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Posts posted by absinthetics

  1. I also never liked Antique Lace. It always smelled floraly in the bottle and wasn't so hot on. This however.. is the single note in AL that I did like...and amped up 10 times. A beautiful but somewhat synthetic smelling Vanilla. Best thing about it is that it lasts all day.


    This may be the first bottle I ever finish.wub2.gif

  2. I have not gotten blue from this one yet. There is a point in drying where it is red hots to me... something like I think Three Witches was, if I remember correctly. But then when it is dried down it goes to a beautiful warm, super super spiceyness that I wanted Shub to be and never was (not even the original).


    Love this bottle more than.. well..any other. wub2.gif

  3. Have a few to review so will start doing them as I test them.


    #17 foody, butterscotchy, something very Red Lantern in here... but then the wholesomeness turns to spun sugar and it is very much what I remember Midway to be. I put it on 6 hours ago and it is still going strong.... Kinda love this one. Thank you so so so so much to my 2 enablers.


    #24 in the vial: Pure buttery butterscotch. On: A creapy butterscotch with some spice to it. Very much like what is in 49 actually.


    #43 in the vial: A refreshing, slightly aquatic butterscotch


    #49 in the vial: vanilla gingerbread /purr Turns to a peppry spice.


    #94 in the vial: fruity but milk based candies


    #110 in the imp it's a green, sweet floral. On the skin it wafts a light lilac and goes a little babypowdery


    #400 light and creamy butterscotch, my skin chemistry eventually turns this into a spicy black pepper with sweet creaminess underneath. Very intriguing scent.


    #425 in the vial: sweet graveyard dirt



    #459 in the vial: boozy butterscotch from Red Lantern. On: the vanilla comes out and it is a beautiful creaminess. Not sure how long it will last though.


    #462 in the vial: grape and vanilla soda on the skin: TBA


    #500 in the vial: Peppery and herbal on the skin: TBA

  4. Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting against a backdrop of Snake Oil, Dorian, and Doc Constantine!

    Totally saddened by this one. Smells like lovely Beaver Moon 05 in the bottle. Enough to be all right with getting rid of my bottle. However, after not even 5 minutes it totally disappears to nothing but... pencil shavings afterwards. A little bit like Intrigue. No pine, (for god how I hate pine) but nothing sweet left. Barely anything at all, actually. I just smell a bit earthy. Would have been all right if I could even get a hint of Dorian or Snake Oil, but the closest I get is the slightest bit of Doc.

  5. I know one of these is 'the Phoenix'... well, I Thought it was. (The one on the right.)


    One says 'OCT 31, 2007'. That one smells more like 'the Phoenix' than the one that Says the Phoenix. "Sea air, gunpowder, lime, salt-crusted wood, a splash of blood, and a dribble of Snake Oil." That one on the left definitely has Snake Oil, where the one on the right... I swear it smells like it doesn't. The one on the right is also clear liquid...so I can't imagine there is snake oil in there.


    Someone help me figure out what these are ; ;




    Forgive the huge pic. Still figuring out my iPhone.

  6. At first this smells like the deep, almost noxious apples of the original Creepy. But when it dries down, the spices come out. Which is exactly what I was hoping. A must have for anyone into cinnamon and clove.

  7. My review is relatively simple, if only to help those compair and hope for a possible substitution.


    The clove in this is splended, unique and lovely. For that alone, I would recommend it to anyone. And though I have looked up the notes and try to see what they have in common... I can't find anything. Regardless, the most prominant note in this (both in the bottle and on the skin) is very very close to Kabuki.


    Other than that, the notes disappear and mingle and simply become 'art'.




    Lovely, dangerous, slick, and bitterly cold: chilly white sleet-like notes with a hint of vetiver, a breath of smoky asphalt, and winter wind.

    In the bottle: Vetiver for sure. This scent is unique in the Yule category, in my opinion. It is cold, but by being a cold 'perfumey' scent. It's interesting how I can pick up the 'winter wind' aspect. This scent is hard to pin down, it is light and airy in some way.

    Wet: There are things in here I could not tell from smelling the bottle. There is something dirty and almost acidic. I suppose this is where the asphalt comes in. It's a little plasticy and man-made at first. But I can already tell it's disappearing upon dry down.

    Drydown: The Vetiver is calming, and I once again can percieve that chilly, air feeling to it. The airy feeling though has finally become 'cold' somehow. The perfumey is becoming a bit more ethereal and less 'in your face'. I have to be honest, I didn't think I would buy another bottle of this until it was completely dry. I really enjoy it at this point, it's calm, and cool and delicate, yet a vibrant 'perfumey' blend. This would be great on a boy, too. It starts to remind me of being outside on a brutally cold night. This scent is definitely a wrist-sniffing scent.

    The Jólasveinar are the seventy-some offspring of Grýla and Leppalúði, an ogre couple with a taste for chomping naughty children. This impish brood delights in causing discomfort, sowing confusion, and all-out raising hell during the Yule season. Their names are indicative of their malicious intentions -- Strap Loosener, Door Slammer, Window Peeper, Sausage Snatcher, Doorway Sniffer, Icebreaker -- and their creepy natures -- Lamp Shadow, Smoke Gulper, Crevice Imp. The devillish Jólasveinar finally cease their mischief and head for home at Þrettándinn.

