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Everything posted by saralaughs

  1. saralaughs

    Temple Viper

    A very sugary, resinous snake to be sure. It goes on very sugary but is quickly joined by the frankincense. After awhile there is a bit of Snake Oil peeking its head through the blend, but mainly it stays sugared incense on me for a long time. I definitely do not get any floral at all.
  2. saralaughs

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    This is definitely smooth. I get oakmoss straight off when applied. Then a bit of an herbal (the olive leaf maybe?) comes out and deepens it even more. After a bit it smooths out and the Snake Oil is there to play. A gorgeous manly scent.
  3. saralaughs

    So you're devastated about Antique Lace...

    Um...Liz. Seriously. If you like leather and smoke (just a *bit* of smoke, not much), you need to try Liz.
  4. saralaughs


    This is a beautiful, comforting scent. When first applied, it's grass. Not sharp grass, but a sweet almost green grass. After a bit, there is this inclusion of musk (maybe?). It does smell sort of...furry...but good furry, like comforting furry. Warm and playful yet loving. This is that scent. As it gets further into the drydown, I get more wildflowers but it is still mainly grassy furry baby in the sunshine. Lovely and I'll keep it when I need to be warmed and comforted.
  5. saralaughs


    Oh killmenow. Liz is sweet, sweet vanilla with a bit of floral going on wet. You know that just applied Antique Lace smell? Yeah, that is Liz. Only Liz is naughty. As it dries, the vanilla stays nice and sweet (as in AL) but leather comes into play with a bit of smoke (not a lot...just a bit). Imma need a bottle. Or two.
  6. saralaughs

    Under the Harvest Moon

    This comes close to being wonderful on me. The musk is clear and a bit sharp in here, with the lavendar calming it down. The rose is barely noticable to me. The carnation, however, is the reason this is not going to be bottle-worthy for me. It mixes horrorably with a sharp note in the blend (I'm thinking the musks but I dunno for sure) and becomes strong, spicy, sharp baby power on me. Not pleasant.
  7. saralaughs

    So you're devastated about Antique Lace...

    Thanks for the list Ivy. I'll make my notes next to the list below... LEs Atrocious Attic - more floral, but with similar lineny notes I found this to be too understated. It was weird on me. Bearded Lady Never tried. I probably won't get the chance. Berenice I'll have to hunt it down. Black Lace - pretty hard to find so if you are new to BPAL, skip for now Total yuck on me. Boo (current Halloweenie) - vanilla with a little linen Total chemcially yuck on me. Cottonmouth (current Carnaval Diabolique) Must try now that you've said this. Enraged Bunny Musk This was too musky, not enough vanilla for my tastes. The Girl (current Halloweenie) This is nice but I don't get any vanilla out of it. More of a creaminess. I do get the comparison in some ways though. If you want to know more, my review is in the thread. Hope and Faith (current CD) - rose and violet AL respectively Haven't tried. Rose and violet just aren't my thing. La Fee Verte - another HTF one Haven't tried. From your note, I probably won't either. Love's Philosophy This didn't work on me like I wanted it to. I liked Her Voice more. Monsterbait: Underpants - if you don't have it now, pretend you didn't see this, but enough people mentioned it in reviews that I thought I'd note it. Yucky. I know, I know...blasphemy. Opuhi Love this. Love. But it doesn't remind me of AL. It's more of a tropical vanilla, if you will. The Oval Portrait Tried this. Don't remember it. *shrug* Pink Moon 2007 Snow White Didn't work on me. Went herby. White Rose I'll be back (tomorrow maybe?) to do the GC's.
  8. saralaughs


    Bright. Light. Lovely. With first application, I immediately get something citrus and sharp, almost lemongrassy. Then I get a light peach scent that is blended well with the bergamot and musk. I sense a floral hanging in the background but that's all it does. This is really lovely. I'll keep the imp for now but I don't know if I need a bottle.
  9. saralaughs

    Lilith Victoria

    Astringent in the bottle. After being applied, it stays that way for awhile. So much so, that after half an hour, I figured that I would have to get rid of it. Then she morphed. Oh did she. The Snake Oil comes to the front and tries to dominate the blend but Dorian is right there, grounding it. Together they play well and I can hardly smell the lavendar and fennel. Just this smooth, confident, sweet but clean (yet also a bit dirty--still from the snake oil) vanilla. Love it. Now I have to go through another test to see if I can stand the astringent smell long enough for it to disappear.
  10. saralaughs


    Coke. Apricot-y coke-a-cola.
  11. This starts out really very sharp on me. It calms down really very fast, with the woods overwhelming. I don't get much vanilla at all and the tobacco is a side player at all times. This really is very manly on me. The vanilla (what is there) is more of a herbal vanilla rather than a creamy vanilla. It'd smell lovely on a man (and I may try it on my SO ) but not a scent I'd pick out for myself.
  12. saralaughs

    The Girl

    A seductive, serpentine white scent, elusive, crystalline, and spellbinding: white amber, silver birch, immortelle, davana, pale musk, star jasmine, and ylang ylang. I had to try this as I saw many references to The Girl and Antique Lace being alike. The only thing I see as a similarity would be the feel of "old". The Girl doesn't smell anything like Antique Lace to me. They do share a "feel" though. The Girl is very soft and light, yet there is a mysteriousness about her. I get the amber and florals and they go well together in this. It has a very "cold" quality to it. Where as Antique Lace is "warm and old", The Girl is "cold and old". And I don't mean "old" here as in "That is so damn old" but as in an ancient thing that has knowledge that would scare your underware into riding your ass. Lovely.
  13. saralaughs

