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Everything posted by saralaughs

  1. saralaughs


    Wow. Lilac. A lilac that doesn't go soapy on me. Let me again. Ok. This was quite a surprise for me. I put it on and immediately got a sharp. almost lemony scent that was well..sharp. I really didn't think I was going to like it. Then it started to morph. The vanilla came out and the lemony whatever it was went away. I'm now left with this really elegant, smooth, creamy lilac/musk scent that is absolutely beautiful. Man, I'm getting a bottle.
  2. saralaughs


    THis has all the notes in it to be my PERFECT scent..except the caramel. I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I'm glad I did but it just didn't work on me. When first applied the caramel overwhelms me and it's not a scent I adore in the first place. After awhile the caramel calms down a bit and I get incense-y caramel with a bit of teak. Still . After about 7 hours though it's this perfect skin scent that is warm, sensual and very much NOM worthy. I just can't wait 7 hours for that to happen.
  3. saralaughs

    Dia de los Muertos

    2006- Well, a lovely blend. Sugar, smoke, a light white floral and something else making a sort of powdery note. The floral is stronger (on me) than anything else, with the smoke backing it up with a little bit of the sugar in the mix. I like it quite a bit. Too bad my skin ate most of it within an hour. Afterward, I'm left with floral. Not bad, but not what I was looking for. I think this may be off to swapland.
  4. saralaughs

    All Souls

    I really don't get any "cake" out of All Souls. It goes on with a florally incense and stays that way...well, the floral goes away but I'm stuck with the incense and maybe a *hint* of sugar. Off to swaps for me!
  5. saralaughs


    Seriously, if you're looking for a caramel apple scent this fall, BUY this. On me, it's not a pure caramel apple, which is fine...if I wanted a plain caramel apple scent, there are tons of etailers I could go to. This? This is much deeper with the butterscotch and rum bringing it to a whole other level for me! Another fall winner!
  6. saralaughs

    Punkie Night

    Punkie Night is quite the fall scent for me. I love apples! Apple cider, apple orchards, apple pie, apple!! Right out of the bottle you smell crisp, juicy sweet apples that are also tart and lovely! After applying I immediately get some spice so it turns into a warm mulled apple cider for me with a peak of the cranberry to add a litte lightness to it. Love this scent! Love it! It does tend to fade fast on me so I'll be slathering!
  7. saralaughs

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    With MME I'm getting mostly red musk and patchouli when first applied...about an hour down the road the plum peaks in to add a light fruitiness to the mix as well as a little creaminess....I think that may be the vanilla too..but they both are happy to sit in the background while the musk runs the show. It's a nice show. I like...it's not overbearing but very there...this scent has a presence that makes you sit up and take notice.
  8. saralaughs

    Baobhan Sith

    Very citrus-y, along with some tea and ginger to spice it up. I like the blend a lot. It's freshing yet warm. I'll keep the imp but not bottle worthy.
  9. saralaughs

    March Hare

    Apricot and clove. Yup. It kinda reminds me of Jack a little; only with no pumpkin.
  10. saralaughs


    Midnight is made up of (usually) the only kind of florals I like...fresh, white and light. Only Midnight makes it clear that it's alll about the dark. I smell lovely night-blooms and something wet; like there is dew on the ground. Then something goes manly on me. Too manly and I feel like I should look for aftershave. If I wait for that to calm down, I get my lovely night-blooms again. I just don't know if I can handle that stage and there are others that are of the same style that I like more.
  11. saralaughs

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Spicy cherry lollipops. Yup. Peppery suckers. It would be nice if I could somehow equate that in my head but it just seems so weird to me. A unique blend but not for me.
  12. saralaughs

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    OMG I'm in love! The Mum starts off very boozy methinks; I can also smell the opium right away. As it shifts (like a woman's garmet, shifting as she walks...softly yet swiftly) I get a little ginger; a little cream but the booze is still there as well as the opium. After a little while longer it continues to deepen. The Mum comes out to play as well as the musk; it really is so well blended that all the notes play together and beautifully. I love it. I calls to mind a very swauve lady; one that has a fine dress on. But hinding underneath that dress? No panties with grass stains on her knees.
  13. saralaughs

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    I got a frimp (decant) in a swap recently and I'm glad that I tried it. It starts out as a sweet, tart citrus (I guess that would be the grapefruit everyone is talking about) and then morphs into a nice dry woody scent. Although, as I said it is nice, it's not me. This stage lasts about 2 hours on me until settling into a smoky, tart vanilla. I love it but it takes hours to get there. I'm not sure as I have the patience to go through the wood to get to the vanilla.
  14. saralaughs

