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Everything posted by saralaughs

  1. saralaughs

    Jingo-Kogo v6

    The Legend. Wow. I like this but it's definitely not love. It goes on with a sandalwood/orange vibe. After a bit, the orange settles into what it truly is: orange blossom. A beautiful orange blossom at that. The sandalwood is a dry one but not too dry, so probably not white sandalwood. There is a creaminess to this but it isn't overpowering or sweet at all. I get glowing amber as well, not powdery in the slightest. It dries down to a very lovely scent that sticks fairly close to the skin but stays around a long time on me. The musk in here is white. To be honest, the drydown, to me, is very much like that of Loosening of the Obi. If you like JK, I would definitely try that before it goes away.
  2. saralaughs

    SAQQARA v2

    On me, this is really clove to the ninth degree. There is some creaminess to it as well but it is also powdery. And not the good powdery; it has this sharpness that is a bit off-putting to me.
  3. saralaughs

    Chimera v5

    First applied, I totally associate this with Lush's Snowcake fragrance. It's creamy almond but dry creamy almond. After a bit, there is a note that I associate with menthol I think, so maybe a hint of eucalyptis? Anyway, there are spices as well, exact ones I'm not sure. It ends up being a very creamy (but dry ~ sandalwood, me thinks) almond. It reminds me of a heavier Snow White with a bit of a resinous quality. Very nice. I wouldn't say no to more than the tester I have.
  4. saralaughs

    Sugar Plum Fairy v3

    Like the above poster, I get SUGARED PLUM. Yes, it has to be capitalized because it is strong. And very sugary. And plummed. So, very sweet, sugary plums with a bit of spice. Just a bit, like you get with a gumdrop? Yes, that. And mayyyyyyybe a hint of musk way in the background. I like the released version better.
  5. saralaughs

    Boo v3

    This version is very buttery when first applied. During dry down, the butter all but disappears and in its place, this sugary, foody vanilla comes on strong. And its STRONG. I do not get cotton at all in this one until the very end. And even the cotton is sugary. Very sweet vanilla/linen on me with that bit of butter peaking out every once in a while.
  6. saralaughs

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Have you tried Womb Furie? Snake Oil and honey? I really do think the honey tempers the spices down a bit and adds a bit more sweetness.
  7. saralaughs

    Half Elf v5

    A bit of vanilla and a bit of mint (or the cypress that the above poster is talking about) maybe? It's a really cool scent. I also get a wood aspect but nothing overpowering. Very neutral in gender on me. It's not a strong scent and is pleasant. Soft and clean, sort of. ETA: This is definitely V5 though so it may be different that owlgoddess up there.
  8. saralaughs

    Cake Smash v6

    It's weird but I don't get any/hardly any cake out of this version. It's a strong, rich icing with lovely spices. It's almost like Snake Oil Frosting/Hold The Cake on me. I can deal with that.
  9. saralaughs

    Elf v4

    OMYJEEZUS. I have died and gone to scent heaven. I love Antique Lace. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I wept bitterly when it became 'unavailable' again. This? This is better. It's like XCDL13 without the alcohol note that I get. It's Antique Lace, only better. Warm vanilla (or vanilla bean) that you get in Antique Lace, only no linen or cotton. A slight hint of a floral maybe? But nothing that screams 'I'M FLORAL!!' with musk. This is like the golden glow I get from Shadowy and Sublime wrapped in a vanilla blanket. All I gots to say is ALL YOUR ELF v4 ARE BELONG TO ME. ETA: Medium throw, long wear length.
  10. saralaughs

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    A resemblence I noticed: Loosening of the Obi = Fresh's Sake.
  11. saralaughs

    Once an order is placed, it is final.

    You can email the Lab anytime.
  12. saralaughs


    The cedar almost plays like patchouli on my skin, which is weird. This is a bit powdery and woody. If you don't look at the notes, you don't even realize there are florals in this. I get the musk and the cedar and powder but that's about it.
  13. saralaughs

    Burning Vulva

    Ugh, yes. Beth, WHY? See, on me this blend is a little psychotic. On the very top (sniffing from far away), it smells nice and intices you to come closer, sniff more. Don't do it though! The 'underneath' smell, that which you get when you do get closer is of burning hair and flesh. Gah. Too evocative of the name for me. *runs the other way*
  14. saralaughs