    Mircalla, Countess Karnstein

    Mircalla is crazy sexy love. Yes, red musk amps on me in this but the orchid makes it sweet I think. Also, the patchouli and clove hold it down and keep it from going feral on me. It's a really nice, rich red musk blend and reminds me A LOT of Ecstasy of Passion. As I like EofP more, I don't think I'll need Mircalla.
  14. saralaughs

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    WHOA spice! When first applying that is all I get. Just spice. As it settles, there is the really yummy pumpkin. And with it comes a bit of vanilla bean. It does remind me of a pumpkin coffee drink. I like it a lot. Just not on me.
  15. saralaughs

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    This blend is lovely. It's true pumpkin on me. The honey is very nice and adds a non-sugary sweetness to the blend while the almond gives it a roundness. The almond isn't really pronounced on me. This was very much what I would think Her Voice would smell like with the addition of pumpkin (minus the floral). Not sure if I like pumpkin at all on my skin though.
  16. saralaughs

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    This really does bring to mind what I think of when I imagine Lilith. The scent is sweet (sugar and coconut) and a bit tart (the pom) or sharp. It has this air of confidence that I think a child of Beth and Puddin' would have. Very adverturous yet smart and mischevious. I totally get Lilith in this scent. I'm just not sure it's me or that I will wear it often. I'm going to keep it for now just because the label art is adorable.
  17. saralaughs


    This just isn't my snake. Very rich cocoa with a bit of milk balancing out the Snake Oil. I should like (or even possibly love) but I don't. Something about the mixture of the additions with the Snake Oil just don't call to me. It smells nice and rich but it is not claling my name.
  18. saralaughs

    Cake Smash

    After testing Lambs Wool and finally admitting to myself that I love food smells but don't want to smell like them all day (they're awesome in soaps and scrubs but I don't want them to linger), I immediately thought "Well, Cake Smash is going to have to go, too". Boy was I wrong. This is a sweet, chocolate perfume on me. It's not foody enough that I feel like I'm walking around with a big giant CAKE sign on my forehead but it's got those sweet elements to it. It smells like a really expensive, really good, chocolate non-commerical perfume...which screams Beth. Lovely blend for a lovely occasion.
  19. saralaughs


    A popular holy day beverage in 18th century Ireland: roasted apples mashed into warmed milk and ale, with nutmeg, sugar, ginger, and clove. Ok, this is a lovely fall scent. It's apples, but not crisp apple at all. It's baked apple with a bit of cream and spices. It smells like the inside of a kitchen in fall...warm and steamy. Here's the thing I learned with this bottle though. I love the smell of this. The yummy smells of apples and cream and spice all mixed together. I love to smell it, I just don't want to smell like it. I think, from now on, my addiction to foody-smells are best left in scrubs and soaps. Off to swaps...
  20. saralaughs

    Giant Vulva

    I'm confused. By the notes, I should love this blend. I mean musk, vanilla flower, beeswax, and cobal? Hello. That's me. But something is a bit different. There is a tangy, sharp, almost citrus note that is hanging this up for me. I think that might be the skin musk. Maybe I've found a musk that does not like me. But yet... If I don't huff my wrist, I get waffs of smell that are really lovely...a smell that is calling me to huff, then I do. And there is that sharp note. I need to learn to just put it on and not huff. Just to enjoy those waffs of deliciousness. If I can get over the (sometimes) sharp note, I'll keep the bottle. I may give it an all day test later in the week, just to see.
  21. saralaughs

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    This. Except it's not too fruity for my tastes...it's just it's a bit too sharp. The tea and ginger totally dominate in the blend on me and I was hoping for more blueberry. Thing is, if I wait awhile I get this warm, vanilla blueberry tea that is smoother than what I first applied. I dunno. I think I'm going to keep it for now and do a full-day test drive to see how it acts over time. And no crawdad dreams for me while I was pregnant. Funnily enough, mine were about monster blueberry muffins. It may be because I ate so many of them.
  22. saralaughs

    Velvet Unicorn

    I keep wanting Bpal foodies/ultimate sweets to work on me. I do. I really, really do. On this was sugar, sugar, sugar, vanilla-ed plastic strawberry. Something about my chemistry can not do straight up foody/sweet scents. I need to get that through my thick skull. It's hard though. I'm such a foodie at heart.
  23. saralaughs


    I have to mirror kerikeri's comments. Agape (which I got to try thanks to a very lovely forumite ) starts out very juicy and sharp smelling from the passionfruit and guava. After a bit the apple comes out and the sharpness starts to fade, leaving only juicy apple. While it continues to dry, the vanilla cream is there, rounding out the blend. The carnation then comes into play for me, adding a bit of floral spice. It's a very fun, beautiful scent. I just don't know if it's "me" yet.
  24. saralaughs

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I'll second the Lyonesse (if you like amber as well). It's a really warm, lovely, creamy vanilla/amber to me.
  25. saralaughs

    Machu Picchu

    This is beautiful. Unfortunately, it's not my type of scent. It's very green with a strong citrus undertone. It smells wet, green, lush, and fruity. I lvoe it and I think Beth did a great job representing the place. I'm just not a huge fan of citrus and this has too much of that type of undertone for me. If you're a green lover or a citrus lover, this is definitely for you. It screams coolness in a hot climate and would be perfect for summer days.