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Everything posted by saralaughs

  1. saralaughs

    White Sandalwood

    A peppery and slightly lemony wood note. Not as dry or brittle smelling as I expected. I kinda like it for it's almost incensey quality.
  2. saralaughs


    Slightly musky, powdery, golden floral. Weird smelling on me. I second Zee's contention on diapers; maybe not dirty though.
  3. saralaughs


    A slightly honey-ish tropical floral. Sweet and clear and clean yet honeyed and heady. Creamy, slightly fruity, and damn beautiful on my skin.
  4. saralaughs

    Brood XIX

    I'm not sure on this one. It's a bit weird on me. There is a pleasant 'grainish' sort of scent that reminds me of porriage and cream. Lots and lots of creaminess. The hay is there, adding a dry element to it as well that is sort of like 'sticks and sunshine' I guess. There is something about this scent that unnerves me and makes me a bit quesy to the tummy. But yet, I want to keep sniffing it? Is this like picking at a scab? I really think this is a weird mix of foody and non, for me at least.
  5. saralaughs


    Mango, mango, mango. It's seriously the Marsha of this blend. A little green, a little tart, a little sweet, with a round fruitiness that is *almost* realistic to me. Reads a little artifical on my skin and that makes me think plastic fruit (which is why most fruit blends do not work on me).
  6. saralaughs


    Wow. Creamy, vanilla mallow immediately warmed up by smoke (khus) and wood. The coffee bean is slightly present, giving the blend a slightly warm bitterness that balances out the mallow. I did not like the Antikythera Mechanism but right now, I'm grooving on this. A definite try if you like sweet, woody type scents.
  7. saralaughs


    A very deep, rich, orange blossom honey scent. Usually, with orange blossom, I am used to the scent being 'light'; not light as in weight but as in the opposite of dark. This scent is dark and deep , to me. Very pleasant honey with orange blossom, it is almost fuzzy feeling and has a rich sweetness that I contribute to the brown sugar. The brown sugar, thank heavens, isn't very present at all but a feeling of it. Like just a bit of the moist stuff was sprinkled on top to add that last little touch. After drying, it really gets depth from the tobacco leaf and tonka. I don't get any smoke whatsoever but only the slight sweetish, incensey smell of dry tobacco with a back up of creaminess. Sweet but no cloying, deep and rich with that 'light' orange blossom sitting on top, this is a beautiful scent.
  8. saralaughs

    Goliath Birdwing

    Musky, lemon anise. Clean musk, a bit powdery with a lemon/anise tinge.
  9. saralaughs

    Blue Morpho

    A sweetly tart floral, this is pretty beautiful. This is cool but not cold; the white amber gives it just a bit of sunshine to liven it up. Otherwise, the florals are the star here but it's not an overwhelming floral blend at all. The agave really keeps it from being a screaming floral. Very beautiful. May be bottle material. ETA: This gets powdery from the amber after a time; not me so much afterall.
  10. saralaughs

    Mourning Cloak

    A verbena blend that actually works on me. O_O The beeswax actually makes it creamy while the other notes calm it down so it doesn't scream and become something sharp. This is actually very nice considering a lot of notes in here shouldn't work on me. Still, I don't think it is something I'd wear.
  11. saralaughs

    Purple Spotted Swallowtail

    Something in this blend end up being really bland on me. It started out very fruity smoky but ended up being ... nothing? I dunno but it didn't work.
  12. saralaughs

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    Thanks for the recs ladies! Unfortunately, I've tried all of them (except the Luperci '06, which I will keep my eye out for) and those blends don't like me for various reasons.
  13. saralaughs

    Old Demons of the First Class

    Very much a darker, maybe a bit peppery, Paudan Killer Swarm. Even though coconut is not a listed note, that is what it smells like to me. Go figure.
  14. saralaughs


    This borders between good and not so good on me. I think it may be the rose that is way deep in the background. There is something that is freshly sweet about this that I love. The pineapple behaves and is juicy and refreshing smelling. The peach syrup/liquor is beautiful and realistic. But there is a powderlike note in the background that really ruins it. There shouldn't be powder in my drink! To bad because the combination of peach and pineapple in this is just gorgeous.
  15. saralaughs


