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Everything posted by beachbabealways

  1. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Does anyone have pics of Thunder and Selkie? I see a few reviews but so far I haven't seen any pictures. I didn't buy anything from the last two updates so I am curious to see labels.
  2. beachbabealways


    The lovely Moonarcana sent me a frimp of this. When I put it on I thought oooh I like this but something smells familiar. Upon reading the description it was the amber and peach. I think this is the same peach that is in Jack. As time has gone by it has gotten sweeter, must be the vanilla bean. I really like this but since I have a 5ml of Jack I will use it up before ordering this.
  3. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    So glad ya'll got everything worked out snakegetters!! Now, you need to buy some oils ... I'd start with Snake Oil & King Cobra. No really, you should. You won't regret it but your wallet might.
  4. beachbabealways


    I just got a bottle of this and I'm not good at reviews but I will say I love this one. When I open the bottle I smell something foody. When wet on skin ... the same thing. As it dries I am picking up something else, maybe the F&M?? Then it goes back to the warm foody note again. This reminds me of Knave of Hearts on my skin but a lighter version of it. So I would put this in the group with ... Knave of Hearts and Eat me. Very nice!!
  5. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I went over to LJ and read about the King Cobra as well as the home page for the person in question. I'm just curious ... why would we as a community want to post snarky comments to the rightful owner of this picture? It's of no help to Beth and could inflame the person who is already upset (and rightfully so). This person seems to be nice as they are not bashing but just stated a fact that the photo was stolen and being used on a product they did not give permission for it to be used on. They could actually file a lawsuit over this if they wanted. I'm sure the whole King Cobra thing was a mistake and it wasn't done intentionally but as forum members we should stay out of it. It's between Beth/Macha/and the person who took the picture. We all love and respect the lab(bies) and I know it pisses some off that this person spoke up but if the shoe was on the other foot, honestly ask yourself ... what would you have done? The Lab CAN take care of itself without our help and it just might be best if that's what happened. JMHO. Best of luck to all involved.
  6. beachbabealways

    Milk Moon 2007

    I agree with several people here. This smells fruity, frothy and creamy and just like a Pina Colada. I love this!! It last's about 6 hours on my skin and has a medium throw. I give it a 5 out of 5.
  7. beachbabealways

    Cinnamon girl...

    I get the same thing and it's not that strong on me. Double
  8. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oooh me too!! Thanks TheIceMaiden for posting that pic. How cute!
  9. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    BE - U - T- FUL!!! that label and the colors are so pretty.
  10. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    *slight hijack*...the underpants label was sort of "beige-pinky" tho' right? i love the VD label...then again...i love VD...*end hijack* hey Sookster Well, I'm gonna soon find out because I just swapped for Underpants I've never seen it in person but the labels that I have seen posted for it looked B&W but you know more than I do. I still can't wait to get all 3 of the new MB's ... my number should be coming up soon because 4/2 orders are already shipping. The lab is kicking butt!! Cheers to the lab for all their hard work Yeah there is one in the Review section. What's really cool is the lady that posted the picture looks like the label (the hair anyway ... not the black eyes).
  11. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Anyone have of Tokyo Stomp? I like the other two labels but wished they would have been in Black & White like last years labels.
  12. beachbabealways

    The Knave of Hearts

    OK, I'm a HUGE foody blend person (I do like other blends as well) and this stole my . As Shelldoo said this is very much like Eat me but I think it's even better. For some reason I get a pancakes & a syrup smell with this. . This just shot to the top three of my top ten list. :D this!!! I have to get more than the 5ml that I have ... Beth I need a gallon. If you like foody scents make sure and give this one a try. I smell pancakes with blackcurrants and a drizzle of syrup. No roses here for me unless they are of the sugared kind. I rate this a 5!! (out of 0-5)
  13. OMG YES. Death on a Pale Horse was strong enough on me to kill, well, a pale horse. You could smell it from a mile away. I couldn't seem to wash it off, either. A good friend here told me to use rubbing alcohol to remove a perfume and it really works. There have been many times I didn't like something I put on and I'd use the alcohol and then wash with soap and water and I was as good as new.
  14. My husband agree's with your honey. He loves both of those on me too. He also loves Arcana's Devilish (I have had MANY compliments when wearing this). I love Morocco but he didn't comment on that one but my Mom smelled it in the bottle and she didn't like it. I think it's Fab!
  15. beachbabealways

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    My thoughts: I think they are totally different. BM is completely cheesecake, while Eat Me is really buttery and foodier in a candy kind of way, not a cheesecake way. I agree, nothing alike.
  16. beachbabealways

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CTIII CCCL -- 100% Candy Butcher all the way. Side by side in the bottle and testing on the skin it's the same as CB. Lovely! Previously reviewed by oceandreamer001.
  17. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Does anyone have pictures of Dolce Stil Nuovo & The Oblation?
  18. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I was looking at my CN (which is the secong series) Medicine Show has a Blue jester hat Shill has white Kunstkammer has either white or cream House of Mirrors has a light blue hat Freak Show has a blue hat Carnival has a red hat So maybe the colors of the hat mean nothing except I did notice they match the font color on the bottles. ( just a thought ) The groundhog is soooo cute!! So glad I bought two bottles.
  19. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oooh cool, Thanks Midnight. I love looking at the bottles labels and hope more people post pictures of all the new stuff. Would really like to see pics of the new Lupercalia labels. Anyone out there have any they want to share with us?
  20. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The cobalt bottle with the papery label is probably the original, as it sounds like my own bottle of the original. I don't have a bottle of the second version though so I cannot confirm what the second one looks like, sorry! Are you wondering about May 2005 vs. January 2006? I would guess the cobalt one is from May 2005 and the amber one is from January 2006, and it's the fresher citrus causing it to be sharper (not having aged as long). Plus it could just be from variations in the component oils themselves, that even happens from one batch to the next, let alone 7 months apart. I had a bottle of the Jan. 06 briefly, and it looked identical to the original label, although I don't remember the exact texture/finish. Definitely paper though, not the newer glossy labels. The only glossy one was October 2006, which was orange instead of white. Yeah, I have January 06 and it is amber with papery lablel :-) I have the two you are talking about. The blue bottle has more chocolate and the second in the amber bottle has more Iris than chocolate. They have the same description but were blended differently. Don't worry, no one tampered with them because mine are the same. I'm sure you could confirm this with Beth and company.
  21. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    drool worthy
  22. beachbabealways

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I tried Bordello yesterday and it smells just like my Monsterbait Closet ... on me anyway. So if you like Closet you might try Bordello.
  23. Black Phoenix, Vixen, Snake Oil, Mme Moriarity, Jack, Sugar Cookie, Perversion Tezcatlipoca, Shango & Dragon's Heart have great throw and lasting power on me.
  24. beachbabealways

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Last night I noticed my bottle of TKO has an old style paper label. The bottle itself is amber. But since TKO is a new blend, maybe it means they ran out of the plastic coated label paper for a while and that's why your bottle had a paper label too? Does that make sense? Or maybe they have a whole bunch of labels already printed up and instead of throwing them away they decided to use them. Ink is expensive.
  25. beachbabealways

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    On "my" skin The Phantom Calliope smells just like Shub did. How can this be when there is no Ginger in "The Phantom" ... ???? Weird! Red Lantern smells just like Elegba. Pumpkin Queen is very similar to Jack