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Posts posted by jolarocknrolla

  1. mmm, i would say slightly spicy wood. Not sure what the "spicy" note is, it reminds me a tiny bit of some of the book scents the lab has done and a tiny bit like a wee bit of India Ink overlaid with powdery dry wood. I don't smell any blood so people worrying this mihgt be a GORE scent need not worry at all, i smell old bookshelf and the ghostly wiff if spicy incense :yum:

  2. Pumpkin candyfloss with neroli, pink grapefruit, blood orange, and petitgrain.

    Disclosure: I have no idea what petitgrain smells like.

    I do know that this is a most delicious scent and it smells mainly of oranges! In fact, it smells like warm orange cookies or Panettone w/ lots of orange and lemon zest <3 The wonderful, wonderful orange does calm down and get a warm, buttery sort of feel to it (it's that lovely grounding note of neroli and pumpkin), there is also a tiny hint of bitterness balancing out the neroili and the end result is almost spicy. I'm surprised there isn't any clove listed in the notes because i get something on drydown that is slightly spicy with just a ghost of citrus.

  3. Oak leaves falling through a haze of kyphi, champaca, and blackened pomegranate rind.

    Sweet and warm and resinous-woody with a sweet sort if incense throught. I've never smelled Kyphi so I can't exactly pick it out, but the whole thing is quite exotic - dry and warm with woods, spices and thick sweet smoke. Totally intoxicating!

  4. I get caramel, sugar, pumpkin, and something that reminds me of Egged Mailbox and TP's Trees from that long ago inquisition ... it's a morpher, definately sweet and foody at the wet stage (All caramel!) but suddenly a lot of that sugar and caramel goes away and I get that creamy custard and paper scent on drydown. Really cool scent and very wearable, don't be afraid of Mischief ;)

  5. I love red musk, so i just had to have this and i was not dissappointed. The red musk here is not as strong as in Infernal Lover or Smut, it's more subdued and blended, perhaps "grounded" by woods, giving it a more smooth and elegantly sweet quality. I do not pick up much honey or floral here the wood and musk really dominates both the wet and drydown stages with the mellow patchouli bringing up the rear ;) Verdict? Absolutely lovely, complex and delicious - a perfect harmony.

  6. Effervescent gingerale w/ a wee pumpkiny sweetness but the sharp gingerale scent is present through drydown. Gets a bit warmer and creamier later and settles down to a soft scent without too much "throw" but retaining the fizz really nicely.

  7. Claustrophobic pathways of neglected boxwood and thorny rosemary intersecting at impossible angles, twisting into itself.

    Heady, overpowering green woody scent ... deep dark woods scent with a deeper sweetness throught. I expected Rosemary and sort of dreaded it since it has a tendency to smell medicinal on me, but what we have here smells more like a juniper bush with a bit of cypress greenery. There is a "perfumey" quality to the greenery, with a very strong initial throw. I also get just the slightest hit of aquatic in there that reminds me of BLITHE HOLLOW. The scent sweetens up but never loses the big green-ness of the wet stage, it just sort of receedes in throw hour after hour but doesn't morph much outside of amping the perfumey sweetness a bit.

  8. Green pine-y and a bit of leather when wet and then ever-so pleasantly sweet ... like a cold mountain-top w/ scrub herbs and wildflowers and a wiff if sweet inscence. I'll be honest, if i didn't know there was red musk in there i would NOT have picked it out at all, it's that subtle, and red musk tends to go (!!!!) on me - this musk feels more like that sweet pale note in RPG: Neutral rather than the red musk in anything else i've tried from BPAL.


    Verdict: i LOVE this ... it's a sweet, gentle scent though, not the monster i was expecting. Warm and wonderful and layered, not masculine or overly musky at all. I'm actually shocked, NOT what i was expecting, and in a good way!

  9. yep, slightly sweet, ever so slightly floral musk ... perfect scent when you just want to smell SEXY without smelling of any particular specific thing? It kind of has crystaline floral overtones on the drydown and yes PERFECT for layering.

  10. Old, yellowed parchment paper, tattered leather bindings. There's a distinct warmth to the scent, though it is ancient and brittle.

    Sorry guys, this is going to be the worst review ever of a scent because ALL I CAN SMELL is Leather. It is all leather, leather and nothing else. Leather heaven. Leatherama. Leatherpalooza. If you love leather, this is for you.

    Ok, it may also have a slight "dry" note to it, and something that vaguely reminds me of the Oak Leaf note in Black Annis??

    On dry-down it also has an almost coconut-husk scent overlaying the leather (maybe that is supposed to be the "warm" note?). Like black coconut mulch? I may be crazy though.

  11. Dead leaves and cold, moist breezes set at the edge of a forest of maple, pine, cedar, and cypress.

    I get the wonderful "dead leaves" scent which i have always thought was very green (if you have smelled the Autumn Grove atmosphere spray from the BPTP you know what i mean) - more like freshly mown grass, it's sweetened up by the cypress note and the other woods must be very well blended because i can't pick them out. I'd say that despite that, i get more of an aquatic scent overall - a clean (almost citrus) aquatic note. Not a morpher on me really, though the aquatic note does calm down a bit in the dry-down and more of the nice woodsy scent comes through.

    I would highly recommend this as a more "masculine" scent, very airy, watery and green with a touch of sweetness from the cypress.

  12. I only get cherry in the bottle, on me it smell a little like Decadence at the wet stage, sweet almond extract, and a wee bit fruity ... then goes sweeter and fruitier (more of a citrus fruit like kiwi) as it dries. Very little throw on me and doesn't last long. I get more of the "jellybean"ness towards the end but it's quite faint and i have to sniff my wrist to get any of it.

  13. what can i say about this that hasn't already been said? it's warm and musky and fruity and spicy and it has just a teeeeeny hint of pine on me. the fruit might be apple or pear or both, the spicyness is like cinnamon and clove but very warm and muted. everything is really well mixed and you get wiffs of different scents at different times. it's just lovely really, i'm so thrilled with it :P

  14. oh, what a surprise! This is my favorite of the three scents. It's FRESH-rolled cigars and champagne. the champagne note is either less strong or better balanced then in champagne, chocolate and cheap sex ... this is balanced very nicely. the efforvescent quality is offset with a sweet (non-foody) earthy quality of fresh rolled cigars - not a smokey note to my nose, much more fresh tobacco if you ask me. Really interesting and unique, i've never smelled anything like this before ... and i like it!

  15. I just smell champagne. I get a teeeeeeny bit of chocolate somewhere mid-drydown but not much (have to bury my nose in my arm). I don't know if it's my chemistry but i get something borderline lemony in there too. Maybe the "cheap sex" is the something vaguely musky in dry-down, i don't know, i mostly smell bubble efforvescent fizzy champagne throught!

  16. spicy coffee! it's warm and spicy and i smell cocoa and coffee and something a little bit creamy. My husband says it smells like gingersnaps, snickerdoodles and coffee. this is wonderful and a total keeper. Get this if you loved Bah! or Egge'd Mailbox since to me it smells like a combination of those two scents. i love eggnog latte! :P