    First applied, this is very much a patchouli blend. There is a nice, almost creamy background to this blend. It goes a bit powdery after a bit; I'm guessing amber or ambergris, maybe. Still very nice; I do not get the medicinal hemp note from this proto that I do from UOH2. After a few hours it drys down to this really gorgeous patchouli/creamy amber thing on me; it reminds me of a cross between Jacob's Ladder and Banshee Beat (minus the hemp). Very nice and a keeper. For now.
  16. saralaughs


    A slightly powdery confectioners heaven. Sugary sweet cake (maybe funnel?) with rich vanilla frosting. There may be some amber in here as its a bit resinous to me as well. This is a sugar that does not play well with my skin though as it's a bit high-pitched and sharp; plastic-like almost.
  17. saralaughs


    I was hoping I would avoid the medicinal note that the hemp becomes on my skin with this proto. Sad to say, I did not. First applied, it's medicinal hemp, just like the released blend. After a bit the vanilla comes out strong but the hemp is still very much present for me. A slight patchouli note has come out as well. Very nice but not what I was looking for.
  18. saralaughs

    Playing with Dangerous Toys v2

    Wow. Sweet, sweet pink bubblegum. You know that bubblegum that is almost powdery and so filled with sugar that it has a hard time staying together in your mouth because of all the sugar? Yeah, that bubblegum. And cake. Some sort of cakey vanilla with a sort of salty sweet thing in the background. Candy heaven. But just too sweet for me.
  19. saralaughs

    Rangoon Riptide

    Beautifully juicy and sugary. Almost too sugary for me, which is saying something. The booze is very well blended in with these fruits, all of which I love. Wonderfully summerish and something I would like to drink.
  20. saralaughs

    Mary Read

    A very sharply sour aquatic on me. Rum tends to do that on my skin chemistry.
  21. saralaughs


    A soft, sensual, luxuriant blend with a wicked bite: hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond. This should have ended up better on me but it went very bad. A very sugary sweet almond that is almost caramel-like on me. Caramel does not like me; I do not like it. Or smelling like it and this scent comes too close to that for my tastes.
  22. saralaughs


    Very red musky; the patch is also prominent in this blend for me. When first trying this, I immediately thought 'this is the base for MME Moriarty' with that red musk and patchouli. This, though, does not have any plum but instead captures this glorious orange blossom that really adds a bit of soft sexiness to the red musk and patchouli. Definitely glad to have a bottle.
  23. saralaughs


    Yeah, other reviewers have said it. Orange. I got this based off the comparison to NG's Orange. A bit disappointed here as this is not like it in the end, at least on my skin. This starts out as bitter orange peel. Crazy realistic and ORANGE. Wet on the skin, the bitter peel recedes someand a sweet orange juice joins it, becoming the more dominant note. A really warm, almost manly musk joins this along with....CLOVE. You know how you stick cloves in oranges to infuse things when cooking. This is the smell of that orange. That orange with the peel still on, oozing juice after being stuck with a few cloves; not a lot of cloves, but definitely a few. While NG Orange goes from the peel of an orange to an orange blossom scent on drydown, this combines the peel, the juice, and a few cloves (and perhaps musk; not sure on that note anymore) to end things. It's a very nice scent but I'm really not a fan of cloves.
  24. saralaughs

    Titania v1

    This is a sweet floral blend, mainly. It's beautiful really. Maybe sweet pea and orchid? There is a bit of fruit in the background that helps to take the 'floral' edge off, so to speak but not enough to dominate the blend, which is good for me. Dominant fruit blends just do not work for me. But this, again, is beautiful. Also, I'm getting a creamy musk in the background, or maybe all the notes in this blend create a vanilla musk like effect. I dunno but it's a bit sultry yet very sophisticated and regal. There is this green note that pops up in the drydown as well. Like grass or stems. Very 'clean' smelling; not soapy but clean like a summer breeze.
  25. saralaughs

    Grand Guignol v4

    Very much a red musk blend. There is this apricot brandy with a bit of plum that melds so well in this. Very yummy. The brandy is what turns me off though; I tend to amp alcohol in any form and the only note this helps is red wine, anything else ends up smelling sour and off. This blend goes powdery for a bit but smooths out on the drydown into this sweet, earthy red musk. I like it but I dunno if I like it enough to get to that point.