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Everything posted by jolarocknrolla

  1. jolarocknrolla

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    Where the heck is the peach everyone is mentioning? where are you peach? ::peeks under the bottle:: The initial impression i get when wet is SHARP patchouli like is S Mond, it's almost too strong for the first 2 minutes but it fades just enough afterwards to be well behaved. Then it sweetens up (a floral sweeteness rather than a fruity one - probably the honeysuckle) as it dries down and the final scent is a lovely blend of sweet patchouli that is more like Dark Delicacies (only without the fruity-ness). Remarkably well bahaved and not hippy-smelling on me
  2. jolarocknrolla

    Pumpkin Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    The previous poster that mentioned this soap as reminding her of Pumpkin Queen was spot on! It's very much the pumpkin scent but it has a sort of nutty/spicy edge to it. My husband thought it smelled slightly of either ginger or hazelnut, but i smell more of a generic "spice" layered with the pumpkin. This is one of those soaps that you should leave out to make the bathroom fragrant, it's really lovely. can't wait to layer some of the new pumpkin scents after washing up w/ this
  3. jolarocknrolla

    Pumpkin Queen

    huzzah! very little of the buttery note when wet, and it disappears on the dry-down. Mostly pumpkin and spices, and the spices are warm and not pot-pourri-like which some of the holiday scents can tend towards. This is a very wearable scent that is strong and long-lasting. It lightens up a bit after about an hour and the pumpkin is less intense and the various spices and mandarin stay around a long time with the warm pumpkin farther in the background. A previous poster mentioned that it smells a bit like Shub - and it does to me when wet, having an almost hazelnutty sweetness due to the strong ginger, but like i said, the drydown is more complex and warm, spicy & fruity.
  4. jolarocknrolla

    Pumpkin Patch IV (2005, 2006)

    spicy pumpkin! No buttery note (thank god!) so those of you who don't like the buttery note in Jack will be happy. The sandalwood stays in the background for me and the pumpkin is nice and warm and more prominent as it dries down. ages beautifully too
  5. jolarocknrolla

    The Carpathian Mountains

    Mountain air and the scent of crisp snow blanketing the mountain’s flora: Scottish fir, beech, cembra and mugho pine, rhododendron, currant, honeysuckle, raspberry leaf, dwarf juniper, sedge, meadow grass, snowdrop, rose bay, lily of the valley, starwort, lichen and mosses. Unlike a lot of people inthis thread, i did not get an overwhelming pine or woodsy scent. This one didn't hit me full in the face, it was actually a very well blended and delicate scent that blended several woods and florals without being too sappy "green" (like, for example, slobbering pine). I found it to be a wonderfully clean and outdoorsy scent that layers with other green or herbal scents like Yew Trees, Apothicary or Ides of March.
  6. jolarocknrolla


    it smells very much like hay actualyy - not "green" per se, but it has an amber sweetness added to a dry grass scent. this is one of the milder "dry warm" scents on me. Not too complex and really quite nice for fall when you don't want to wear something too spicy.
  7. jolarocknrolla

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    Leather, inscense ... and BenGay. Not sure what the BenGay smell is coming from, it's something spicy and almost like eucalyptus on my skin. er, not for me!
  8. jolarocknrolla


    Green, aquatic and cutrus with a hint of watery floral. Not as aquatic as Door13 and more floral than Kiyohime, but sort of related to those, with a more green herbal tinge to it. More fresh and less musty than some florals tend to get ... it actually reminds me a tiny bit of Lush Avobath, only much more complex! If you ilke greenery, you will like this.
  9. jolarocknrolla

    Door 13

    you know, the reviews that i've red made this sound really unappealing ... so let me just say that i ADORE this scent, it's amazing. It smells a bit like Orpheus to me, but a bit more aquatic and with a slight buffer of either citrus or maybe melon. But honestly, i can't describe how incredebly lovely it is on me ... it is perfection.
  10. jolarocknrolla

    Treat #1

    I can't believe i never reviewed this one ... I adore this one. Smells like Watermelon Jolly Ranchers and lemonade to me. sweet and candy-like bit witha fruityness that offsets the sweetness so that it isn't cloying. It's both fresh and sweet and WONDERFUL!
  11. jolarocknrolla

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    utterly and totally cocoa on me. It gets slightly floral/spicy later on but in a way that makes me think of Mexican chocolate ... terribly wonderfully yummy. (I was sort of expecting the chocolate to go more powdery on me but no powder whatsoever).
  12. jolarocknrolla


    incense, cooking spices and spicy carnation to me When i say cooking spices i mean something like a slight kick of Indian masala but witha very rich, full warmth behind it. spicy incense in there like woah and the floral is very much in the background. The spice almost has a peppery kick to it.
  13. jolarocknrolla

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Just a quick note on this one, it's cherries all the way for me. It starts out VERY strongly smelling like Vicks cherry cough drops and mellows in about 2 minutes to a strong wet cherry. It dries down to a more refined and sweet cherry scent but as you can tell ... it's CHERRY all the way!
  14. jolarocknrolla

