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Posts posted by Deiicide

  1. Soft and blue with the fizziness associated with gin. To me, it's like a blue version of Velvet pink Kitty but with more of a blue feel then Velvet pink kitty. It would be absolutely perfect for spring and the summer time. I'm glad to have tried it (GC Version) Soft blueberry tinged gin with the fruitiness of the papaya coming up. Bottle worthy.

  2. Oh Cedar you once again win out. I was hoping more for the chocolate soaked peppermint, the pistachio, vanilla, anything! But the Cedar clubbed everything else, and comfortably stole the show during the wet phase. It was only during the dry phase that some of the other elements poked out, and melded together. As my DH, mentioned when I let him sniff it. It smells earthy. So earthy it is. Might be a nice sleeping scent. Lasts a long time, but sticks close to the skin.

  3. The Scent is soft and gentle. On me the white chocolate, osiris and coconut are most prominent on me but I don't mind. It reminds me of the original 13 (White Label) a lot (I think it may be the white chocolate) and it just fits. This scent fits and it's GC to boot. So so so glad to have this scent. The white chocolate and the coconut doesn't change much with the other notes in the background. Lasts a good 6 hours or more on me.

  4. Since my beloved Tempest is gone, it's now off to hunt what may smell as good as it did on myself in relations to the Ozone. Red Rose fits the bill, but it's an Le and I usually slather this stuff during night time. The Lavender is nice and subdued with the sparkling of the white musk coming up to pass. The ozone is there, and it's lovely giving a sharp edge but not as much as I liked it within tempest. I'm glad I got to try it, but unfortunately it's not what I was looking for. There is a hint of black current but not as much as anyone else is getting.

  5. When I first tried this ,a familiar scent wafted about me. Where have I smelled something like this and then it hit me! It's a more etheral Black Moon (06') on me. I covet that bottle, so to find something so similar to me in reach and taste is amazing. Thanks to the lab for this, now if you'll just excuse my nose and wrist.



  6. When the scent was first put on, I wasn't terribly blown away. It was basically like White Moon with a bit of snow. (I Haven't tried the original chaste moon though I really wanted to gather a bottle of it). Milk notes tend to not like my skin, they don't really get the full effect and seem to burn off. The Crystalline musk and the flowers seem very fitting actually and dry down into something wonderful. Barely there blooms, with soft musks and sweet milk. It's really really amazing and puts me in a sense of calm. Time to put out an ISO for a bit more. I love it!

  7. Out of the bottle, and straight on the skin it was an explosion of coconut and tobacco. Very subtle and almost reminds me of the thickness that Red Lantern has (without the poppy, thank you!). As it dries down the Tabacco, and the vanilla tea take center stage with the musk holding everything together with a subtle vibrant sparkle. The flowers don't come out very much but as it dries down, the floral hint fills up and continues to glow. It gives me a bit of a headache, but it makes me feel very sexy. The combination of all the notes, is sweet without foody and just as gourmand. I'm glad to have tried it, and will cherish my bottle.

  8. A memory of pleasure passed. A ghostly rendezvous, delight beyond death. Faint echoes of laughter and the distorted music of a harp drift by, along with the scent of soft white pear and sweet vanilla.

    It's very juicy pear on me with soft vanilla on the background, and as it dries here's the wierd part; a hint of dustiness comes forward and a tiny bit of musk I think. It's really nice sleeping scent and good on cool autumn days.

  9. The bottle and the image was the one that I loved the most. Cherries, Cream and vanilla. Thankfully all of those notes go lucky on me, but when I got the bottle the Cherries once again ruined the scent for me. Bah. It smelled like a cheap candle. I so wanted this blend to work but it's not for me.

  10. In the bottle it's everything I've ever wanted in a blend, but like Bloody Mary unfortunately and sadly, the cherries turn into cheap plastic candies. The vanilla is true, but is kind of overshadowed by the candleness, and the strawberry took a train back to the farm because those two are ruining everything for them. That about sums it up, I remember it being better when I first got it but couldn't really tell but now it's clear. These scents just don't like me. I'm very sad about this one because I love cherries.

  11. The cake notes on this don't actually come out until dry-down for me. Upon initial swipe, it was all soft woods and snake oil. The Cupcakes weren't as pronounced but the soft tang from the frosting was there. The cakes get more pronounced as the cake dries, and the snake oil and the Doc lift it up and ground it. I'm not a big foody person, but this was a nice surprise and I'm glad I got to try it (and not hunt down a bottle!)

