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Everything posted by Deiicide

  1. Deiicide

    Velvet Pink Kitty

    In the bottle it's junipery love, which I guess is from the Gin. As soon as it hits my skin the booze literally explodes into a softy piney effervescent note. It's wonderful, the strawberry is in the background with the candy mixing with the other booze notes. They always do well on my skin so the fact that they amp for a bit doesn't surprise me. After awhile the booze dies down, and soft cremey strawberry candy remains. It's awesome, I'm glad I got a bottle when I first saw it.
  2. Deiicide

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Soft bite of sandalwood with smeared vanilla, just soft and light, a bit dizzing as I put a bit on. Is there some opium in this? Making me sneeze, still quite nice however. The oil has sweetened out but I'm still a bit dizzy from it. I'm going to keep the decant but I don't think I shall be seeking out a bottle. I can see why so many people love it though. It's a super sexy smeared vanilla sandalwood that will only get better with age.
  3. Deiicide

    Crowd Pleasers

    Swank is a really nice boozy note. A crisp Pomegranate martini. That or The Hamptons (Cosmos anyone?). Another really good crowd pleasers is Embalming Fluid. White Musk, Green Tea, Aloe and Lemon but if she's turned off by that perhaps something a bit more sparkling with a soft edge. Kumiho is nice but often overlooked, it's straight up White tea and Ginger.
  4. Deiicide

    Watery &/or Aquatic Florals

    Kiyohime Changes from Serpent is a really really nice fruity aquatic. I have a bottle that's about 3 years old, and it hasn't changed much from when I got it. The moss and the salt notes were more fresh when it was straight from the lab, but over the years the lychee and the pulm have really deepened and the smell just lasts. It's freakin amazing.
  5. Deiicide

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    Something kind of dark and sweet with a bit of edge might be Kabuki, it has a soft cherry anise spice feel that's really nice. If you want to gamble on something abit more sweet and sensual, there's an LE called The Red Lantern. It doesn't have the particular tea note but it's a play on Opium Dens. Seductive swirling caramel if you want to try something else out there for an oriental feel.
  6. Deiicide

    Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei

    I smell the waxy note of the beeswax with the soft florals backing it up with the sharp bite of the citrus. There is a soft sparkle akin to the nercoli and the ginger. This is reminding me of a more complex Candles moon and a more complex Pele. The beeswax is the winner of this giving it such depth and creaminess without milk and creme. Amber normally goes all powdery on me but I gave it a chance on this since it was within the deeper edges of the bottle. Thankfully it's behaving itself with the herbs and the florals. It's soft and airy with a gentle powder near the end. I'll hang onto the bottle a bit more to age it out, but so far it was promising and ending up on powder ville.
  7. Deiicide

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    Fruity Aquatic? Sign me up. Aquatics and me go hand in hand very well unless there is some type of wood in there, and that usually makes my skin a bit sour. Mosses tend to do that too in a softer note, but this didn't prove to disappoint. My bottle is aged about 3 years, and it's still about the same as when I got it. Soft ethereal aquatics with the most amazing plum and lychee smell during drydown. It isn't too heavy but a perfect summer scent that reminds me of Fire Pig, or Tempest/Lightning's Fruitier cousin. This is a winner for me and will get much use for the summer time when there is a need to be cool.
  8. Deiicide

    The Great Sword of War

    Note that the imp in my possession is almost 3 years old. When I first got Great Sword of War, I was in love. It was dark in a wierd way, but very foody almost and huff able. I was wafting on a bottle, and decided to keep the imp. While going through my stash, absently I put it on just to test it out if it's the same desire that I have grown upon it. Sadly, Great Sword of War has mellowed out to mostly red musk with some tobacco and a few herbs to clean it up. It doesn't have the bright note that I have loved about it, nor the deep cocoa that I have grown to endure. I think something may have spoiled the imp, but I don't see myself getting a bottle for it to spoil after awhile. I'm gifting my imp through swaps, and hopefully someone will love it in this stage much more then I.
  9. Deiicide


    Oh this is very pretty. This is a soft honeyed blossom orchid. Orchids do well on me, because I think it's more of a trophical flower then more of the traditional blooms. The Stepthanosis is giving it it's spicy edge, and it's very very beautiful. I can't stop putting my nose to this, and just inhaling this deeply. It's just that good. On my skin, the florals are getting lighter as it dries, with a faint ozone element to it. It's like a sunny Snow white if it makes any sense. Absolutely beautiful. The scent sticks close though, throw is minimal and tends to be soaked up quickly by my skin. 5 minutes it is gone.
  10. Deiicide


