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Everything posted by Nekomata

  1. Nekomata

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CCXXVI 226 Wow, my bottle is almost overflowing! X_X I was almost scared to open it! This is musk, dark feral musk with something soft and powdery underneath. Not exactly what I was hoping for so I guess I'll be trading. Still going to get another bottle before they poof though!
  2. Nekomata

    March Hare

    What the descriptions says, cloves and fruit juice all the way. I, too, am reminded of spicy fall candles. Very yummy.
  3. Nekomata

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    In the bottle: Juicy, sweet and green. Kinda like gummy worms! On Skin: Grapefruit, wood and sugar. Dry down: The musk and vanilla come out with the woodsy scent backing them. Overall this scent is wonderful, sweet, light and complex, I'm sad I only bought one bottle.
  4. Nekomata

    Et Lux Fuit

    Soft and bright! In the bottle I smell Amber, musk and florals. As it dries I get more of the sweet honey scent and lemon and the musk gets stronger. It's definately a light hearted scent, warm and sunny.
  5. Nekomata


    This is mostly dry, dusty lavender in the bottle and on my skin. There's a slight hint of other notes but none of them come through for me. While I <3 lavender I don't think this is interesting enough to have more than an imp of.
  6. Nekomata


    Very warm and manly. Czernobog is very different from anything I've tried before and I really like it. The musk isn't very strong and the vertivert I love so much is there along with that sweet juicy note. Mmm.
  7. Nekomata


    This is very bright and spicy. I really can ID anything in it, but it's spicy sweet and herbal. The sweetness dies a bit through wear and the herbsget stronger. The throw is pretty good.
  8. Nekomata


    This is like a tame version of Infero, all the yumminess without the cinnamon bite. A sweet combo of musk and wood; the throw is great and it has staying power. I really like this blend and may soon add more to my collection.
  9. Nekomata

    Cheshire Cat

    Oh, god, this is sooo good. The currant and grapefruit come out as the top notes with lavender lying in the background and the chamomile-musk combo makes a perfect base. This is very fruity and juicy and reminds me of herbal teas. A definate keeper!
  10. Nekomata


    All dragon's blood and spicy rose geranium. I have to agree with others, color aside this doesn't really say rage to me. Maybe a tame flame of anger but not rage. It is a nice spice scent though, kind of masculine.
  11. Nekomata


    This reminds me of Villain. Definately a clean cologne scent. I can smell the amber, moss and a alot of lavender. The caranation's spicyness is there too, giving the scent an interesting twinge. Can't wait to try this on my boyfriend!
  12. Nekomata


    A frimp! Juicy but...ugh....jasmine. I sooo wish Jasmine co-operated, I love how it smells in general but it's a disaster on me. :/
  13. Nekomata


    Wet: Lemon verbena all the way! Mmm! Drydown: The neroli comes out. Yay! But so does the jasmine. Boo! This is so nice and fresh, I almost think I could deal with the jasmine for it's sake.
  14. Nekomata


    Thick and floral. I can smell the jasmine when wet but it disappears quickly. The myrrh is the dominate note throughout the dry down. The throw is good and the scent lasts quite a while. Wicked is definately heavy and I bet it would be great in the fall.
  15. Nekomata


    Wow, somehthing with a Jasmine that doesn't hate me! Powdery floral that is indeed glittering. Not something I'd ever buy a bottle of, but the occassional imp will be nice!
  16. Nekomata

    Litha 2006

    Very herbal, with a background scent of honey mead. This doesn't morph much on me, but reamains sweet and foresty throughout. Light and nice for the summer.
  17. Nekomata


    Bttter and jasmine. Blegh. This is going straight to the swap pile.
  18. Nekomata


    The best part of this blend is the green/yellow color. It is very green, sharp and medicinal. Every bit as poisonous in scent as it should be.
  19. Nekomata


    This would be perfect in the winter or late fall. It has that sagey, woodsy smell and is very sweet and herbal. I may get a bottle in the fall.
  20. Nekomata


    Wow, fruit-a-licious! Sugary pineapple with apple and coconut! I get the slightest hint of pepper and I think it would be nice if it were a bit stronger. But, this is a great foody scnet, different than anything I've tried so far! Oh, so yummy! Definately getting a bottle!
  21. Nekomata


    I get all the notes, but the patchouli and musk are strongest initially with the blood and cinnamon coming into the drydown. Not my favorite blood scent, but nice none the less.
  22. Nekomata

    Destroying Angel

    One of the deadliest mushrooms to ever pop through Gaia’s soil. Papery white notes evoke the grace of this fungi, grounded by thin, crisp soil. Wow, just...wow. Wet this scent is sharp and dry. It smells like wet earth and mushrooms, they kind of smell you get when you're cleaning mushrooms to eat. It is very earthy and almost spicy in the dry down. I'll have to try this a few times to know how I feel about it.
  23. Nekomata

    Baron Samedi

    All almondy bay rum. This is a good masculine scent, but not so great on me. :/
  24. Nekomata

    Jazz Funeral

    Wet it smells like bubble gum. ;_; My nose must be broken. The dry down is alllll moss, yummy green moss. But why does it smell like bubble gum? *sigh*
  25. Nekomata


    Light, lovely honeysuckle. Asphodel is fresh, moist and sweet. If only the throw were a bit stronger I'd be in love.