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Posts posted by KaliVerra

  1. First, a big :D to StrangeModeGirl for the generous pick me up decant :P!


    I FREAKIN' LUUUUUURVE The Ifrit... soooo bright orange/red feeling, juicy and ripe in the vial... I wanted to slather the whole damn imp on in one pop! (Patience, Kali grasshopper... you'll want this baby to last...)


    About 5 min. in, Ifrit went subtly creamy and mellow... really rounding out to a full-bodied soft Dragon's Blood/resins(?)/creamy accord/and a little musky sumthin' sumthin' that blended everything up so well that I caught myself MOANING after a sniff :)


    Surprisingly long weartime, too!


    5/5 :D

  2. Thank you, marvelous GoldenRubee, for giving me the chance to give this puppy a test spin! :) (And passing the thanks on down to HF for makin' it all happen... sounds like you had an AWESOME TIME!)


    In the imp: ORANGE ZEST... In your FACE orange zest! Supahdupah juicy and tart with a wee bit of sweet.


    Wet on skin: A good pop of that initial orange - with a burst of orange blossom and what smells EXACTLY like the honey in L'Occitane's Eau de Miel (soooo gooood!!)


    Early dry: More orange blossom/honey water than anything... a teensy bit musky - but I can't place what is riding the undercurrent... :D


    3 hours in: Very faint hint of that *musky something*... the floral/honey bit phased out about 1.5 - 2 hours in... Wondering if the musky something is an oddball remnant of the honey??


    On a sidenote - my DH said it smells EXACTLY like a spray deo he used to use in the '70s... not a bad thing - just an odd coincidence :D


    I think it's purrrrrty :P

  3. This was one of my very very first impers waaaaaay back when... all tarted up and sexy... sigh!


    Lemony and herbaly and just fresh... but with a chilly kind of undercurrent (for me, anyhow) :D


    One of my sniffs I go to for BPAL flashback jollies, but not everyday wear - but I'd cry if it weren't available in the catalog for restock :P

  4. Scent: I'm an oddball... I love it. Medicinal, yeah... but the lemony-loveyness of it just slays me :P


    Effectiveness: Hmmm... Like Ben-Gay LITE! But with deep massage, you get great circulatory benefits (as well as with the massage oil!! Woo woo!! Couldn't live w/out it!!)



  5. TKO does what it promises... knocks you flat on yr. ass. Gets the kinks out. Oooohs and Ahhhhhs you all over.


    Swell for when your brain is *on* and you want to switch over to *off* :P

  6. This one totally kicks my darling wonderful husband's headaches asses! I wish I had a gallon of the shizz :P Totally one for the medicine cabinet section of your BPAL stash :D

  7. Toasted coconutty/burnt sugary/Indian foody... I can't get a handle on it... but it is OMFG GOOOOOOOOD :P


    Next wearing: Jai Majal at bathtime... SLATHERING OF AL AZIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMERS :D


    For teh WIN @ bedtime, BTW...



  8. OMG!!!!!! This one has the WHOLE FREGGIN' PACKAGE in one scent :P








    HOLY POO!!!!!!!!!


    Seriously - if you have an imp/decant/whatever... GIVE IT A CHANCE... if you don't like it, throw it at me!! :D


    FOR THE WIN!! WOW!!! It's like the Best of BPAL in one dose *swoon*!!!


    Just... Wow...





    This would have to be one of my ALL TIME FAVES.


    And I have one ittle wittle decant... I shall hold you so tight, ittle decant... THOUGH I WANT TO SLATHAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! :P


    The general feeling I have about this scent is AIIIIIIIYEEEEEEEEE!! DO ME IN A HOTHOUSE, HUSBAND!!!!!!! :D


    That is all.



  10. Mercy, mercy says Mr. Percy... Of all things bottled good schtuff - this here's The Shizz! *This* is a cure-all miracle in 5ml form... Sleep, relaxation, muscle un-kinker, brain wave de-frazzler... *Day De-Pantser* :) A truly awesome way to unwind - and once it goes from bottle to skin, it does the most fantastic morph/bloom/fuzzzzzzzz act!!




    :D <--- Pre-Stress Elixir


    :P <--- application...


    ;) <--- Stress Elixir in action ( exhibit A )


    :D <--- Stress Elixir in action ( exhibit B )

  11. A couple of drops in a frimp from the WONDERFUL, MAGICAL, FLYINGPIZZA!!!!


    This is in my TOP 10... NOW!!


    I know EXACTLY what it smells like. Having grown up in L.A. with so many African American, Afro-Cuban, Jamaican, and other buddies of color - and doing their hair - A LOT - and sleeping over, crying together, a hug here and there...


    This is the scent of the nape of the neck of a warm, beautiful, mysterious, caring woman of color :P



    5/5... Solid.

  12. 2006 Version:


    I LOVE good pipe tobacco... I adore tobacco shops. Herr Drosselmeyer embodies the scent of walking into a good tobacco shop! This is just pure yum and everything I was hoping it would be!!


    Throw is excellent. Wet to drydown, this is a winner through and through!!


    I forced it on my sweet husband before bed last night and slept like a baby :P (I have the distinct feeling that it would be great for non-sleeping bedtime as well, hee hee hee... I'm a bad, bad imp)!


    In the bottle: Lovely, rich, cherry/mahogany tobacco w/a hint of leather & buttery accord


    Wet on skin: More of the same, leather blooms forth and pops you on the hiney!


    Drydown: Sweet and rich (but not sickeningly so)... Bold and stately - but with a cuddly edge... one of those paradox scents that grabs you by the nose and says, "Hey... look at me. Look again, honey..."



  13. 2004 Version :P


    Ohhhhh my sweet mamajama of wub!! This is tres yum!!


    Cold, creamy coconut milk... with GREEN... something. Juniper? Is it??? Floral-y... Just YUM... nom nom nom.... Can I just have some sex with my arms now?? :D


    Wet to drydown, this packs the same amount of pow for me... just a little mellowing into creamy-er yumminess as the hours tick by. The throw is FAN-FARKIN'-TASTIC.


    I put this on last night... woke up earlier, and even now I'm still wrapped in a lovely blanket of soft, cuddle-up and nuzzle me (I keep saying this) YUMMMMMMM!!!!


    A full-on 5/5. Must have more... must have this year's!! Must have EVERY YEAR!!! :D