  12. Aquatics and me get along. If there's some wood in there, it'll be fine too and some flowers usually don't give it pause but yea. Me and the salty sea notes are bffs. So when I noticed this bottle, I was iffy. Chthulu is strong cologne but this sounds heavenly. As the reviews came in, I was graced a decant and eagerly tried it. OMG, the softest whiff of smokey incense with deep boomslangish chocolate; the aquatics giving a faint effervescent note. It is utterly divine. The chocolate note sticks, where the aquatics fade away as it dries keeping the salt note and the incense. Smokey Salty Sea Chocolates. I am so pleased to have this and can't wait for my bottle to arrive.

  13. When it was first released, I kicked myself. Fruitish salty aquatic? Those love me. I always mourned not getting Selkie when it was released (and I had more funds) fast forward four years, and I finally found a bottle. Yea! Let's do a quick review.


    First on the wrist, soft melony tinged moss and breezes. Sweet, Salty and earthy smelling without really lending adherence to each other. A bit perfumey, but more with the moss aspect of Kiyohime changes into a Serpant. It's last since I put it on three hours, where it dries down to a soft melon tinged moss. It has aged wonderfully and is still very wonderful. I'm so glad I have a bottle and I will cherish it.

  14. I smell the snake oil, it's a note that I'm becoming familiar with in my bottle of Green Tea Viper. It's almost a slithery Candy Butcher to my nose, but not quite. The spices from the actual snake oil come out as the Teak grounds it all (Woods playing nice on my skin. I couldn't see it to believe it) . The rice milk grounds it adding a candy like quality to the skin and very huffable. It tempers down, and I know I'm in love. Bottle in the future, most definitely.



  15. Every kid wants a pet magah bird! A prism of scent, an explosion of multi-colored feathers: blood orange, black plum, sugar cane, guava, frangipani, coconut, pimento berry, violet, caramel, and pear.

    I can definitely tell what people say, it's fruit loops in the vial! As soon as it hits my skin, a creaminess takes over with the rest of the fruits gathering around. I can't really place what it smells like but all the different fruits are vying for attention. Ah, I get it now; it's the pear that's doing that. It's amping subtly on my skin with whatever the cream note I'm getting from. I think it may be coming from the coconut, so I nod to the other folks that manage this as a tropical drink. The violet isn't taking off and ruining most of this, so I'm rather happy about that and it's grounding the fruits better. It a super fruity purfume, I think along the same vien as Fruit Moon' which folks really love. I'm glad I got to try it. Thank you BuxomM and the Orphanage Swap.

  16. Moist cupcakes surrounded by deep ladened buttercream frosting. I do smell a bit of the filth, a small hint of the dirt note grounding out the cream and the cupcake. It smells almost like a runaway hit for the Candy Butcher actually to my nose. Just a tad lighter then the latter. As it dries it's about the same as wet. I have a good bottle of the Candy Butcher so I don't need this, but I'm glad to be able to try it. Thank you BuxomM and the Orphanage swap



  17. Thank you to BuxomM and the Orphanage swap for letting me try this. From the Vial it smells fruity; that's kind of odd. Oh yea, I can recognize that note now. It's the White rose, one of the only roses that don't go soapy on me (at least I hope so). It's sweet and nice. Kind of reminds me of a softer Zarta on me, which I think is the cream making it's rounds. It's so soft and delightful, I'm kind of sad I wasn't around to pick this up during the last Halloween though it is at least more similar to Zarita in drydown and the wet smell. But while the orange blossom stays in Zarita, Katrina is drying down softly and more pronounced. :Whine: Based on the description, I knew I would love this and I do! I might have to track down a bottle of this scent if I can, or gaze longingly at my tiny decent and enjoying the fragrence that wafts. I wish Hope/Faith was as kind to me as this. :love:

  18. CT4: CMV: It definately smells like bubblegum in the bottle, aquatic so. Reminds me of the old cough syrups I used to eat as a kid (or was forced to it). I almost gagged a little but whatever it smells in the bottle definitely different on the skin and by jolly does it morph! As soon as it hits the skin there's sandalwood, a bit of woods in the background with some patchouli. It reminds me of Hemlock and Seraphim without the rose in the background. Well there might be some rose in the background, almost akind to Parlement of Foules. That's what it's reminding me of, a dead ringer for Parlement of Foules or Seraphim! Thanks for the Karma Swap Lamia For this bottle! It sticks close to the skin. I believe there is some type of rose in there it's making me a bit dizzy but not too bad. There may be myrrh and frankincense. As it dries, there is a sweet hay like smell to it and the caramelizes of the tonka. It almost reminds me of a heavy myrrh and sweet tombstone; it's really nice.

