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BPAL Madness!


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About KaliVerra

  • Rank
    diabolical decanter
  • Birthday 11/19/1975


  • Location
    Texas Gulf Coast (Los Angeles transplant)
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Anaconda... Sssssssss!!
  • Favorite Scents
    LE/DC: VOODOO QUEEN, Formula 54, Spanked, Bruja, HOD, Noir, Storyville, Underpants, Lune Noir, orig. Hexennacht, Anaconda, Snake Charmer, June Gloom, Vieux Carre, Sugar Skull, R/O Autumn, Corazon, SiA Shub, Krampus (looking for '07 art bottles!), Devil's Night, Creepy, Perilous Parlor, Inez, Mme. Moriarty, Pickled Imp, Crypt Queen, The Haunted Palace, Milk Moon '05, Samhain '06, Samhainophobia '06, Egg'd Mailbox, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Marshmallow Poof, Mitzvah... okay - this could go on for a while, better quit now, heheh! GC: TKO (tear through it like underwear), SNAAAAAAAAKE OIIIIIIIL, Lilith, Odin, Kubla Khan, Scherezade, New Orleans, Thanatos, Bayou, The Hanging Gardens, Eden, Eat Me, Cockaigne, Goblin, Voodoo, Black Phoenix...

Contact Methods

  • ICQ
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Art - from the silly and fun to the downright eerie (only source of dough in our abode), Music ('20s obscure Creole tunes from Martinique to '60s surf music to the Legendary Pink Dots), Animals (at one point, we had 13 cats, 3 dogs, a rabbit, and 2 tarantulas... and rescued/rehabed a family of oppossum)... and most of all, my family :-)
  • Mood
    Tiab Guls... UGH!


  • Astrological Info
    Very adjusted and healthy double Scorpio (and wed to a brilliant Cancer, with an uber-intelligent, lovely Virgo daughter... could I be any happier?) ;-D
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign

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  1. loves on ya! and then hands ya a wipey to clean up with :)