    Fairy Market

    Well, I don't get any green grass notes. I get a tiny bit of floral with a lot of sweet fruit and a ton of iscence (a subtle sandalwood and sweet smokey something). Sweeter than i expected, i actually envision candied sugarplums and soft sandalwood. Later on it dries down to a sweet and powdery scent and the floral is slightly more pronounced. I'd say it's an exotic and feminine scent wiout hitting you over the head w/ the floral
  15. jolarocknrolla

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    I really adore this scent. it's a "soft" scent on me due to the watery notes, and with a big splash of fruit and very very subtle floral. It's very fresh and beautiful and sparkling. I would have never gotten it scent unsniffed but i was lucky enough to try at at the BPAL boot during C13 and i had to get it since these types of scents generally turn soapy on me. no soap here, just very soft and beauitiful, not too sweet just very ... sparklingly feminine.
  16. jolarocknrolla

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    this is my favorite of the C13 scents. GORGEOUS. Fruity and sweet in perfect balance. I couldn't wear Monsterbait: closet but i can totally wear this! this is what Monsterbait should have been (at least i think so). I was in the Phoenix fashion show and i'm so happy i have this scent to remember that wonderful event with. the perfect way to remember that wonderful event, thank you Beth! -Jola
  17. jolarocknrolla


    BIG Grapefruit scent - sharp and almost bitter when first on. reminds me of Aizen-myoo and Kumiho (maybe more of Kumiho) with some of the initial sharpness of Embalming Fluid. it's a big bright scent that actually mellows down into a very complex mix of sweet floral (but very mild and still offset by some lingering grapefruit - so if you don't like florals you might still like this). The drydown shift from intense to subtle and complex reminds me of the way Enraged Bunny Musk dries down on me. so anyway, BEAUTIFUL scent, and to me it's the prettiest scent in the whole PIA section. ADDED 10/19/07: Sweet citrus. I don't get any florals at any stage of the dry-down, though sometimes it smells all grapefruit and sometimes it seems sweeter (must be the kumquat). Reminds me a bit of Xanthe in it's sweet fruityness. Very pretty scent, last a while but not a lot of throw.
  18. jolarocknrolla

    The Jersey Devil

    Jersey Devil is LOVE. just fabulous as fabulous can be. actually the fresh green is very bright on me and the pine is way in the background. the tomato leaf is also in the background, it adds just a slight piquant note and blessedly there is very little sweetness. with just a touch of berry (which must be the cranberry) absolutely gorgeous.
  19. jolarocknrolla


    Cockaigne was a bit too sweet on me - those of you that like the sweetness in Pink Phoenix, Misc U and Storyville might like these though - it goes a bit "burnt caramel" sweetness on me though.
  20. jolarocknrolla

    Al Azif

    this is a tough review ... i smell a sort fo inscence and a powdery note, with sweetness behind it. initially there is a spicyness to it (like carnation but not floral), but as it dries down the spinyness tones down and it sweetens up a lot. after about 2 hours it smells like sweet powder and a bit of chocolate believe it or not, this smells like Enraged Bunny Musk's distant evil cousin. powdery, but much darker and more inscence-y.
  21. jolarocknrolla


    well, the cinnamon is really dominant. there is a subltle fruityness back in the distance maybe, and something sweet like almond oil. it smells a bit like apple cider but more cinnamony, like Faustus without the violet and with an amped up sweetness. As it dries down the cinnamon dies down a little bit and the cider scent comes out a bit more
  22. jolarocknrolla


    i was SHOCKED to read that there were roses and sandalwood in this ... on my skin it smells EXACTLY like ivory soap O_o this is abit odd as my skin does well with both sandalwood and rose scents, but this goes completely soapy on me. in the bottle it has a subtle sandalwood scent, very light and delightful. on me, Ivory
  23. jolarocknrolla


    the cinnamon here is similar in power and tone to Inferno, but the scent itself is a lot darker ad more complex, the frankinscence gives it a darker and slightly bitter tone. i don't know if i smell violets - though there is a curious medicinal scent (i think another reviewer noticed that too) far in the background. the scent has a sort of fullness and warmth that's really comforting and strengthening to me. This is a very strong scent with a lot of lasting power.
  24. jolarocknrolla


    Wet, this scent is 100% melon for me. It's a beautiful watery sort of melon (the tea might be responsible for the "watery" aspect. It isn't until an hour or so in that i get any sort of sweetness from it, and the vanilla is very slight for me, just augmenting the honeydew's sweetness nicely without smelling like one of the foody scents. This is a very fresh and light scent w/ good staying power - remarkably UN-complex.
  25. jolarocknrolla

    Nine Mysteries

    no mystery here - it smells like mint to me (hate mint, maybe that's why it's all i can smell at first). I don't get any florals, but i do get a light touch of fruit (maybe pear and plum) but the mint is dominant throught. the mixture reminds me a little bit of Spooky actually ...