    Their scent is a mishmash of snow, dirt, Icelandic moss, marsh felwort, and the smushed petals of buttercups and moorland spotted orchids, with the barest hint of the scent of pilfered Christmas pastries.

    In the bottle: Warm, round, Christmas goodness. It is a distinct mixture of the winder florals with the tasty baking in the background. My nose can't decide if this would be foody, or floral. I was expecting the pastries to be more in the background, but they really give a good fight.

    Wet on the skin: The foody is warm and almost crafty. Crafty as in craft-store edibles. It definitely smells like Christmas, it smells like your a room away from people eating and laughing. I don't know how she got this smell in a bottle.

    On drydown: Honestly, it moves between floral and foody still. I can barely determine between the two. This is a very complicated scent, I'll buy another bottle just because it's so mysterious.


    The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Spring and Frost: as lovely as the first snowfall, and as striking as a sliver of icicle. Isolated because of her chilly otherworldly nature, and unable to know love, she longed for the companionship and warmth of mortals. One bright, white winter's day, the Snow Maiden came upon a gentle, handsome shepherd named Lel. She grows fond of him, and beseeches Mother Spring to grant her the ability to feel. Her mother is moved by her daughters plight, and blesses her, but the moment the Snow Maiden is struck by the depth of love she feels for Lel, her heart warms, and she melts.

    Ylang ylang, osmanthus, spring berries, and daffodil cloaked in hoarfrost.

    In the bottle: The daffodil and hoarfrost carry with it the chilly pine scent added to the somewhat acidic daffodil. The berries bubble up after the pine and remind one certainly of Ice Queen, it can't be helped. However, she's gentler.

    Wet: The Ylang ylang and osmanthus snake out of the bottle and mute the pine scent. I'm glad of this as I love the winter scents but really don't like pine nor mint. When this is wet it becomes a touch incensy.

    Drydown: The pine takes more of a back seat and lets the berries dance. I can barely tell her aparty from Ice Queen to be honest. But she's kinder, and as I am not so much of a pine fan I prefer this to the Ice Queen's harshness, but when she grows up she wont be Snow White.


    Out of the bosom of the Air,
    Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,
    Over the woodlands brown and bare,
    Over the harvest-fields forsaken,
    Silent, and soft, and slow
    Descends the snow.

    Even as our cloudy fancies take
    Suddenly shape in some divine expression,
    Even as the troubled heart doth make
    In the white countenance confession,
    The troubled sky reveals
    The grief it feels.

    This is the poem of the air,
    Slowly in silent syllables recorded;
    This is the secret of despair,
    Long in its cloudy bosom hoarded,
    Now whispered and revealed
    To wood and field.

    The radiance and desolation of winter.

    Crystaline, brital, beautiful, unique.

    In the bottle: Delicate, the most ephemeral mint. (But with something fruity sweet just lingering on the outskirts of oral perception.)

    Wet: The notes are so very very hard to pick out. Their is something Juicy hiding in there, and something sweet. The mint nearly disappears on the skin. It's a perfect winter scent without the pine and even without the mint. The mint disappears to leave just that subtle chill that makes this a gorgeous winter scent. I have to admit it reminds the nose of Snow White. That juicyness is still in there... whatever it is.

    Drydown: There is a mysterious sharp note that blooms later, it takes this to neither floral, nor fruity... It is not accosting either. It's just... pretty.

    This scent is .. magical. I can barely pick out any note, but the way the smells mix together.... Huzzah. Well done! Trully a piece of art.

  12. This scent has become one of my most favorites.... it's honey and spicey ... the patchouli mixes with the vanillas in the most amazing way. It's a patchouli roughened mixture of Red Lantern and Storyville... and not only that, it remainsthat way on the skin.


    I'm in love again.


    Trick #1 is much more mild, it's like a died down spanked mixed with floral undertone.


    It's a pretty sort of trick, but definitely with less of a kick than trick #2. In fact, on the skin the patchouli aspect of it nearly disappears, and it doesn't last all that long in it's floral aspects.

  13. In the bottle the chocolate is rampant, it has this only vague tinge of orange to it... what really strikes me as interesting and beautiful is the slathering of buttery notes I get from it. I mean, literaly butter, you can almost taste it, and feel it's soft, squishiness.


    On the skin the orange comes out, and the chocolate nearly disappears.... the orange is still there but the butteryness becomes even stronger, along with the herbs... it's a very very interesting scent. It's a keeper if only to pay homage to the nose.

  14. In the bottle: the tobacco leaf and patchouli roll around in a hazy smoke that is sweetened by the creamyness of the vanilla. Only after a second inhale do I sense the berries and the pomegrante. I must admit this reminds me a bit of Storyville, I suppose that must be the pink pepper and the smoke.


    On the skin: It is a spicey, vanilla incense... it's actually very beautiful. The patchouli in it is surprising dark and lovely.