    Thick, dark, sluggish and heavy with indolence: vetiver over black myrrh. From the imp it smells strong, and definitely razor sharp. As soon as I put it on my skin, Vetiver takes a dash and goes forward. I believe there is some sandalwood, or some wood in there but nothing that intialally screams forward to me. It's kind of unpleasant on my initially in its wet stage. The vetiver has tempered with the myrrh now and made it very sensual, slow like in a manner. But again, dark scents don't work very well on me and this is no exception. Glad I got to try it.
  11. Deiicide

    Snow White

    I loved Snow Flakes, I mean fall in deep deep love almost sensual love kind. It was my go to sleep scent, and with Snow Flakes gone the following year I was looking for something to return to. Snow white fits the bill and how. It's a super sweet, super girly perfume that ages wonderfully. The Lily musk and vanilla are tempered with the cremey. This is one of my top 10 Scents, and one I cannot see myself being without it. It's just that good. If you are into bpal, you have to at least try this scent. It's perfection. This is the 07' Blend.
  12. Deiicide


    Sniffing from the imp nothing really comes out. As soon as I put it on my hands, the woods ridiculously amp. Ceder, Ceder and more Ceder. But hey, as I look at the notes I see it's the pine and the bay. Well the pine surely doesn't like me because during the wet stage it was piney to the point of suffocation. As it dries down the Rosemary, and the Bay come out a little bit more but after that first phase I can clearly see this isn't for me. Glad I got to try it.
  13. Deiicide

    Juke Joint

    At the wet stage, my skin seems to gobble it up. There is a faint smell of woods, with some kind of alcohol in there. My nose swears there's some kind of mint, but I can't really register it. After looking at the notes, I can barely smell the mint but the scorched effect from what sugar does on m skin is morphing into kind of a licorice smell. As it dries the minty licorice scent still lingers. Nothing that blows me away, but nothing too bad. Glad I got to try it.
  14. Deiicide


    Wet, it's like a large blast of murky cologne. I can't really smell anything really particular, but I do smell some sandalwood. I guess that smell is the opoponax. It has some deep florals and I can smell woods (thankfully cypress doesn't go rampent on me) There is a hint of dizziness on me, perhaps from the Labdanum which did the same to me with pride. I'm glad I got to dry it, but definately not for me.
  15. Deiicide

    French Love

    As I put it on wet, a soft coyingly sweet cremey incense smell wafts up to my nose. As many has said before us, it's a very soft dragon's blood without all the cherrish vibe that it normally becomes. There is a slight tingle to the concoction, and there is a hint of cinnamon without it become candish on my skin. It's very nice. As it dries, it stays pretty much the same. The fiancee says it smells like downey, and unfortunately it colors my perception a bit.
  16. Deiicide

    Marquise de Merteuil

    After taking a look at the notes, I could already sense disaster on my skin. It likes to amp vetiver (not like a soft brown scent some folks get, but rotten dirt) and amber likes to go powdery. I think it may have to do with the fact that the imp is about a year old or more, but when I put it on all the florals and everything else seemed to be tempered and nice. Everything is behaving itself, the sharp smell of the vetiver is there but not as bad, there is a slight powderyness from the amber but it tempers with the peach. It's a very soft, rich lady feel blend. As it dries, the powerderyness fades and the peach comes out more. I feel like a sophisticated jolly rancher. The aged imp is interesting, and the throw is lowish. I get wafts of the peach as I'm typing this up on the computer, I think it may have to do with the aging effect. I think I may the imp however I don't see myself wearing it very often at all.
  17. Deiicide

    Dragon's Claw

    As soon as it's wet, you can definitely smell the dragon's blood and the sandalwood warming up. There isn't much I can discern, I can smell white sandalwood but that's about it with the dragon's blood. Dry is no different then wet, but the sandalwood is coming out more stately. The Dragon's blood is in the background lifting up the sandalwood which is kind of heavy on my skin. It sticks close to the skin, and has no real wafting lift however it seems to stay on for a long time. Nice blend, and I'm glad I got to try it
  18. Deiicide

    Pink Snowballs

    As others have said before, it's soft and definitely pink hued. As me and my fiancee were commenting, it's like Rose Red and Snow White had a child, and this was the container. Roses normally go all soapy on me, but the lily musk and vanilla are keeping it tempered. There is sloshy snow notes that keeps it tempered. It smells the exact same wet as dry on me, and the throw is amazing. I only put it on my lower wrist, and it was enough to waft the whole room. Glad I have a bottle.
  19. Deiicide