  19. The Luminous feeling is very similar (grassy vibrancy) that I get from Fire Pig and again from Fairy Market; where fairy market tampers off into a soft incense and Fire Pig well burns off pretty fast; I get the same wet stage from both of those from this. Very grassy with the moon sap tempering it; it's a very pretty springtime scent. Now a soft flowerish scent comes out; it reminds me of Dandelion sap from Roadhouse; the drydown is almost very similar to that with the sap tempering it. Replace the cigarette smoke and it would almost be side to side with it. All in all this is a very pretty pretty scent, I love moon anything and this makes no exception. To those that found Fairy Market to be too incensy, try this one and it may be the blend for you. I will gladly be keeping this bottle.

  20. Fresh from the lab. As I put it on first things first is the wine note. It stays true on my skin, and the familar edge of the dragon's blood is creeping up trying to temper the rose. But the Rose is trying, and it's growing soapy. Here's seeing what it may be as it dries. So far, rose soapiness is turning out on my skin heh. It fades and the soapiness is still there with the softness of the cherry from the Dragon's blood resin. I'm glad I got to try it, but roses are hit and miss with their soapiness.

  21. Holy Flowers Batman! (hehe see what I did there) There's nothing that's really jumping out at me. It smells like just a soft breeze past a flower garden, with the scent of fresh cut stems and flowers. It's very springlike, getting lighter as it dries

    to almost a whisper on my wrist. You really have to dig your nose close because it sticks close to the skin. The wierdest thing, on drydown it almost reminds me of Victoria's Secret Strawberries and Champange. It's fine on my skin but really not for me, and I'm glad I got to try it. If there is woods, it's not doing nasty things to my skin which is a good thing. This is a soft nice, floral blend.

  22. Notorious for its properties for protection against werewolves and curing lycanthropy, this nefarious plant also has a fine history of use as a virulent poison. Clasically, Medea employed it in her many works of vengeance. This concoction of ours has none of the lethal qualities, but still personifies all of the herb's dark history beautifully.

    Upon my skin, Ceder my nemesis comes forward but he doesn't seem to be wanting to make a throw to my skin. It actually is tempered with I think bay leaf in the background giving it a soft peppery bite. There's almost a dew like substance to cut through all the greenery but it's still very nice. It seems to fade after a moment, the bite leaving it. I could see this being very sexy on a man but on me, it's better off as wood clippings. Glad to try it, but not for me.

  23. Incense Rose is the first thing that comes to my head. I get a small fit of dizziness as I sniff closer to the scent as it's wet. I wonder if there's poppy or something of the like within it. Curious. As it dries, I swear there is some juniper smell and some moss component in there. It reminds me of a complex Seraphim and/or Rose Cross with how it dries on me; there is a bit of smoke almost enwrapping me. Now that I actually look at the component list, I'm way off base with a few notes. The Gardenia is actually causing the dizziness but oddly enough the Tea rose, Vanilla and Jasmine are playing nice. It's a really soft and pretty blend and drying it makes me feel like a sophisticated lady but Gardenia makes my head swim so sadly I have to pass.



  24. In the bottle it's junipery love, which I guess is from the Gin. As soon as it hits my skin the booze literally explodes into a softy piney effervescent note. It's wonderful, the strawberry is in the background with the candy mixing with the other booze notes. They always do well on my skin so the fact that they amp for a bit doesn't surprise me. After awhile the booze dies down, and soft cremey strawberry candy remains. It's awesome, I'm glad I got a bottle when I first saw it.

  25. Soft bite of sandalwood with smeared vanilla, just soft and light, a bit dizzing as I put a bit on. Is there some opium in this? Making me sneeze, still quite nice however. The oil has sweetened out but I'm still a bit dizzy from it. I'm going to keep the decant but I don't think I shall be seeking out a bottle. I can see why so many people love it though. It's a super sexy smeared vanilla sandalwood that will only get better with age.
