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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by beachbabealways

  1. Just popping in to say Hi and hope all is well.

  2. oooh your kitty is so cute!!!

  3. brr it's frickin COLD outside! How do people up north handle this crap?

    1. lunaticana


      We simply don't :P

      I am in the Netherlands

      and already freezing my ass off :)

  4. sick, think I have a stomach virus ... oh I hate hugging the toilet!

  5. Hey I haven't seen you around lately ... hope you are doing well. :)

  6. Ticked off! I swear, when did men (yes more than one) become such drama queens??

  7. Tired! Had to haul a load of wood today. Glad I'm home and in my comfy clothes. Now if my husband would just get home from the field I'd be better.

    1. pinkstardust420


      I am doing well! Thank you for thinking of me - hope all is well with you =)

    2. beachbabealways


      doing pretty good ... so glad you are too.

  8. Tired! Had to haul a load of wood today. Glad I'm home and in my comfy clothes. Now if my husband would just get home from the field I'd be better.

  9. Hubby was gone all day. :( It's wheat planting time in Texas so he will be busy all week. It's lonely without him around the house.

  10. I'm the proud Godmother to a beautiful baby girl Nikoha Lillie - 9-8-10 10:15pm 6lb 11oz

  11. Watching Tornado's on the ground in Dallas via Live TV ... we got dumped on by Hermine with 8+ inches of rain.

  12. 106 here today ... yuck!

  13. Oh Panther Moon! How I love you so!!

  14. I swear I'm in hell ... I hate Texas!!

  15. Where are you?? I MISS you. I hope everything is ok.

  16. Cranberry was one of the first people I bought from on BPAL.org back in 2006 and she is just the sweetest person! She also makes SUPER Fantastic Soaps and I hope that one day she will share them with all the world. Her talent is a true hidden gem and I am sooo thankful I was able to try them.

  17. Arranged a swap with me back on April 16th 2009 but never sent her end. I found out today she was going to swap the same bottle with TTP.


  18. I've been trying to get a hold of her for weeks. The last I heard from her was 11/07 and she said she was shipping my Beaver Moon (from Will Call) but it has never arrived and I have not heard from her. I'm hoping everything is ok.
