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Posts posted by Eunice

  1. This certainly does smell like suntan lotion but not in a chemical way. Obatala is rich coconut meat without all the sugars and additives. This is the coconut smell you get right after breaking open a fresh nut. There is also a light creaminess with just a touch of sweetness. Very lovely!

  2. Bewitched is very berry but the sweetness is cut with the green tea and musk. I don't get the sage for a long while. This is much lighter than I had anticipated. The berry lingers but is very very light and after some time on my skin the sage comes out more and makes the berry take a back seat. Love the lightness of this scent!

  3. Green patchouli! This reminds me a bit of Irish Spring bath soap but more perfumy and masculine. Death on a Pale Horse is a very clean scent. I took a chance on this and bought a bottle without ever smelling it. So glad I did! This may be my perfect summer scent!

  4. Vanilla sweetened leather. There is something else I can't quite make out. A foody scent similar to honey butter but not that strong. O's sexiness sneaks up on me the longer I wear it. Lovely!!

  5. This is just-cut rose. Bright and red and green. My first reaction is to cry, this smells so much like my great-grandmother's house with the roses. A rose is a rose is a rose. Rose Red is just perfect like that.

  6. Blissful Love - Romance - Passion - Grace - Beauty - Joy Good Luck in Love and Money - Kindness - Affection - Artistic Inspiration and Success - Harmony - Reconciliation - Sensuosity - Charm - Elegance - Delight

    This is the proper scent for Venus. This is femininity and grace all wrapped up into one bottle. On me, Venus smells like fresh roses and peony that have been recently watered. One flower doesn't overwhelm the other. This smells very pink but not girly pink, it;s just not sweet enough for that. Lightly floral with just a hint of green. So glad I got a bottle of this!

  7. I received Luperci along with a bottle of The Masque and although they are very similar in scent, Luperci is a lighter blend. The honeyed beeswax is foody sweet but not too overpowering. I don't get any juniper at all in this but the moss comes out nicely. Everything is well-rounded with the musk and patchouli. Musk and patchouli are always so strong on my skin but they do not seem to overpower any of the lighter notes. This is so light and lovely! I was expecting something stronger but I am pleased with the softness of Luperci.

  8. This is total tobacco on me and reminds me of a honey cigarette I smoked once. The Masque is sweet like honeyed beeswax with an undercurrant of cigarette tobacco straight from the pack. The patchouli keeps this from being too too sweet on my skin. The Masque is totally amazing. I will be wearing this tonight!

  9. This smells exactly like the current wine I get in Ohio. I can almost taste this scent when I sniff my wrist. Bordello is sweet and fruity but not over the top. It gets a little bite after a while and turns just a bit incensy. I haven't noticed any amaretto or plum at all.


    I don't typically go for the fruity scents but I was interested in this because it seems to be a fave. Surprisingly lovely. Bordello is a very mature sweet berry scent on me. Yay!

  10. I can't believe it! This really does smell like the sea! This is (a very clean) Atlantic City in the summer. I have no idea what bay rum smells like but if I am smelling it in here, it is lovely. I really want to be at the beach now that I am smelling Jolly Roger. Another oil to add to my bottle list! :P

  11. I've always had good luck with Friday the 13th and this scent is no different.


    Deelish chocolate and orange in the bottle. It says white chocolate but I still smell dark chocolate. The longer I have this on my skin, the lighter the chocolate smell becomes. The orange is still there, or tangerine as this isn't as strong as orange. The white tea and iris come out later and make 13 a crisper, lighter smell. I can't decide if this is incense or foody the more I sniff. This is a totally rich and decadent oil. Very lovely. :P

  12. Cedar, sandalwood and patchouli! Three of my favorite scents all wrapped up in one bottle. The lemon verbena really sets this off as a light and refreshing scent in combination with the heavier woody and earthy scents. This is totally amazing!

  13. At first sniff, this reminds me of smokey Necco Wafers. Those black Necco Wafers that nobody but me would eat when I was little. And now that that thought is running through my mind, I can't make out anything else. *sigh*

  14. Oh yes... totally green. This almost comes off as smelling like dandylions until it changes to rose. Just not enough of either scent to be clear. This is really fabulous! I am putting this on the must have list so I can pair it with Death Cap. Deelish!

  15. Oh yes!!! Ginger and orange blossom right off the bat. Lovelovelove the ginger! The patchouli doesn't come out until later and it helps to make the headiness of the ginger a more earthy, dirty scent (in a good way of course). Ginger is always so refreshing and the combination of ginger with everything else in Vixen is just downright wicked! Lovely!

  16. The dragon's blood resin is very sweet but it is well-rounded with the sandalwood. The orris is rather nice in this, making the scent light in relation to the sandalwood's richness and the sweetness of the resin. This is incredibly rich and I am enjoying it more and more as I wear it. This is my first scent with dragon's blood resin and I am very impressed.

  17. This is dainty sweet and light. This is floral and green and so refreshing. I also get a water note from this which I haven't in other oils. I think it is the addition of the lotus. The more I sniff my wrist, the more glad I am to have purchased a bottle of this. Deelish!

  18. At first all I can smell is light spice but the violet comes out at the very end. This is soapy on my skin but not soapy soap. This is really good soap, the kind of soap I want to smell like. Oh, this is WONDERFUL!!

  19. Wow is this lovely right off the bat!

    I smell the lemon balm right away and there is something slightly astringent underneath, I think it's the rosemary. And then the sage. There are other scents that I can't pick out but I know they are there. This is a very clean smell. The lemon is refreshing and nothing like cleaning supplies. This is a very subtle scent when it is on my skin. It becomes more herbal the longer I wear it and the lemon takes a back seat to the other ingredients. Yum!!!

  20. This reminds me of Embalming Fluid but softer. I think it is the honeysuckle that softens the lemon. This is only slightly floral on me. I think I like this better than Embalming Fluid but the floral notes. (Who knew I would finally enjoy florals?!?!)

  21. I know already this is a large bottle must have!

    Every time I smell this, the scent changes. Sometimes it smells a bit like coffee sweetened with fig. Next it is mahogony with jasmine. Then jasmine with rose. This seems very fitting for the name. I need a large bottle of this!!!

  22. The orange in here isn't all bright, sunshiney Florida orance. This is a quite sophisticated orange. I can almost make out the patchouli in here but it is a richer scent, not dirty stinky hippy patchouli as my BIL likes to call patchouli. This is a bit spicy which goes nicely with the orange. What a wonderful smell!

  23. The description is dead on. This is a very regal scent. The spiced amber is there but not in your face at all. I smell a bit of musk underneach the amber which really warms up the scent for me. This is a much nicer scent than I had anticipated. Very lovely!
