly compared to some of the others. My mother liked it, so she can smell something even though it's too faint for me to pick up any more - she says it reminds her of a perfume she can't find any more. I can just detect the red musk overlayed with a faint sweet note, but little else after a few hours. It's a very gentle scent.
  11. kunoichi


    Why did I wear this today? Because as part of my b'day party I went to a vodka bar that had a whole bunch of absinthe on the menu - I ordered a Spanish Gallion (real mint tea with a Spanish absinthe shot on the side). Woah, was that absinthe nothing like the stuff I normally drink (from the Starorežná distillery) - drinking it was more like breathing it and it burned in your mouth (the label on the Greek Fairy one says "60%", but under the label is "70%" ... I presume the "60%" of the Spanish one is higher!) and made it numb... especially with a sip of mint tea!! Anyway. In the vial this smells like lemon scented aniseed. I found that odd, because I've never smelled absinthe with lemon in it before. Not even a cocktail with lemon. It's the aniseed that reminds me a little of the drink, though. But lemon? On my skin, the lemon ramps up first, so it doesn't smell like the drink at all. It smells like lemon with a bit of aniseed. Lemon licorice, perhaps. It's only after the lemon fades down that it the aniseed comes to the fore again, and my skin makes one of the notes sweeter, so it's kind of like absinthe after the caramelised sugar has been added! Smelling it at this stage made me feel like my mouth would go numb again!! *laugh* Eventually this fades down to a soft, slightly sweet aniseed-like scent. Sort of a very faint whiff of licorice lollies on my skin; it only took a couple of hours to reach this stage. It's interesting stuff, certainly! I think I'll have to wear it whenever I drink absinthe!!
  12. kunoichi

    The Lion

    This smells very light and cool, yet spicy in the vial, a scent that seems to rise up out of the vial almost of it's own accord. But when it goes on my skin, the warmth comes out and it turns into a lovely, warmly spiced scent that is just beautiful. Even after a few hours on my skin, it is still warm and spicy. Perhaps a bit more spicy, though it has a sweetness underneath it - it's simply gorgeous!
  13. kunoichi

    Belle Époque

    This is an unusual one. It's all sweet and fruity in the bottle, with a depth behind it when I sniff it from the vial. On my skin a spiky, slightly bitter scent starts to come through the fruity sweetness, backed by the sandalwood that gives the scent it's depth; but perhaps it fights with the citrus of the mandarin too much and that's why it's slightly bitter. After a few hours on my skin, I the spiky smell has faded, and I can detect the vanilla through the other notes and it softens the scent down into something more rounded and gentle. It goes through so many changes!! I'm just not sure about that spiky, bitter stage though it's gorgeous when it's been on my skin for a while.
  14. kunoichi


    A maddeningly festive blend of warm, buttery rum, cocoa, coconut, vanilla and a jolt of peppermint. It’s a sweet, decadent, slightly silly scent, reminicent of rum-laced holiday cookies. Peppermint sweet, like home-made peppermint candies, smell from the vial! Well, on my skin this kind of reminds me of childhood and Christmas - sort of like home-made French chocolate candies, with peppermint essence, that were rolled in coconut! ...but there's something stale in the sweet mix, like stale biscuits. After a couple of hours this settles down and the bad note of staleness goes away, and it becomes something much more akin to Malibu, with a hint of freshness from the peppermint!! Despite the stale note when it first goes on my skin, I quite like it.
  15. kunoichi

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Thanks for that! PS - Do you know how the other nymph types are meant to be pronounced?
  16. kunoichi

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Wouldn't it be lamp-ADS in English? As in the various other nymph types: dryad, naiad, maenad, etc - dry-AD, n-eye-AD, may-n-AD? Wikipedia says Λαμπαδησ ... but I don't speak Greek. I can't find an online pronunciation for Lampades, though!
  17. kunoichi

    Honey Moon

    In the vial this smells rather like a spicy floral, with the flowers and the ginger and thyme combining, but I can't smell the honey. On my skin, the florals and spicy scent start to pull back and become a touch generic and maybe slightly plasticy. After it warms up the honey scent starts to come through. It smells like thick, dark honey with a touch of something in the honey; probably the ginger. It isn't really sweet. In fact, it smells just like a fancy honey that you'd buy at the Royal Melbourne Show! After a few hours, it begins to remind me of the scent that's behind O, when used in my car diffuser.
  18. Thanks! I've got Honey Moon, still to try. Smut doesn't like me... and I've added the rest to the list! Hmm... Storyville? What's in it, any idea? There's no description on the review page.
  19. kunoichi