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    Try The Little Wooden Doll. Reviews here: http://www.bpal.org/topic/60918-the-little-wooden-doll/ I remember the two being very similiar although not exactly alike. At least on me, anyway.
  15. saralaughs

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    I feel woefully inadequate to be in your presence.
  16. saralaughs

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    Go with Hunger. Paramatman was uggy on me and didn't remind me of orange blossom at all.
  17. saralaughs

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Joyful Moon smells like Avon Soft Musk to me. But not just Avon Soft Musk...Soft Musk on my ex-step-mom. It always smelled different on her than on anyone I've ever smelled wearing it....beautiful, cozy, sexy, safe, warm. She's gone now and to have something that reminds me of her? It's wonderful.
  18. saralaughs

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Dude... I've been waffling on keeping my Paduan for the same reason. I was all "OMG" over it at first, but once I got a bottle, I just never want to put it on. We are quite the pair, lol It does seems so. I hope I actually wear Tiki Princess.
  19. saralaughs

    What's the best coconut blend?

    We may have a nose for the same smellies but our skin chemistry is total opposites. NEVER, ever pay attention to my reviews. See, Goblin on me was nothing about the coconut. It's a sweet patchouli but you really can't tell what the sweet is as it's ALL patch. Elegba on the other hand is OMG coconut and a very edgy, sexy rough coconut. Like tanning lotion meets the boy from the wrong side of the tracks? ER, a clean boy from the wrong side of the tracks, at least. Anyway, I LOVE Elegba. Golbin is yucky. Obatala, to me, is more about the water and shea. Tiki Princess is like a floral coconut. But florals that are tropical and should be stuffed in a frozen coconut drink. Paduan? I loved this at first. Then, for some reason, every time I put it on, I kept smelling clove cigarettes. I mean, someone smoking clove cigarettes on teh beach. It was really confusing. It's being adopted.
  20. saralaughs


    Perhaps Kill-Devil (sugar cane, molasses, oak wood, and honey)? Of course, it was really heavy on me because of the molasses but it may react different with you and your chemistry. Habu is really nice. Very bamboo-ish yet sweet and a bit incense-y. I love this blend. Spirit of the Komachi Tree (cherry blossom, blue lilac, lavender monofloral honey, white sandalwood, and Asian pear) is a very light, airy, woodish floral on me. More the hint at wood than wood-ish, if you know what I mean.
  21. saralaughs

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    #4blurrysomething1 or 7 (yeah, I dunno. All I know for sure is the first number is a 4 and the last may be a 1 or a 7): Boozy buttercream vanilla in the bottle. After application, I get the vanilla but a floral is coming to the front and assaulting me. It's either Mum's or ylang ylang I think. It's a fuzzy floral that I associate with carnations. Definitely not rose, lily, lilac, gardenia, jasmine (I'm pretty sure it's not but I don't wear jasmine so I dunno), or champaca. The floral is Lush-ish in smell (yes, I mean Lush as in bath bombs and such). After a bit, the vanilla reappears and is very creamy. There is also coconut? I dunno. I get a tropical vibe to this. Maybe amber as well. Very nice but not my thing.
  22. saralaughs

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    I'll third (fourth?) Goblin. Very smooth patch.
  23. saralaughs

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    447: In the bottle its a very boozy vanilla. On it goes buttery, boozy vanilla with a wintergreen (?? maybe wintergreen...I dunno...it's mint or something) coming on FAST and hard. For about 5 minutes that's all I can smell. Soon though, the vanilla reasserts itself and it's very heady and strong. The throw on the vanilla is pretty awesome. The wintergreen calms down and goes to the back row where it becomes just a *hint* of something cool. There is something almost resiny about this as well. It's a coolish warm vanilla that is really rich and full.
  24. saralaughs

    Great Grey Witch

    I've haven't been this torn over an oil in a long time. First applied, I get Avobath. You Lushies know. Yeah. Citrus. Green citrus with a pleasant herbal undertone. Anyway, after a bit the avobath dissolves (see what I did there?) into the roman chamomile and the blend goes powdery. Really powdery. I mean powder all the time baby. After though, this sugary, part floral, part ...something comes out and it's warm and snuggly and wow. I like it. A lot. I just dunno if I'd wear it.
  25. saralaughs

    Paper Kite

    Creamy coconut with a bit of a kick. Gina Neely would appreciate the kick. If you watch foodnetwork, you know what I'm speaking.