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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Lexy

  1. The day Samhain arrived, my ten yards of wood chips were also delivered. I put on Samhain and went out to work in the yard, and do you know, I spent to whole time trying to figure out which smell was the oil and which was the wood chips? The oil has a note that perfectly matches the piney/decaying leaves smell of that batch of wood chips.


    But besides that note I also get butter and spice (nutmeg? cinnamon?). This is the most beautiful smell in the world. I'm tempted to buy more every time I see it go up for swap, but that would be crazy. I'm just so afraid I will run out.


    It's also long lasting, which is really a big deal for me. I have applied in the morning and awakened the following morning still smelling of Samhain.

  2. This is great! It is Spellbound, but without the roses and with some pine. Just beautiful.


    Dark and incensy, almost like an old dark wood paneled church, in a pine forest.


    I put some on my husband, then I put some on me, and it smells wonderful on both of us. He says we can't smell the same though, so I'll just wear Spellbound.


    He wants a big bottle! I told him I'm always happy to plan an order for him :P

  3. This is so beautiful! I grew up around lots of chinese women, and I always wondered what they smelled like. I remember walking into my friends homes and assuming that the beautiful rosewood chests were giving off that scent. NOW I know that it is red musk.


    Kabuki starts out like extremely offensive cough syrup. Really really loud and raucous. BUT in a few minutes the cherries mellow out and the red musk starts to assert itself. I particularly love the time in between the two phases. Smells to me like cherry vanilla ice cream.


    This almost reminds me of velvet, in that the foody portion of the scents only lasts a few minutes, and then the lovely background scent (in the case of Kabuki, the musk) goes on and on.


    Made me want to buy some beautifully embroidered chinese dresses with frog clasps. Just gorgeous.


    ETA: I just thought... Kabuki is Japanese theater. Funny that I have such a strong association with Chinese culture... Has to be the red musk, I didn't even think about the name until just a second ago.

  4. My sister, her fiance, my husband and I were in the Humboldt redwoods playing frisbee golf. A troop of boys charged by and my sister said "Mmmm one of them smells like a MAN!!!"


    Um... no, that was my husband wearing Antony. She ordered an imp for her fiance :P

  5. It was August. I went by my Dad's house first thing in the morning. As we walked out to his garden he kept looking around, 'til I finally asked him what was wrong. "I smelled Spring flowers, but I can't figure out what is blooming now."


    Turns out it was Sacred Whore he was smelling. Early Spring blooms, just out of the bulb and destined to die in a few more days.


    With vanilla. so that if I smell my wrist I think of sugar cookies. :P

  6. I have been trying to review scents that don't already have tons of reviews, but Spellbound is my absolute favorite scent ever, so I'm going to break my rule.


    Spellbound... is just wonderful. It is sexy and alluring, dark and mysterious, feminine and intriguing, but still understated enough to wear to work. Dark and resiny scents with burgundy roses floating over everything.


    I wore this to register voters and a woman sat down next to me to fill out her form. She looked at me sideways and said "what are you wearing."


    I told her Spellbound and she said, "Mmm, it's lovely."

  7. The essence of innocence shattered: glittering Egyptian amber and heliotrope, infused with the sweetness of strawberry and vanilla - dragged into debauch by lusty red musk and a dribble of black cherry.

    My 3 year old wanted to try this before I got to. On her it smelled adorable. Like those strawberry shortcake dolls I used to have.

    I loved it so much on her that I decided I better try it. On me it smelled like an old used up drunk whore in the middle of a city at midnight. Not really such a good image. Besides that, it made me feel the way I did when I was 19 and I was having sex with people I didn't really like and then trying to think of a way to leave quickly the next morning. I had to wash it off. I got depressed.

    I don't know what it was. The strawberry was nice, but the other stuff was just... sordid.

  8. I have not been able to actually wear this scent, because my husband took it as soon as I opened the box. So I can tell you what it smells like on him...


    This is a red spicy scent. Almost sweet and almost floral, but not quite. It smells like dragon's blood, but smoothed out and diffused. He put it on in the afternoon the other day, and the next afternoon I was sure he had just put *something* on, but I couldn't tell what. It smelled like him only better.

  9. Slivers of warm, pulsating blood forever crystallized in golden amber resin.

    Mmm... This is a perfectly blended mellow smooth scent. Neither the amber nor the dragon's blood takes over. It is a fairly long lasting scent that stays true the whole time I wear it. I do wish it were a little louder, but I still catch whiffs after 4 hours.

  10. Wet from the bottle this evokes sunscreen and beaches. As it began to dry I kept smelling oranges. I was surprised, because I can't usually wear orange, but this is gorgeous on me.