    The Smilin' Servitors' Hyperdimensional Holiday Hits

    A discordant scent, silvery and strange like a lunatic's tinsel garland: freesia, eucalyptus, and yuzu, with sicilian lemon, massoia, opoponax, night-blooming jasmine, white bergamot, and copaiba oleoresin. Wet it doesn't really smell like anything in the bottle, as soon as it hits my skin; it smells like celery to my nose at least. Very watery celery which I put my nose more to it, the freesia and the yuzu are coming out. It reminds me of an old Gap Perfume called Air that was a tad brighter, but it's definitely coming into my mind as I sniff it. It puts me in a very happy place, a very summery scent. There is a slight soapyness to it as it dries more. The soap smell thankfully is going away as it dries, giving more of a cirtus teaish scent. I like the scent a lot more dry then wet, and I agree with another person saying that this'll be good to scent perfume or use as a room scent. On myself I can see wearing this to sleep because it sticks close to skin if anything else. It switches between soapy stage and then clean citrus floral stage. As it dries more, it hits this stage and stays like this for awhile. I'll keep my bottle for now and see if it mellows out any allowing the florals to come out more.
  20. Deiicide


    Oh wow. Why don't people like this one more? It smells like soft almonds, there is a musk in the background but it isn't as sweet as Baset normally goes with folks and the lotus. It's very calm and appetizing. The foody smell stay but it deepens, musk is bringing in a bit more but the myrrh is tempering everything. It's very light as it dries, the burst of which I adore when it's wet. It's now more myrrh then almond but it still has that whisper. The musk keeps everything straightened out. Wet it has a lot of throw but dry it sticks close to skin
  21. Deiicide


    I love all the notes listed, here's hoping that they all love me. Wet; the jasmine is tamed but there is a slight soapy smell which I suspect is the rose. Hopefully it'll change a bit more while it dries. As it dries my skin eats it up like no one's business. There is a faint smell now of tuberose laden rose but just a whisper. I can tell a bit of jasmine too, but hardly anything. The drydown reminds me of a lot of persephone once it finishes. I have a bottle of persephone so I don't need this but it's a good alternative if it ever gets discontinued.
  22. Deiicide


    As I put it on wet, I definitely smell sandalwood as the first component or what I think is sandalwood. There is a bit of frankincense that I smell, and maybe some opium smoke? Something is making my head feel a bit light headed, and that only really happens when I smell opium. As I look at the notes (I try to do reviews without basing off of it) looks like it's just rose and the other flower. It seems in light of these two, the rose smells clean but the flower is making me very light headed and kind of sick. It's very pretty, once again reminding me of parliament of foules but something is not reacting well to myself. I'm glad I got to try it, and the imp will go to a loving home.
  23. Deiicide


    Wow this is really pretty wet. Sparkling with just a hint of citrus, I can feel the musk in the background tempering it, white musk too. It's has that sparkling tenure that white musk brings. A bit of really green herbs in the background as it dries, I smell sage and maybe a tad bit of lavender. This reminds me of a more citrus fairy market. If there is some amber in it, it isn't going into baby soap on my skin. Just a really pretty clean floral scent.
  24. Deiicide


    Hard lavender and what seems to be soft marshmellowy vanilla underneath. After putting it on, and letting the harshness of the lavender dry off, started to feel a bit sleepy. I've been having trouble going to be lately because of insomina and this gave me a good amount of sleep without the need to wake up after about 8 hours. I will try this again to try the effects, but I did notice as other people were talking about a bit more relaxed and clear headed
  25. Deiicide

    Candles Moon

    Moonlight shining on the Quickening Tree, the heat and wax of sacred candles, the milk of ewes, Brigid's blackberry, the sting of keening wind, and the last flutter of the Cailleach's winter snow. Straight sniff from the bottle only has the blueberries with a soft floral underneath. Wet first on the skin is wax ladened blackberries with a bit of spice, just enough. I smell coconut in there? Very down to earth with the creamy ness, the blueberry disappears after a moment but the wax stays. Certainly a morpher! Thankfully the beeswax is melting away, bringing forth more of the herbs. It smells as it dries, almost a herby version of Liltha 05', the blueberry and the wax give the same effervescent effect and it's really pleasing. Ozone and Snow notes work very well on me so it tempers and lasts awhile. Throw is low This bottle is a winner!