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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by saralaughs

  1. I just want to thank everyone in this thread for all of the wonderful amber information. I have only recently come to love amber, as it does turn to powder quite easily on my skin. Once I tried O, I saw the light and began to appreciate amber in other imps I had stashed in the back of my drawer. After reading this thread, I found a bottle of Jacob's Ladder on sale on LJ, and I can't wait to try it! I also bought a chunk of amber resin to layer under some of my bpal oils to warm their scents. While I wish BPAL's amber notes didn't turn quite so powdery on me, my nose has learned to tell the difference between amber and baby powder now, and I can still appreciate even the most powdery blends.


    Crazy you should say that. Jacob's Ladder was my first Bpal amber love. I hope it works out just as well for you. :D

  2. A very sweetly aquatic floral. I get almost a cotton candy vibe for awhile, which is kinda weird mixed with the aquatic nature of this blend. After awhile into drydown, the cotton candy goes away and the scent is more reed-ish in nature, which is nice.

  3. This is quite pretty and may be bottle worthy for me. As the previous reviewers stated, it's a soft vanilla/tonka musk with a touch of floral. The floral note in here isn't sharp or overpowering but slightly sweet and clean (but not soapy). Resins appear in the drydown but I don't know what they are. It doesn't seem to be frankincense to me as it isn't peppery at all. Maybe a different kind than I am used to?

  4. Very lovely rose. Slightly sweet and lush. Perhaps a touch of vanilla? Or that just may be the creaminess of the rose itself. A bit sour somewhere in the drydown but that goes away after a bit. Dry it reminds me quite a bit of Pink Snowballs.

  5. Ho. Lee. Shit.




    Ahem. This is not good whatsoever. For my wallet. Damn it, why must I love amber so much? This is beautiful. It seems like the base in many, many scents that I love and in the one Amber Chaos theory that I adore (and only have a decant of).


    Smooth, just a bit powdery (in a good way), with a vanillic tone, this is soft and warm. Love Affair...BEGIN!

  6. Sweet, slightly sharp, powdery floral. It is almost exactly the opposite of things that I look for in a floral (smooth, a bit heady, hardly any powder, etc). This is definitely a note I would want tempered by other things in a blend (such as Mouse's LAST, which I really enjoy).

  7. Very clean, almost soapy. There is an undertone to this that I don't much appreciate. It's sort of brown musky, dirty socks sort of thing. While I love smelling lily of the valley growing around my yard, this isn't something I would associate with that.

  8. Apricot to me smells more like baked apricot with a good dash of cinnamon on top. It has a 'baked' quality, warm, sugary.


    This. Add a dose of the plastic dish it is served up in and you got it. I should note that apricot never does very good on my skin, so maybe the plastic fruit type smell is just me.