    When I finally read the description I found that there are no oranges, but I can't help smelling them. This is a dry, complex, bright and happy scent. It reminds me of some of the beautiful old Victorians we have around here. This scent fits it's name, but in the exciting magical sense, not in any way dark or musty.

  11. Very light, floral scent. This doesn't smell like Sprite, but it kind of has that kind of feel. A clear, light, bright scent. It *almost* smells like a grocery store brand hand lotion, but is just a touch more interesting. This is very understated, not assertive, but definitely not something you've ever smelled before.


    I wore it all day and could still catch a wiff at 9pm. It's not terribly floral, so even if you don't like florals, try this!

  12. This is a very quiet scent. It smells like the undercurrent of many scents. You know, the quietest part of the scent, usually overpowered by some other, louder note. I kept expecting something to shout "hey, over here," (in a smelly way) but it never did.


    I smelled a vague sweetness, and some sandalwood, but everything is so perfectly blended that nothing distracts from the scent as a whole. Definitely good for meditation. I put it on before bed and couldn't believe how perfectly suited it was for relaxing.


    Edited to add: On the second wearing I still love this, but now I'm smelling cedar very strongly. I almost started to think of hamster cages, but there's something that's adding depth and stopping the rodent images. I'm thinking now that I might really really like this on a male person.

  13. I love this in the bottle. I smelled the berries and the wine, flowers and a hint of sweetness. I put it on and it smelled at first like crazy red candy. Maybe cherry and strawberry jolly ranchers. Not exactly me.


    THEN I got the purple gum scent after about an hour. I like that better. Now (6 hours later) I smell sweet berries and flowers. I really like this. I'm not sure if I can stand to wait for all the wierd scents to go away, though. I'm going to have to try this again before I make up my mind.


    After about 8 hours I realized that I smelled like wine. I was at work in a meeting with the Executive Director and it kind of embarassed me, but I don't think anyone noticed. As I drove home from work I thought "gosh some BBQ would be good right now..." Then I realized that it was Lady Macbeth. Apparently it goes really smoky on me after many hours.


    This scent is so interesting! Almost every hour it's different.

  14. Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won't stop kissing mirrors for a month.

    I smelled almonds at first. From the bottle and wet on, it smells like Amaretto. Reminds me of almond tea with some cinnamon and honey. Definitely a cold weather scent (she says the day after midsummer :P ).

    As it dries it gets spicier. My co-worker walked in and said "It smells like a bakery. You smell like my favortie cinnamon, clove and almond coffee cake." I love it. Sweet and spicy and interesting.

  15. Handsoap. Yuck. I think it must be the neroli that really smells not-good on me. My sister said "it doesn't even smell like nice handsoap."


    It fades very quickly, which is it's best quality.


    If anyone loves this, it'll be coming up for trade real quick-like.

  16. This goes on as a vanilla-caramel scent, and quickly turns into honey and not much else. I love it and have been wearing it to bed, but I don't know that I would want to wear it out.


    My sister and my son are obsessed with it however, and I'll be buying them both larger bottles as gifts.

  17. I love this. I cannot get enough of it. I want shampoo and conditioner and soap and candles and... everything that smells just like this. I would love laundry detergent that smells like this too. I want to just bath in this stuff.


    I have no idea what it smells like, but I don't care. It's bright and pretty and just lovely. a little berry, a little floral. Just wonderful.


    I wish it lasted a little bit longer (about 4 hours on my skin, longer in my hair) but I'll be buying a LOT of this!

  18. At first: This spilled in the mail, so the whole order smells very perfumy, almost like laundry detergent. I swiped some of it on me, DH and DD before I cleaned up the other vials. It continued to smell perfumy and strongly floral. Very much like a room freshener. Not really my thing.


    Dry Down: On me it gets very spicy and sweet, slightly floral. Smells almost like cinnamon. It reminds me of going to the Santa Cruz boardwalk in the off season. Cold ocean wind, cotton candy and ice cream, salt air. My sister sniffed me and said "Wow, that smells really beautiful on you."


    On DH it's pretty much the same, although his skin just sucked it in. I have to really sniff his neck to find it (which he enjoys :P ). I think it's spicier on me.


    The big surprise was DD. She ran off to play outside, and when she came back in she smells just gorgeous. There is a note that is not at all present on either of us adults. Vanilla, cinamon, honey and lovely spiciness that is exactly the way a little girl should smell. Too bad a three year old can't have a signature scent, because my goodness! She smells lovely.


    I like this very much, but I'm sad that it doesn't smell on me the way it does on the baby. I think there will be a more perfect scent somewhere else for DH, but I might order this for myself in a larger bottle.


    ETA: This lasted *forever* on me. I actually had to wash it off the morning after I applied it so I could put something else on. I wish I could get Manaed to do that.
