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Posts posted by absinthetics

  1. I adore Cerberus. Ehem, with that said, i'll explain why.


    Cerberus is sort of mysterious. As you can see here, there's a dichotomy. Some people say it smells like lemon drops, some like chocolate covered cherries. That mystery was the reason i /had/ to try it. That, and I like the myth of Cerberus, and I wanted to see what a hell-warmed doggie smelled like. ^^


    I suppose she put in the lemon for the ascidic nature of.. mmm, sulfurous deps? Burned by fire? I don't really know, but it was an interesting spin.


    I wanted it to smell more chocolaty than it did, but I'm taken in by the mystery. It would only smell like lemon to someone who wasn't paying attention... but as it wafts, and warms, you get this warm, deep scent from it, sometimes there's no lemon at all. But it's like a spectre, once you think you smell it, when you try harder, it goes back to lemons. It's very, very strange.


    But, the lemon itself is charming, and not too sharp. And when you do get to enjoy that strange smell.. well, this is definitely a wrist-sniffer.

  2. Corazon is a musky version of Lampades in my opinion. I'm not exactly sure what the note is that they share, but Corazon is a smokier.. deeper, musky version of Lampades. What my attraction is to Corazon can be satied by Lampades till I find myself a bottle. It's sweet, but dulled.


    However, the dulling muskyness does dull the longevity. ; ;

  3. In the imp: It smells minty, but not overlpoweringly so... I like it. I like winter scents but hate the stereotypical 'mint' that always gets thrown in there... this mint is bareable, ...


    On Skin: The best part about nuclear winter for me, is that on the skin, the mint dries down to just a simple ...harshness... this is 'as minty as winter should ever be' in my opinion. Nuclear winter is winter... I like it a lot, though there's this weird sort of sweetness that runs in the back ground... it's deep though, lurking... It's hard to catch.




    Verdict: Chilly annihilation. I think she hit it. Though... the sweet strangeness makes this wasteland not so wasted. Though maybe if you think about it, it could have been the illusion of what was once there, lurking like a ghost in the vapid, frigid wasteland. I would buy a bottle of this. And I have never, ever said that about a minty scent before.

  4. It starts out butterscotch... vanilla... caramel... boozey though, a little 'funny'. The sandalwood is so subdued I honestly couldn't smell it, and I am not a fanof sandalwood at all. I am assuming that is what gives the foodyness some depth. But when wearing it, Underpants goes all plasticy on me. It... pulls out early, before it delivers, in my opinion. The scent does stay for quite some time though.

  5. The cotton candy is bright in this, but it gets a little plasticy... it reminds me of a child hood toy I can't quite put my finger on. Like how Neo-Tokyo somewhat reminds me of the smell of Anime stores... Midway is a plasticine version of sticking your head in the cotton-candy and funnel cake machine. ^^

  6. To be honest, I was somewhat disappointed by Storyville. There is a lot of musk in it, more than foody in my opinion. The cocoa and vanilla wafts in and out, but the musk is still there and strong. I do like it, but the hype of it is beyond me-- Especially since, at least on me, it didn't last for that long at all. (I put it on before work, it's 10am and I can barely smell it on my wrist.) I must say though, the notes in it throw me off. I can't quite put my finger on the others.

  7. What would you recommend for this 'idea'?


    I'm looking for the dark, manipulative seductress. The kind of girl that smirks, lurks in shadows...uses knives. Either seductive evil, or Ninja Geisha evil. It's a femme-fatale sort of thing. Or the female Anti-hero. I could write a paragraph discription but...


    My possible examples (though they are lacking) may be Scherezade, Salome, Devil's Night, Black Lotus, Bastet... maybe leaving the more incensy and going to more fruit...some Cobra Lily, Blood Countess, Lampades, Medea, Lady Macbeth...


    This is why I am trying to find Snake Charmer, Gypsy Queen, Fire Eater.. I am deathly afraid that Storyville and Voodoo Queen are right up there. Do you think they are?




    I have exhausted my other two 'categories' and now I am looking for these types of scents.


    (My other two categories being:


    1. The 'icey' catalogue for the Ice Queen (imagery wise, not the exact scent) kind of girl. Things like Snow White, Snow Bunny, Nuclear winter. (Trying to stay away from mint though, and trying to stay away from 'pine' and sandlewood interpretations of winter.) I haven't had a chance to get my actual hands on 'ice queen'. =/


    2. the Etheral, gossamar, untouchable, misty aquatic sides. The girl that can vanish in a fog, pale, dissipating... Lady of Shalott, Sea of Glass, Beatrice, The Evening Star, Szepasszony, City in the Sea, R'lyeh, )



    Hmm, so, any suggestions? Particularly on the Femme-Fatale scents.. though I would take them for the others too ^^


    I'm pretty new to BPAL, so this is all really overwhelming.

  8. Uranus is nearly overpoweringly cinnamon to me.


    When you first smell the imp you almost have to turn away. At first it's harsh and candy/synthetic smelling, but once worn (and after a good 15 minutes) you can finally smell something of clove and a woodyness.


    I imagine I will smell like this for quite some time to come.