    The Unicorn

    Upon first application The Unicorn is sweet, white florals softly speaking of innocence to me. Soft, subtle and light. Quite airy but yet moist as well. It'd be a great scent for those "white flowing dress" days of summer. I like.
  15. saralaughs


    Unfortunately, with Florence all I have to do is quote this review.
  16. saralaughs


    This is such a smooth, clean scent. I smell light colored florals as well as freshly washed linen. Very very comforting to me in a way. While it does smell like freshly washed laundry, if this is like laundry detergent, it's got to be the lightest most lovely laundry detergent EVER. I'll definitely keep the imp but I'm unsure of a bottle yet.
  17. saralaughs


    What a lovely fall scent! Creamy pumpkin goodness with a little spice and a little sweet and everything nice!
  18. saralaughs


    Oh my. I have to say that I'm so glad I got this. I agree with everything that is stated Brianne! It's so refreshing, wet and just...lovely sea smelling. Sea with a little mint. A lovely blend and a keeper for sure.
  19. saralaughs

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Ok...I'll start out by saying that The Star (tarot oil) is one of my favorite Bpal blends. I love the tangy coconut thing it has going on. Now, with that said Carnaval Diabolique starts off on my skin as The Star. Oh...but it's not done yet. As it dries down, it morphs and the opium smoke comes out to play, while the lemon sits down, humbles itself and lets other scents come out. The coconut is there; but it's taken a seat by the lemon while the smoke, vanilla and the florals play. I really love this. The more I sniff it, I love it. It's dark, yet playful. Playful like a tiger.
  20. saralaughs

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Midnight on the Midway is definitely one of the ones I'm undecided about. In the bottle it is all sugary incense, as some have said. Immediately upon application, I get a floral/sugar soapy-ness that I'm not sure is the right type of scent for me. Don't get me wrong. It's beautiful and smacks of a black sky, one with a high moon...and just-crushed petals under your feet. Wait. The incense just poked it's head into the picture, saving the scent from becoming all out soap for me. The florals are still there, along with the sugar. They've blended together in a way that is clean yet "trampy" smelling, if you ken it. This is turning out nicely on me. I think I may keep the bottle.
  21. saralaughs

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    I really thought I was going to love this. Really. Upon application it was like like a visitation of my fav Bpal EVER....Antique Lace. A chocolate Antique Lace. ::drool:: It stayed that way for a little...then the drydown happened. It turned into chocolate nail polish remover. I think my skin is pissed at me or something...decided to tease me with something sooo beautiful and then give me something ugly. I'm bummed. It started out soo beautifully. It may work on others...I think the nail polish may be my chemistry....I may try it again in a few days.
  22. saralaughs


    Oh the beauty! Ladon, to me, is a combination of two of my fav Bpal blends ever. The Hesperides and Pele. Oh my. Think of the light, tropical florals of Pele mingling ever so well and lovingly with the crisp apples of TH. Just lovely. *on the bottle list*
  23. saralaughs

    Mag Mell

    Mag Mell is definitely a rich, fresh green scent to me. It starts out with the verbena and I get that "lemony-lime" citrus thing going. As it dries down, it is joined with ginger and the grass (and maybe sage) comes in to take it deeper...along with the amber, which is very tame yet very present. Again, it is a very fresh and alive scent to me, somehow. It makes me think of golden sunshine playing on fresh grass...newly uncovered of snow. A spring scent, if I ever smelled one.
  24. saralaughs


    Holy Almond! In the imp: Total almond. First applied: Almond soapiness. Morphing: into an almond medicine smell that I don't know if I'll be able to sit through...ohh..there it goes. The medicine smell has turned into a floral/light spice that is nice. I think it's the jasmine and river lilies that I may be getting. Very nice but not me. Off to swaps.
  25. saralaughs

    Les Bijoux

    I think I've fallen. I totally love this. I don't know how the hell Beth did it but she's made me go gaga over a rose blend. It starts out as a very ripe apple with a hint of peach to it and quickly morphs into the floral stage. I was scared a little because I loathe rose, except wild growing ones...and it's hard to find a perfume that captures that. Well, Beth took that "hard" and whomped it's ass. It morphs into this lovely wild rose that is tempered and enhanced by the frankinscense and musk and probably a little by the orange blossom. It's light, airy and reminds me of being out in the backyard of the house that I grew up in as a little girl. Thank you Beth. Truly. Thank you.