    Chaste Moon 2005

    This is gorgeous. In the vial it smells almost spicy, I'm not sure what it is but it has that piercing yet warm scent of spice in the scent. But when I put it on my skin, the spicy scents come out to play for a short time before it smooths down to a milky, smooth floral. After a while, when it settles, it becomes much more milky and soft. Delicious, soft and gentle.
  20. kunoichi


    This is an odd scent; it's hard to describe what it smells like in the vial! It's very light, sort of sweet, yet bitter - I think it's the apple/rose with the lemon's bitterness piercing through. On my skin, it becomes a deeper scent as my skin rounds off the smell - the lemon edge is the high note, but I can smell some rose faintly behind it in the sweeter low notes. The lemon seems to take over (making me think of 'lemon fresh' dishwashing liquid or lemon scented soap!), and then dies down quickly to become a more rose-like scent, though it's more complex due to the apple. The scents are all still there, though. It makes it very odd to smell as the rose and lemon fight for supremacy. In the end, the sweeter side of the smell finally wins out, and the lemon takes it's place in the background. I can see why it's called Delirium!
  21. PS - Regarding O, I had a friend smell it last night and got told it smelled nice, can't remember the description that was used, though. But anyway, I commented on how people think it smells like sex, and that got another sniff from my friend. After a few moments, I got told that there is a vague hint of something that may smell like semen(!?!) in it!! I just can't pick up anything like sex at all in O. And of the ones I've worn so far, I'd say that Ravenous smells the most naughty of the lot. Maybe because it reminds me of a man's cologne for some reason, and because it's both sweet and musky at the same time... it's definately wicked!
  22. kunoichi


    In the vial this has a fresh scent; I'm tempted to say green, because it doesn't smell floral, but I'm presuming it's the carnation. I wasn't sure about it when I smelled it, but I wanted to give it a go none the less, and wore it for a wedding and reception I went to. It turns into something I like better, when it's on my skin. The carnation scent fades away, and it becomes something that I had to sniff every so often! It's tamer without the strong carnation smell, but deeper with a touch of sweetness to it. After a few hours, it becomes very soft and I needed to refresh to scent. It's hardly got that carnation scent to it, so the faint smell must be a plum and musk combo; quite nice but I have to refresh!
  23. kunoichi


    Wow, this is a strong scent from the vial - a powerful smell that can't be ignored. It's got a deep smell that's sort of musky, yet it's the red patchouli made sweeter by the orange blossom. It's a very unusual combination! It's both sweet and not sweet at the same time. On my skin the sweetness of the orange blossom calms down a tad, and so it's a less in-your-face version of the smell from the bottle - it still has that sweet/not-sweet scent going on, though it's a little smoother. After a few hours it's gotten very soft and very subtle, but I can still smell it lingering, though the two scents have combined into one. It reminds me somewhat of a man's cologne. But it's rather nice, I like it, and so does one of my female friends who doesn't sniff my perfumes - she said I smelled nice when we hugged hello! This is the sexiest BPAL I've experienced, so far!
  24. kunoichi

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Mm, from the vial this smells strongly in a similar way to Egg Nog, so perhaps it's the alcohol and sugar creaminess ... But this is different, and more like slightly burned caramel. On my skin the burned scent fades and it becomes sweeter, yet not overly so - the sandlewood kicks in to balance the sweetness. After a couple of hours it fades somewhat, and it smells much lighter and more vanilla-like - it's less like caramel as the sandlewood settles - though it's still smooth and slightly sweet. It's something that I can catch a whiff of throughout the day, and it's just gorgeous.
  25. kunoichi

    Egg Nog

    Mmm, so mouth watering from the first smell of the vial. Sweet, strong and delicious like a warm, powerful, creamy egg nog with a touch of spice. On my skin it warms up a little more and changes to become more sweet, but it becomes more reminiscent of an egg flip (sweeter and less alcoholic) but it is still delicious. Though this one fades a little too fast, and I can only detect a small wiff of what it used to be, but perhaps a touch plasticy, on my wrist after a few hours.